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My flat презентация

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form: 5

the theme: my flat 

the aims:

  • to introduce the theme and new words about flat
  • to educate pupils' knowledge about flat
  • to develop their interest to learn the language

the procedure of the lesson

I.organization moment 

teacher greets with pupils 

asks duties, date, absent pupils

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«my flat презентация»

The 22 nd of October A magic box

The 22 nd of October

A magic box

Dividing into 2 groups 1. “Kitchen” 2. “Living room”

Dividing into 2 groups

1. “Kitchen”

2. “Living room”

Finding theme Тақырыпты ашу сандар арқылы A -1; B – 2; C- 3; D – 4; E – 5; F – 6; G-7; H – 8 I – 9; J – 10; K -11; L – 12; M – 13; N – 14; O – 15; P – 16; Q – 17; R – 18; S – 19; T – 20; U – 21; V – 22; W – 23 X – 24; Y – 25; Z - 26

Finding theme

Тақырыпты ашу сандар арқылы

A -1; B – 2; C- 3; D – 4; E – 5;

F – 6; G-7; H – 8 I – 9; J – 10;

K -11; L – 12; M – 13; N – 14;

O – 15; P – 16; Q – 17; R – 18;

S – 19; T – 20; U – 21; V – 22;

W – 23 X – 24; Y – 25; Z - 26

My flat  (Movies)

My flat (Movies)

A bed room – ұйықтайтын бөлме A living room – қонақжай бөлме A dining room – ас ішетін бөлме A bathroom – жуынатын бөлме  A corridor – дәліз A study – оқу, жұмыс бөлмесі A toilet – әжетхана A sofa – диван An armchair – кресло A window – терезе A carpet – кілем A door – есік A chair – орындық A lamp – шам

A bed room – ұйықтайтын бөлме

A living room – қонақжай бөлме

A dining room – ас ішетін бөлме

A bathroom – жуынатын бөлме

A corridor – дәліз

A study – оқу, жұмыс бөлмесі

A toilet – әжетхана

A sofa – диван

An armchair – кресло

A window – терезе

A carpet – кілем

A door – есік

A chair – орындық

A lamp – шам

What is this room?

What is this room?

Is it a bedroom?

Is it a bedroom?

Is it a bathroom?

Is it a bathroom?

This is a kitchen

This is a kitchen

Is it a hall?

Is it a hall?

Is it a room?

Is it a room?

It is a floor

It is a floor

Is it a door?

Is it a door?

It is a wall

It is a wall

Is this a window?

Is this a window?

Poster  (to draw your room)

Poster (to draw your room)

Warm up  (movie)

Warm up


Work with books Grammar exercise

Work with books

Grammar exercise

There is - онда There are - онда, ана жақта  Example: + there is a sofa in the room ? Is there a sofa in the room?  - there is not a sofa in the room

There is - онда

There are - онда, ана жақта


+ there is a sofa in the room

? Is there a sofa in the room?

- there is not a sofa in the room

Some – бірнеше, біраз (болымды сөйлемде) Any – әйтеуір бір, қанша болсада (болымсыз, сұраулы сөйлемде) Example:  There are some books There are not any books Are there any books

Some – бірнеше, біраз

(болымды сөйлемде)

Any – әйтеуір бір, қанша болсада

(болымсыз, сұраулы сөйлемде)


There are some books

There are not any books

Are there any books

Exercise: 9 Complete the sentences with some or any

Exercise: 9

Complete the sentences with some or any

  • There are _________ books in my bag
  • There aren’t ________plants in our flat
  • Are there _________people in the room?
  • We have ___________trees in our garden
  • There are not ________ pens on the table
  • Do you have _________ children?
Exercise: 9 Complete the sentences with some or any

Exercise: 9

Complete the sentences with some or any

  • There are some books in my bag
  • There aren’t any plants in our flat
  • Are there any people in the room?
  • We have some trees in our garden
  • There are not any pens on the table
  • Do you have any children?
Home task Exercise: 7,8 page 76

Home task

Exercise: 7,8 page 76

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

my flat презентация

Автор: Куттыбаева Сандугаш Жумагалиевна

Дата: 18.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 255102

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