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Открытый урок на тему "Life in Britain"

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Открытый урок для 5-го класса. Презентация урока

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«Открытый урок на тему "Life in Britain"»



The aim of the lesson:   a) educational: To develop new lexical material,  repeating passed grammar material  b) developing: To develop memory, logical thinking  and developing creative work with  new technologies, to provide an  opportunity of free speaking.  c) bringing up: To make an interest to the subject, to  teach to work creatively, in group. Type of the lesson:  Integration lesson

  • The aim of the lesson:
  • a) educational: To develop new lexical material,

repeating passed grammar material

  • b) developing: To develop memory, logical thinking

and developing creative work with

new technologies, to provide an

opportunity of free speaking.

  • c) bringing up: To make an interest to the subject, to

teach to work creatively, in group.

  • Type of the lesson: Integration lesson

  • The form of the lesson: Work in pairs, in groups
Brainstorming Travel agencies Do you think travel agencies help tourists? Work in most countries of the world Help people to arrange trips Make reservations for hotel rooms Plan sightseeing tours Help customers with passports and visas Arrange tours for individuals and for groups


Travel agencies

  • Do you think travel agencies help tourists?

Work in most countries

of the world

Help people to arrange trips

Make reservations

for hotel rooms

Plan sightseeing tours

Help customers with

passports and visas

Arrange tours for

individuals and for groups

Make these questions.

Make these questions.

  • Agency, is, kind of business, what, travel, a;
  • Does, arrange, who, it, for, tours;
  • Money, does, where, come, from.
New words.

New words.

  • Bushland - территория
  • Variety - разнообразие
  • Delight - восхищаться, наслаждаться
  • Unique - уникальный
  • Magnificent - великолепный
  • Luscious - сочный
  • Fabulous - мифический
  • Exciting – волнующий
  • Enjoy - наслаждаться
  • Relax - отдыхать
  • Preserve - сохранять
Write these words:  exciting, fabulous, win, night-club, surf, delight, relax, enjoy, preserve, pool, luscious, tropical, magnificent, opera,show,  wildlife park, theatre, casino, island.  noun  verb  adjective

Write these words: exciting, fabulous, win, night-club, surf, delight, relax, enjoy, preserve, pool, luscious, tropical, magnificent, opera,show, wildlife park, theatre, casino, island.

noun verb adjective

Advertisement: Travelling with us.  You will never forget this tour! Spend two weeks in exciting New York City. Theatre, dance, opera, museums, … .

Advertisement: Travelling with us. You will never forget this tour!

Spend two weeks in exciting New York City. Theatre, dance, opera, museums, … .

You will never forget the warm welcome of Hawaii. Beautiful sunny beaches, friendly people, luscious tropical food … .
  • You will never forget the warm welcome of Hawaii. Beautiful sunny beaches, friendly people, luscious tropical food … .
More than just a tour!

More than just a tour!

Wildlife parks.

Wildlife parks.

The Blue Mountains.

The Blue Mountains.

Famous sightseeing. Australia  Brisbane  Sydney  Melbourne  Adelaide

Famous sightseeing.






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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Открытый урок на тему "Life in Britain"

Автор: Игенбекова Гульзада Жахановна

Дата: 22.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 361435

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