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Present Simple, Present Continuous Tenses

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Данная презетация - материал для тренировки простого настоящего и длительного настоящего времени (Повествовательный и отрицательные предложения) для учеников 6  класса. В работе использована несложная лексическая нагрузка, поэтому работать с данной презентацией можно в формате "Учитель - Ученик", "Ученик - Ученик".

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«Present Simple, Present Continuous Tenses»

Present Simple &  Present Continuous  Tenses Boarding School, Pokrovka Bazay T. L., 2014

Present Simple & Present Continuous Tenses

Boarding School, Pokrovka

Bazay T. L., 2014

Present Simple Tense Present Continuous Tense Usually Now Sometimes At the moment Often…  я, мн.ч . V  я - am Ving  ед. ч . Vs  ед. ч . - is Ving  мн.ч . - are Ving  Jane lives in London.  Ben is drinking Coca-Cola.

Present Simple Tense

Present Continuous Tense




At the moment


я, мн.ч . V

я - am Ving

ед. ч . Vs

ед. ч . - is Ving

мн.ч . - are Ving

Jane lives in London. Ben is drinking Coca-Cola.

Present Simple Tense

Present Simple Tense

  • Sometimes I get/gets up at 9.00
  • Very often we skate/skates.
  • My sister drink/drinks coffee in the morning.
  • Sarah drive/drives fast.
  • Ted have/has dinner at six.
  • We do/does shopping every day.
  • Den like/likes sport.
  • They do/does homework every day.
  • His father play/plays cards.
  • Kate wash/washes hands before eating.
Present Continuous Tense 1. The cat am/is/are drinking milk. 2. I am/is/are looking at the funny animals. 3. The dolphins am/is/are swimming in the pool. 4. They am/is/are learning how to swim. 5. Sam am/is/are sitting at the desk. 6. The hens am/is/are eating the bread. 7. We am/is/are doing the homework. 8. My dog am/is/are playing with the ball. 9. The children am/is/are washing the dishes. 10. My mom am/is/are writing a letter.

Present Continuous Tense

1. The cat am/is/are drinking milk.

2. I am/is/are looking at the funny animals.

3. The dolphins am/is/are swimming in the pool.

4. They am/is/are learning how to swim.

5. Sam am/is/are sitting at the desk.

6. The hens am/is/are eating the bread.

7. We am/is/are doing the homework.

8. My dog am/is/are playing with the ball.

9. The children am/is/are washing the dishes.

10. My mom am/is/are writing a letter.

Open the brackets 1. I (read) a book now. 2. Ken (swim) very well. 3. They (play) hockey every day. 4. The boys (play) football now. 5. She (take) the shower. 6. We (like) to feed our dog. 7. The girls (cook) very well. 8. My father (ride) a horse well. 9. Our teachers (work) now. 10. I (watch) TV in the evening.

Open the brackets

1. I (read) a book now.

2. Ken (swim) very well.

3. They (play) hockey every day.

4. The boys (play) football now.

5. She (take) the shower.

6. We (like) to feed our dog.

7. The girls (cook) very well.

8. My father (ride) a horse well.

9. Our teachers (work) now.

10. I (watch) TV in the evening.

Present Continuous Tense (negative) Present Simple Tense (negative) Я, мн. ч. do not (don’t) Я am not V ing   Ед. ч . does not (doesn’t) Ед. ч . is not V ing   Мн. ч . are not V ing         Jane doesn’t live in London.  Ben is not drinking Coca-Cola.

Present Continuous Tense (negative)

Present Simple Tense


Я, мн. ч. do not (don’t)

Я am not V ing

Ед. ч . does not (doesn’t)

Ед. ч . is not V ing

Мн. ч . are not V ing

Jane doesn’t live in London. Ben is not drinking Coca-Cola.

Make negative

Make negative

  • She is playing the piano.
  • His name is Don.
  • We swim in this river often.
  • Dima is reading now.
  • Denis studies very well.
  • They are having breakfast now.
  • He speaks English and French.
  • Sam is walking his dog out.
  • Mary is standing at the window.
  • I drink coffee with milk.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Present Simple, Present Continuous Tenses

Автор: Базай Татьяна Леонидовна

Дата: 18.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 278526

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