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Презентация на тему "In The World Of Professions"

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«Презентация на тему "In The World Of Professions"»

In The World  Of Professions

In The World Of Professions

a doctor

a doctor

a pilot

a pilot

+ a nurse


a nurse

an engineer  [endʒɪˈnɪə]

an engineer


a teacher  [ˈtiːtſə]

a teacher


a singer  [ˈsɪŋə]

a singer


a driver [ˈdraɪvə]

a driver


a worker   [ˈwəːkə]

a worker


a builder  [ˈbɪldə]

a builder


What do you want to be?

What do you want to be?

I am  a pupil. am  I am not a pupil.  Am I a pupil?  He is a doctor. to be is  He is not a doctor.  Is he a doctor?  They are pilots. are  They are not pilots. Are
  • I am a pupil.


  • I am not a pupil.
  • Am I a pupil?
  • He is a doctor.

to be


  • He is not a doctor.
  • Is he a doctor?
  • They are pilots.


  • They are not pilots.
  • Are they pilots?
Let’s do some exercises!

Let’s do some exercises!

Find the mistakes and translate the sentences (Найди ошибки и переведи предложения): 1. I am a dancer. I is a dancer.  He am not a runner.  We is singers.  Is I a builder?  I are not a teacher.  She am not an artist.  Am you a driver?  They is not swimmers. 2. He is not a runner. 3. We are singers.  4. Am I a builder? 5. I am not a teacher. 6. She is not an artist. 7. Are you a driver? 8. They are not swimmers.

Find the mistakes and translate the sentences

(Найди ошибки и переведи предложения):

1. I am a dancer.

  • I is a dancer.

  • He am not a runner.

  • We is singers.

  • Is I a builder?

  • I are not a teacher.

  • She am not an artist.

  • Am you a driver?

  • They is not swimmers.

2. He is not a runner.

3. We are singers.

4. Am I a builder?

5. I am not a teacher.

6. She is not an artist.

7. Are you a driver?

8. They are not swimmers.

Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of to be . Translate the sentences (Вставь глагол to be в нужной форме и переведи предложения): am  I …… a doctor.   They …… artists.  …… you a dentist?  …… I an engineer?  I …… not an officer.  …… she a housewife?   My mother …… not an economist.   We ……… not pupils. are Are Am am Is is are

Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of to be . Translate the sentences

(Вставь глагол to be в нужной форме и переведи предложения):


  • I …… a doctor.

  • They …… artists.

  • …… you a dentist?

  • …… I an engineer?

  • I …… not an officer.

  • …… she a housewife?

  • My mother …… not an economist.

  • We ……… not pupils.








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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Презентация на тему "In The World Of Professions"

Автор: Курбанмагомедова Луиза Магомедовна

Дата: 02.12.2019

Номер свидетельства: 529912

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