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Презентация " Hobby"

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«Презентация " Hobby"»

How do you spend your free time? Hobbies

How do you spend your free time?


  Jogging  – бег трусцой  Dancing  – танцевать  Watching TV or vi deos – смотреть ТВ или видео  Listening to music  – слушать музыку  Excercise  – делать упражнения  Playing musical instrument  – играть на музыкальном инструменте  Going out  – идти гулять  Knitting  – вязать  Sewing  – шить  Источники:


Jogging  – бег трусцой

Dancing  – танцевать

Watching TV or vi deos – смотреть ТВ или видео

Listening to music  – слушать музыку

Excercise  – делать упражнения

Playing musical instrument  – играть на музыкальном инструменте

Going out  – идти гулять

Knitting  – вязать

Sewing  – шить Источники:

shopping  – ходить по магазинам  scuba diving  - дайвинг, подводное плавание с аквалангом  cutting the grass  – стричь траву  rollerblading  -  катание на роликах  eating out  – есть вне дома  cycling  – катание на велосипеде  canoeing  – плавание на каноэ  surfing the net  – сидеть, лазить в интернете  gardening  - садоводство  snorkelling  – плавать с подводной трубкой  ice skating  – катание на коньках

shopping  – ходить по магазинам

scuba diving  - дайвинг, подводное плавание с аквалангом

cutting the grass  – стричь траву

rollerblading  -  катание на роликах

eating out  – есть вне дома

cycling  – катание на велосипеде

canoeing  – плавание на каноэ

surfing the net  – сидеть, лазить в интернете

gardening  - садоводство

snorkelling  – плавать с подводной трубкой

ice skating  – катание на коньках

fishing  – заниматься рыбалкой  cooking  – готовка  walking  – прогулка  reading  – чтение  pottery  – гончарное дело, керамика  carpentry  – плотничье дело  swimming  – плавание  painting  – рисование  photography  – фотография  yoga  – йога  riding  – катание  mountain climbing  – альпинизм  water-skiing  – водные лыжи  dressmaking  – шитье, пошив

fishing  – заниматься рыбалкой

cooking  – готовка

walking  – прогулка

reading  – чтение

pottery  – гончарное дело, керамика

carpentry  – плотничье дело

swimming  – плавание

painting  – рисование

photography  – фотография

yoga  – йога

riding  – катание

mountain climbing  – альпинизм

water-skiing  – водные лыжи

dressmaking  – шитье, пошив

Answer the questions:

Answer the questions:

  • What hobbies do people have?
  • What hobbies do you like?
  • What is your favourite hobby?
  • How long have you been doing this hobby?
  • Why have you chosen this hobby?
Read the text Read the text.

Read the text

Read the text.

  Hello! My name is Mary. I'm from Spain and I would like to speak about my free time and how I spend it.   I'm a student, so I study a lot but as a student I also try to have fun and spend my free time in the way I want to. Usually when I'm tired, I like relaxing. I can go out somewhere with my friends, or go to the sea. I also like going to eat something nice, to cook something tasty or just watch a movie and try not to think about problems.   The other way of spending my free time if I am not tired, is travelling. I think travelling is the most interesting activity for me. I can meet new people and discover something new.   I really think that travelling to other countries or going for a small trip around your village or your town that you stay in can be a wonderful thing because it gives you positive emotions and helps you relax.     .


Hello! My name is Mary. I'm from Spain and I would like to speak about my free time and how I spend it.


I'm a student, so I study a lot but as a student I also try to have fun and spend my free time in the way I want to. Usually when I'm tired, I like relaxing. I can go out somewhere with my friends, or go to the sea. I also like going to eat something nice, to cook something tasty or just watch a movie and try not to think about problems.


The other way of spending my free time if I am not tired, is travelling. I think travelling is the most interesting activity for me. I can meet new people and discover something new.


I really think that travelling to other countries or going for a small trip around your village or your town that you stay in can be a wonderful thing because it gives you positive emotions and helps you relax.




Fill in the gaps:   1. Usually when I'm tired, I like …………  . 2. I can   somewhere with my friends, or go to the sea ………  3. I can meet new people and ……………  .

Fill in the gaps:


1. Usually when I'm tired, I like …………  .

2. I can   somewhere with my friends, or go to the sea ……… 

3. I can meet new people and ……………  .

Decide If The Following Sentences True Or False? I’m a student and I study a lot. When I’m tired, I like to sleep. I try not to think about my problems. I think travelling is the most boring activity. Travelling doesn’t give you positive emotions.  True / false

Decide If The Following Sentences True Or False?

  • I’m a student and I study a lot.
  • When I’m tired, I like to sleep.
  • I try not to think about my problems.
  • I think travelling is the most boring activity.
  • Travelling doesn’t give you positive emotions.

True / false

Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация " Hobby"

Автор: Бойко Ирина Петровна

Дата: 07.06.2020

Номер свидетельства: 552818

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