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Museums in Kazakhstan

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Form: 8

Subject: English

Theme: Museums in Kazakhstan.

Aims:  formation of a common understanding of the largest museums in the country; the development of lexical skills on the subject, the development of skills dialogue speech; raising respect for the history, culture and traditions of our country, the ability to work in groups.

Procedure of the lesson:

I.      Organization moment.

-         Good morning children! I’m glad to see you again. Let’s make a start. For mental attitude I’ll show you positive video. (video)

- Now I divide you into four groups on the name of the season. (winter, spring, summer, autumn)

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«Museums in Kazakhstan »

№ 6 орта мектеп Theme: “ Museums in Kazakhstan ” Form: 8 “A” Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі: Қалдыбаева Анар Амирстановна

№ 6 орта мектеп

Theme: “ Museums in Kazakhstan ”

Form: 8 “A”

Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі:

Қалдыбаева Анар Амирстановна

The procedure of the lesson: I. Organization moment. -Good morning children? -How are you? -Who is on duty? -Who is absent? -What date is it today? -Thank you very much! Take your sit!

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

-Good morning children?

-How are you?

-Who is on duty?

-Who is absent?

-What date is it today?

-Thank you very much! Take your sit!

II. Checking up of the hometask.

II. Checking up of the hometask.

Zhambyl Zhabayev Literary Museum

Zhambyl Zhabayev Literary Museum

Zhambyl Zhabayev Literary Museum was established in 1947. The Museum demonstrate visitors the literary heritage of the famous Kazakh akyn.
  • Zhambyl Zhabayev Literary Museum was established in 1947. The Museum demonstrate visitors the literary heritage of the famous Kazakh akyn.
It was established in 1947.

It was established in 1947.

The house where  the akyn lived

The house where

the akyn lived

In this house akyn lived in 1936-1945

In this house akyn lived in 1936-1945

Every year thousands of people visit the museum to see the literary heritage of famous akyn.

Every year thousands of people visit the museum to see the literary heritage of famous akyn.

The State Book Museum

The State Book Museum

The State Book Museum

The State Book Museum

  • It was founded in Almaty in 1977.It`s exhibition shows the history of Kazakh writing and book printing.


A “yurt”-the traditional Kazakh home

A “yurt”-the traditional Kazakh home

Kazakh were nomad people

Kazakh were nomad people

The President's museum

The President's museum

III. New words

III. New words

  • Geology [dʒi:ͻlәdʒ i] геология
  • Academy of science - Ғылым академиясы
  • Natural [n `æʧәrәl] табиғи
  • Underground resources - жер асты ресурстары
  • Interactive [intәræktiv] интерактивті
  • Geological processes - Геологиялық процестер
  • Jewelry [juәlri] зергерлік бұйымдар
  • Precious [ preʃәs] бағалы
  • Semi-precious - жартылай қымбат бағалы
  • Tour [ tuә] сапар ,саяхат
  • Unforgettable - ұмытылмас
Eagles   Eagles strike  And eagles seize.  Eagles fly  Whenever they please.   They catch the wind  And high they fly.  They reach for life  And reach for more.

Eagles Eagles strike And eagles seize. Eagles fly Whenever they please. They catch the wind And high they fly. They reach for life And reach for more.

Answer the questions:   1.What do you know about eagles?  2.Are eagles strong or weak birds?  3.Where do they usually live?  4. What do eagles symbolize?

Answer the questions: 1.What do you know about eagles? 2.Are eagles strong or weak birds? 3.Where do they usually live? 4. What do eagles symbolize?

Doing exercise. Ex 3 on page 99

Doing exercise.

Ex 3 on page 99

IV. Watching a video

IV. Watching a video

«make a poster»

«make a poster»

Homework: Prepare a project on one of the Museum in KZ.


Prepare a project on one of the Museum in KZ.

VII. Reflection

VII. Reflection

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Museums in Kazakhstan

Автор: ?алдыбаева Анар Амирстановна

Дата: 10.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 170593

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