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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 9 классе "Моя будущая профессия"

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка в 9 классе "Моя будущая профессия"»

My future profession is a doctor  Van-shi Maria 9 class FULFILLED: NATALIA DEMCHENKO

My future profession is a doctor

Van-shi Maria 9 class


There are many interesting and noble professions. Indeed, any profession and the significant lack of workers in a given area affects the population. I want my future profession to be connected with the medicine. Though it is very difficult. I’ll have to learn, work hard for education. Be a good doctor is a great hard work.

There are many interesting and noble professions. Indeed, any profession and the significant lack of workers in a given area affects the population. I want my future profession to be connected with the medicine. Though it is very difficult. I’ll have to learn, work hard for education. Be a good doctor is a great hard work.

A doctor can’t make a mistake. He must help people at any time of the day. Qualified specialist always diagnoses and institutes therapy correctly. Human life often depends on professionalism of a doctor. They must be very heedful and openhearted people. A doctor always must worry about a health  of his patient.

A doctor can’t make a mistake. He must help people at any time of the day. Qualified specialist always diagnoses and institutes therapy correctly. Human life often depends on professionalism of a doctor. They must be very heedful and openhearted people. A doctor always must worry about a health

of his patient.

Now we choose a profession focusing on its demand in the community, and sufficient payment. And the best option is to combine these two factors and satisfaction from what we’re doing.

Now we choose a profession focusing on its demand in the community, and sufficient payment. And the best option is to combine these two factors and satisfaction from what we’re doing.

Unfortunately Doctor’s work is very difficult and not always well paid but at the same time it’s very respectable

Unfortunately Doctor’s work is very difficult and not always well paid but at the same time it’s very respectable

Everyone wants to get pleasure from his job. Not everyone can do his work with pleasure-if you are ready for all kinds of difficulties, and you like what you do, you'll be able to achieve fascinating results and realize your dreams

Everyone wants to get pleasure from his job. Not everyone can do his work with pleasure-if you are ready for all kinds of difficulties, and you like what you do, you'll be able to achieve fascinating results and realize your dreams

medical profession will always be in demand. That’s why this century scientists called “the century of medicine”, biology and chemistry the most amazing careers can be made by representatives of these professions.

medical profession will always be in demand. That’s why this century scientists called “the century of medicine”, biology and chemistry the most amazing careers can be made by representatives of these professions.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 9 классе "Моя будущая профессия"

Автор: Тимошенко Наталья Владимировна

Дата: 18.04.2019

Номер свидетельства: 507583

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