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Our country is divided into

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This presentation is about our sunny country. It is useful for pupils how to describe their motherland.

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«Our country is divided into»

  Samarkand region  Kattakurgan town  Specialized school # 11  One hour demo-lesson  On the theme:    “ Uzbekistan is divided into” By ESL teacher Mirzaeva Muqaddas.

  Samarkand region Kattakurgan town Specialized school # 11 One hour demo-lesson On the theme:

“ Uzbekistan is divided into”

By ESL teacher Mirzaeva Muqaddas.

Pupils are divided into two groups:

Pupils are divided into two groups:

Can you find the continents ?

Can you find the continents ?

“ Find my body parts.”

“ Find my body parts.”

Brainstorm” Do you know Uzbekistan?”

Brainstorm” Do you know Uzbekistan?”

  • 1) What is the capital of Uzbekistan?
  • 2) How many regions are there in the country?
  • 3) What rivers do you know?
  • 4) What is the population of Uzbekistan?
  • 5) How big is Uzbekistan?
  • 6) What colours are in the flag?
  • 7) What is the traditional food of the country?
  • 8) The national costume of Uzbek people?
This is a relax time activity so all the pupils will sing a song Hobbies.

This is a relax time activity so all the pupils will sing a song Hobbies.

  • Playing the guitar and reading books, fishing, camping and skateboarding. Watching TV, cooking and swimming. Which one do you like? Which one do you like? Riding a bike, flying a kite. Singing songs and travelling. Having a picnic and going to the cinema. Which one do you like? Which one do you like?
Now I am going to explain you Passive Voice. We can use Passive Voice when we don’t talk about who did it. The structure is: To be Verb 3

Now I am going to explain you Passive Voice.

  • We can use Passive Voice when we don’t talk about who did it. The structure is:

To be

Verb 3



  • 1) Figures with dragons are made in Samarkand.
  • 2) Beautiful embroidered clothes are made in Bukhara.
  • 3) This dress is made of silk material.
  • 4) Black and white duppi is made for men.
  • 5) Cheese is made from milk.
Thank you for your attention
  • Thank you for your attention

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Our country is divided into

Автор: Mirzaeva Muqaddas Xamraevna

Дата: 11.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 546122

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