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My flat for 5th grade

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New word

А Living room –т?р?ын б?лмесi

A bedroom- ?йы?тайтын б?лме

A kitchen- асхана

A dining room-  ас ішетін б?лме

A toilet- ?жетхана

A bathroom-жуынатын б?лме

A study-о?у, ж?мыс б?лмесі

 a sofa- диван

There is/ are орамы

Егер  затты?  (атауды?) белгілі  бір жерде т?р?анын білдіру ?ажет болса с?йлем There is/are орамынан басталады. С?йлем ?аза? тіліне мекен пысы?тауыштан бастап аударылады.

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«My flat for 5th grade»

The 25 th of January. Today is Friday.

The 25 th of January.

Today is Friday.

Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white .

Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white .

    [w]:         Why do you cry Willy?     Why do you cry?     Why Willy? Why Willy?     Why, Willy, why?



   Why do you cry Willy?

    Why do you cry?

    Why Willy? Why Willy?

    Why, Willy, why?

My flat   My house   My home

My flat My house My home

New word А Living room –тұрғын бөлмесi A bedroom- ұйықтайтын бөлме A kitchen- асхана A dining room- ас ішетін бөлме A toilet- әжетхана A bathroom-жуынатын бөлме A study-оқу, жұмыс бөлмесі  a sofa- диван

New word

А Living room –тұрғын бөлмесi

A bedroom- ұйықтайтын бөлме

A kitchen- асхана

A dining room- ас ішетін бөлме

A toilet- әжетхана

A bathroom-жуынатын бөлме

A study-оқу, жұмыс бөлмесі

a sofa- диван

An armchair- кресло A window- терезе A clock- сағат A carpet- кілем A door- есік A chair –орындық A lamp- лампа, шам A calendar- A picture- сурет

An armchair- кресло

A window- терезе

A clock- сағат

A carpet- кілем

A door- есік

A chair –орындық

A lamp- лампа, шам

A calendar-

A picture- сурет

The kind of the room A bedroom A living room A hall A bathroom a kitchen

The kind of the room

A bedroom

A living room

A hall

A bathroom

a kitchen

Furniture a sofa a bed a  chair an arm-chair a carpet a clock a picture a mirror  mirror a mirror


a sofa

a bed

a chair

an arm-chair

a carpet

a clock

a picture

a mirror


a mirror

There is/ are орамы Егер заттың (атаудың) белгілі бір жерде тұрғанын білдіру қажет болса сөйлем There is/are орамынан басталады. Сөйлем қазақ тіліне мекен пысықтауыштан бастап аударылады .

There is/ are орамы

Егер заттың (атаудың) белгілі бір жерде тұрғанын білдіру қажет болса сөйлем There is/are орамынан басталады. Сөйлем қазақ тіліне мекен пысықтауыштан бастап аударылады .

There is - жекеше There are – көпше

There is - жекеше

There are – көпше

Affirmative sentences a living room  in my flat . There is Is  there a living room in your flat? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. There are three windows in the living room.  Are there  three windows in the living room? Yes, there are. / No, there are not.

Affirmative sentences

a living room in my flat .

There is

Is there a living room in your flat?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

There are

three windows in the living room.

Are there three windows in the living room?

Yes, there are. / No, there are not.

There is a There are a
  • There is a
  • There are a

There is a book on the table.

There are two book s on the shelf.

Make questions and answer them . 1.There is a book on your table.   2.There is a fish on teacher’s table.   3.There are ten pupils in the classroom . Yes, there is . No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t.

Make questions and answer them .

1.There is a book on your table.

2.There is a fish on teacher’s table.

3.There are ten pupils in the classroom .

Yes, there is .

No, there isn’t.

No, there aren’t.

Ex. 1. Use the right form (there  is / are ).  is 1.There ____ a big park in our city.  2.There _____ three roses in the vase.  3.There ____ a pencil in the box.  4.There _____ a fox in the zoo.  5.There ____ two birds on the tree . are is is are

Ex. 1. Use the right form (there is / are ).


1.There ____ a big park in our city.

2.There _____ three roses in the vase.

3.There ____ a pencil in the box.

4.There _____ a fox in the zoo.

5.There ____ two birds on the tree .





is немесе are? 1) There _________ a lamp in the room. 2) There _________ two little trees in the garden. 3) There _________ a lot of museums in London. 4) There _________ a big tree in the garden. 5) There _________ many boys and girls in the park. 6) There _________ a bus on the street. is are are is are is

is немесе are?

1) There _________ a lamp in the room.

2) There _________ two little trees in the garden.

3) There _________ a lot of museums in London.

4) There _________ a big tree in the garden.

5) There _________ many boys and girls in the park.

6) There _________ a bus on the street.







How many boxes are there on the chair? There’s only one. There are two.

How many boxes are there on the chair?

There’s only one.

There are two.

school cinema school park cinema park supermarket hospital hospital school cinema museum supermarket zoo















- Where is the mouse? - It’s ...... the ......... .  4.04.2012 Скорова Н.К. учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ 420 г. Москва

- Where is the mouse?

- It’s ...... the ......... .


Скорова Н.К. учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ 420 г. Москва

.  Make  sentences  from these words . bread the is 1. . table on There no little white the ? in Is 2. a cloud sky there is a There . 3. piano in the hall

. Make sentences from these words .










little white

















the hall

What is there in the room?

What is there in the room?

What room is it?

What room is it?

Where I watch TV.

Where I watch TV.

We wash every day.

We wash every day.

Where I sleep and play.

Where I sleep and play.

Every day we cook 17

Every day we cook


Дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз 1) There ……… a chair next to the window. a) are b) aren’t c) is 2) There are ……… in the bag. a) a pen b) a lot of books c) a book 3) There ……… many toys under the chair. a) is b) aren’t c) is not 4) There ……… only one sandwich in the basket. a) isn’t b) are c) is 5) ……… a bird in the tree? a) Is b) Are c) Are not 6) Are there ……… on the table?  a) an English book b) a blue pen c) coloured pencils . Тест. 17

Дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз

1) There ……… a chair next to the window.

a) are b) aren’t c) is

2) There are ……… in the bag.

a) a pen b) a lot of books c) a book

3) There ……… many toys under the chair.

a) is b) aren’t c) is not

4) There ……… only one sandwich in the basket.

a) isn’t b) are c) is

5) ……… a bird in the tree?

a) Is b) Are c) Are not

6) Are there ……… on the table?

a) an English book b) a blue pen c) coloured pencils




Home work  Describe your room (in written form)

Home work

Describe your room

(in written form)

The lesson is over.  Goodbye

The lesson is over.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

My flat for 5th grade

Автор: Маншку Марат

Дата: 08.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 290073

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