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Writing an Informal Letter

The introductory paragraph

   should be started with a sentence that piques the interest of the reader. Make a few chatty comments or ask a few personal questions.

? How are you getting on?

? Thank you for your last letter. It was great to hear from you. Sorry for not replying to you sooner but I was really busy.

? Thanks for writing back so quickly…

? Thank you very much for your letter. Sorry, I        haven’t written to you so long. I was busy with my studies.

? Sorry I haven’t written for ages…

The body of the informal letter

The introduction should flow smoothly into the body, where you will talk about the main subject of your letter. “In your letter you ask(ed) me about.”, “It’s great that.” If you are going to be discussing more than one topic, you can say “To begin with, I need to tell you…” Keep the tone of your informal letter on the conversational level.

The informal letter sample




Dear Kate,

    Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written for so long. I was busy with my studies.

    In your letter you ask me about my family. I have a mother, a father and a sister. We try to spend much time together. My mother is a doctor, she is very beautiful and kind. My father is a manager. He is intelligent.

    It’s great that you are going to buy a pet! Was it your idea? Are you planning to have a dog? What about a name for your pet?

    Sorry, I must finish. Write back soon.

Best wishes,


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«Правила написания личного письма »

Writing an Informal Letter

Writing an Informal Letter

Address  Moscow,Russia  March,24,2011 Kazan Russia 12/05/2013







Greetings for the informal letter Dear Clara, Dear Tania, Dear Bill,

Greetings for the informal letter

Dear Clara,

Dear Tania,

Dear Bill,

The introductory paragraph    should be started with a sentence that piques the interest of the reader. Make a few chatty comments or ask a few personal questions. ● How are you getting on? ● Thank you for your last letter. It was great to hear from you. Sorry for not replying to you sooner but I was really busy. ● Thanks for writing back so quickly… ● Thank you very much for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you so long. I was busy with my studies. ● Sorry I haven’t written for ages…

The introductory paragraph

should be started with a sentence that piques the interest of the reader. Make a few chatty comments or ask a few personal questions.

● How are you getting on?

● Thank you for your last letter. It was great to hear from you. Sorry for not replying to you sooner but I was really busy.

● Thanks for writing back so quickly…

● Thank you very much for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you so long. I was busy with my studies.

● Sorry I haven’t written for ages…

The body of the informal letter  The introduction should flow smoothly into the body, where you will talk about the main subject of your letter. “In your letter you ask(ed) me about...”, “It’s great that...” If you are going to be discussing more than one topic, you can say “To begin with, I need to tell you…” Keep the tone of your informal letter on the conversational level.

The body of the informal letter

The introduction should flow smoothly into the body, where you will talk about the main subject of your letter. “In your letter you ask(ed) me about...”, “It’s great that...” If you are going to be discussing more than one topic, you can say “To begin with, I need to tell you…” Keep the tone of your informal letter on the conversational level.

Linking words Also, However, Actually, In fact, As a matter of fact, Anyway, As you know,

Linking words




In fact,

As a matter of fact,


As you know,

The complimentary close Finish the letter with an excuse to stop writing. The appropriate phrases are: ● Sorry, I must finish as I have to do my project work. Write back soon ● All the best, ● Love, ● Best wishes, ● Yours,

The complimentary close

Finish the letter with an excuse to stop writing. The appropriate phrases are:

● Sorry, I must finish as I have to do my project work. Write back soon

● All the best,

● Love,

● Best wishes,

● Yours,

The signature Whether you sign only your first name, nickname or full name will depend on the relationship.  Love, Best wishes,  Helen Sergey

The signature

Whether you sign only your first name, nickname or full name will depend on the relationship.

Love, Best wishes,

Helen Sergey

The informal letter sample   Kazan Russia 12/05/2013 Dear Kate,  Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written for so long. I was busy with my studies.  In your letter you ask me about my family. I have a mother, a father and a sister. We try to spend much time together . My mother is a doctor, she is very beautiful and kind. My father is a manager. He is intelligent.  It’s great that you are going to buy a pet! Was it your idea? Are you planning to have a dog? What about a name for your pet?  Sorry, I must finish. Write back soon. Best wishes, Sergey

The informal letter sample




Dear Kate,

Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written for so long. I was busy with my studies.

In your letter you ask me about my family. I have a mother, a father and a sister. We try to spend much time together . My mother is a doctor, she is very beautiful and kind. My father is a manager. He is intelligent.

It’s great that you are going to buy a pet! Was it your idea? Are you planning to have a dog? What about a name for your pet?

Sorry, I must finish. Write back soon.

Best wishes,


Thank you for your attention! Chernyagina Mariya Mariangel84@list.ru

Thank you for your attention!

Chernyagina Mariya

[email protected]

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Правила написания личного письма

Автор: Чернягина Мария Александровна

Дата: 05.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 217817

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