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Past Simple Tense. 3-4 класс.

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Презентация может быть использована на уроке при повторении данного грамматического материала. В презентации присутствуют как утвердительные предложения в данном времени, так и воспросительные и отрицательные. Сначала идет разминка - повторение материала, а далее уже более усложненные упражнения.

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«Past Simple Tense. 3-4 класс. »

Past Simple Tense правильных глаголов. Отрицания и общий вопрос.

Past Simple Tense

правильных глаголов.

Отрицания и общий вопрос.

Речевая зарядка Измените предложения, поставив глаголы в Past Simple I liked to play football. 1. I like to play football. 2. We watch TV when our favourite teams play. We watched TV when our favourite teams play. My mum cooked very tasty cakes. 3. My mum cooks very tasty cakes. Then I dressed. 4. Then I dress. 5. He plays tennis every day. He played tennis every day. Tim often helped his mum. 6. Tim often helps his mum. 7. We walk our cat. We walked our cat. 8. My cousin washes the floor on Sunday. My cousin washed the floor on Sunday. Girls worked in the garden. 9. Girls work in the garden. 10. Dogs bark at night. Dogs barked at night.

Речевая зарядка

Измените предложения, поставив глаголы в Past Simple

I liked to play football.

1. I like to play football.

2. We watch TV when our favourite teams play.

We watched TV when our favourite teams play.

My mum cooked very tasty cakes.

3. My mum cooks very tasty cakes.

Then I dressed.

4. Then I dress.

5. He plays tennis every day.

He played tennis every day.

Tim often helped his mum.

6. Tim often helps his mum.

7. We walk our cat.

We walked our cat.

8. My cousin washes the floor on Sunday.

My cousin washed the floor on Sunday.

Girls worked in the garden.

9. Girls work in the garden.

10. Dogs bark at night.

Dogs barked at night.

Отрицательное предложение 1 . подлежащее  2 . did not  3 . сказуемое  The mice played yesterday.  The mice play yesterday. did not ed

Отрицательное предложение

1 . подлежащее 2 . did not 3 . сказуемое

The mice played yesterday.

The mice play yesterday.

did not


Постройте отрицательные предложения I liked to play football. My friends played football after lessons. We watched TV when our favourite teams play. I walked my dog in the evening. I helped my parents. I opened the door at 7 o'clock. We walked our cat. We liked to walk. Then I dressed. My mum cooked very tasty cakes.

Постройте отрицательные предложения

  • I liked to play football.
  • My friends played football after lessons.
  • We watched TV when our favourite teams play.
  • I walked my dog in the evening.
  • I helped my parents.
  • I opened the door at 7 o'clock.
  • We walked our cat.
  • We liked to walk.
  • Then I dressed.
  • My mum cooked very tasty cakes.

Check your answers . 1. I did not like to play football. 2. My friends did not play football after lessons 3. We did not watch TV when our favourite teams play. 4. I did not walk my dog in the evening. 5. I did not help my parents. 6. I did not open the door at 7 o'clock. 7. We did not walk our cat. 8. We did not like to walk. 9. Then I did not dress. 10. My mum did not cook very tasty cakes.

Check your answers .

1. I did not like to play football.

2. My friends did not play football after lessons

3. We did not watch TV when our favourite teams play.

4. I did not walk my dog in the evening.

5. I did not help my parents.

6. I did not open the door at 7 o'clock.

7. We did not walk our cat.

8. We did not like to walk.

9. Then I did not dress.

10. My mum did not cook very tasty cakes.

Зарядка для глаз. Следи за листочками.

Зарядка для глаз. Следи за листочками.

Общий вопрос Did  2. подлежащее 3. сказуемое  (V 1 ) ?  hey  dance  yesterday ed t T ? Did .

Общий вопрос

  • Did 2. подлежащее 3. сказуемое (V 1 ) ?

hey dance yesterday







Постройте вопросительные предложения He liked to play football. My friends played football after lessons. We watched TV when our favourite teams play.  She wanted to find her dog in the evening. They helped their parents. Tom opened the door at 7 o'clock. We walked our cat. We liked to walk. They worked in the garden. My mum cooked a dinner.

Постройте вопросительные предложения

  • He liked to play football.
  • My friends played football after lessons.
  • We watched TV when our favourite teams play.
  • She wanted to find her dog in the evening.
  • They helped their parents.
  • Tom opened the door at 7 o'clock.
  • We walked our cat.
  • We liked to walk.
  • They worked in the garden.
  • My mum cooked a dinner.

Check your answers. 1. Did he like to play football?  2. Did my friends play football after lessons ?  3. Did we watch TV when our favourite teams play?  4. Did she want to find her dog in the evening.?  5. Did they help their parents?  6. Did Tom open the door at 7 o'clock?  7. Did we walk our cat?  8. Did we like to walk?  9. Did they work in the garden?  10. Did my mum cook a dinner?

Check your answers.

1. Did he like to play football?

2. Did my friends play football after lessons ?

3. Did we watch TV when our favourite teams play?

4. Did she want to find her dog in the evening.?

5. Did they help their parents?

6. Did Tom open the door at 7 o'clock?

7. Did we walk our cat?

8. Did we like to walk?

9. Did they work in the garden?

10. Did my mum cook a dinner?

Измените предложения, поставив глаголы в Past Simple , затем сделайте получившиеся предложения отрицательными и вопросительными. We walk in the park. Ann and Pat help their parents.  They play the piano. His mother and father wash a new car. A baby watched a butterfly.

Измените предложения, поставив глаголы в Past Simple , затем сделайте получившиеся предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

  • We walk in the park.
  • Ann and Pat help their parents.
  • They play the piano.
  • His mother and father wash a new car.
  • A baby watched a butterfly.

С heck your answers 1. We walked in the park. We did not walk in  the park.  Did we walk in the park? 2. Ann and Pat helped their parents. Ann and Pat did not help their parents. Did Ann and Pat help their parents? 3. They played the piano. They did not play the piano.  Did they play the piano.? 4. His mother and father washed a new car. His mother and  father did not wash a new car. Did his mother and father  wash a new car? 5. A baby watched a butterfly. A baby did not watch a butterfly. Did  a baby watch a butterfly?

С heck your answers

1. We walked in the park. We did not walk in the park. Did we walk in the park?

2. Ann and Pat helped their parents. Ann and Pat did not help their parents. Did Ann and Pat help their parents?

3. They played the piano. They did not play the piano. Did they play the piano.?

4. His mother and father washed a new car. His mother and father did not wash a new car. Did his mother and father wash a new car?

5. A baby watched a butterfly. A baby did not watch a butterfly. Did a baby watch a butterfly?

Homework  Составьте 5 утвердительных предложений, используя видо-временную форму Past Simple . Затем сделайте полученные предложения вопросительными и отрицательными .


Составьте 5 утвердительных предложений, используя видо-временную форму Past Simple .

Затем сделайте полученные предложения вопросительными и отрицательными .

Thank you for your work Lesson is over. Goodbye.

Thank you for your work

Lesson is over.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Past Simple Tense. 3-4 класс.

Автор: Дергачева Екатерина Вячеславовна

Дата: 28.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 136702

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