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Презентация на тему : "Времена года"

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Презентация для учеников 5 класса "Времена года"

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«Презентация на тему : "Времена года"»

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you!

Good morning, boys and girls!

I’m glad to see you!







This is a season  When mornings are dark,  And birds do not sing  In the forests and parks. This is the season  When children ski, Play snowballs and dance  round the New Year Tree. Read the poem, guess the season This is a season  when nights are short. And children are full of fun and sport. Playing and swimming all day long   Will make them  healthy and strong.   This is a season  when fruit is sweet, This is a season  when school friends meet,  When noisy and gay,  And brown in the sun,  With their books and bags  To school they run  This is a season  when leaves fall down Red, orange, yellow, brown . This is a season When snowdrops bloom, When nobody likes To be in the room. This is a season When birds make their nests; This is a season We all like best.

This is a season When mornings are dark, And birds do not sing In the forests and parks.

This is the season When children ski,

Play snowballs and dance

round the New Year Tree.

Read the poem, guess the season

This is a season

when nights are short.

And children are full

of fun and sport.

Playing and swimming all day long  

Will make them

healthy and strong.  

This is a season

when fruit is sweet,

This is a season

when school friends meet,

When noisy and gay,

And brown in the sun,

With their books and bags

To school they run This is a season

when leaves fall down

Red, orange, yellow, brown .

This is a season

When snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes

To be in the room.

This is a season

When birds make their nests;

This is a season

We all like best.













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th ð

Tongue twister

Tongue twister

What’s the weather like ? It is……

What’s the weather like ?

It is……

What’s the weather like today?

What’s the weather like today?

  • It is sunny.
  • It is cloudy.
  • It’s snowy.
  • It’s rainy.
  • It’s foggy.
  • It’s warm.
  • It’s hot.
  • It is cold.
Open your textbooks. Page 86 .
  • Open your textbooks. Page 86 .
The Present Continuous Tense  we use the present continuous  to talk about activities happening now .  I am  He is   now  She is  at the moment  It is  v  ing  You are  We are  They are

The Present Continuous Tense we use the present continuous  to talk about activities happening now .

I am

He is


She is at the moment

It is v ing

You are

We are

They are

to snow, to rain, to freeze

to snow, to rain, to freeze

  • It is snow ing now.
  • It is rain ing now.
  • It is freez ing .
to shine, to blow The sun is shin ing The wind is blow ing

to shine, to blow

The sun is shin ing

The wind is blow ing

Let’s have a rest!

Let’s have a rest!

“ Weather” is the main point for discussion in Britain.

Weather” is the main point for discussion in Britain.

What’s the weather like today?

What’s the weather like today?

  • It’s a lovely day!
  • It’s nice
  • It’s warm
  • It’s very hot
  • It’s fabulous!
  • It’s awful!
  • It’s terrible!
  • It’s cold
  • It’s freezing!
A short telephone conversation

A short telephone conversation

  • -Hi, Lisa. Where are you?
  • -I’m in ……….
  • -What’s the weather like in………. today?
  • -It’s ……………..
  • -What a pity!/ You’re lucky
The lesson is over.  Thank you for your work!

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work!

  • Hometask workbook p.53 ex. 1,2,3

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация на тему : "Времена года"

Автор: Дорджиева Валентина Бамбаевна

Дата: 24.02.2019

Номер свидетельства: 501108

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