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Predictions. Предсказание.

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«Predictions. Предсказание.»

Predictions Module 5


Module 5

Predictions - a statement about what you think will happen in the future


- a statement about what you think will happen in the future



Match the picture and the following phrases:

Match the picture and the following phrases:

  • online school
  • special suits
  • glass domes
  • flying cars
  • underwater cities
  • robotic housemaids
be very different a)live be so polluted b)a flying vessel that can travel to the moon exist c)have the money you need to pay for smth mini-submarines d)when cars are stopped in the streets because there are too many of them moon-shuttle e)not be the same have enough money f)small ships that travel underwater believe g)substance that produces energy when burnt traffic jams h)think fuel i)be very dirty cause pollution j)to make the environment dirty

be very different


be so polluted

b)a flying vessel that can travel to the moon


c)have the money you need to pay for smth


d)when cars are stopped in the streets because there are too many of them


e)not be the same

have enough money

f)small ships that travel underwater


g)substance that produces energy when burnt

traffic jams



i)be very dirty

cause pollution

j)to make the environment dirty

I think we will drive flying cars.
  • I think we will drive flying cars.
Future Simple will/won’t V 1 He thinks he __________

Future Simple

will/won’t V 1

He thinks he __________

will won’t will won’t





First conditional

First conditional

  • If ___+ V/Vs , __ will/won’t V 1.
  • If ___+ don’t/doesn’t V , __ will/won’t V 1.
Ex.5 p.47

Ex.5 p.47

  • If ___+ V/Vs , __ will/won’t V 1.
  • If ___+ don’t/doesn’t V 1 , __ will/won’t V 1.
Look after, look up, look for, look forward to looking forward to look after looking for look up

Look after, look up, look for, look forward to

looking forward to

look after

looking for

look up

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Predictions. Предсказание.

Автор: Олейник Кристина Ивановна

Дата: 12.01.2020

Номер свидетельства: 535400

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