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"London entertainments for children"

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Лондон — удивительно многогранный город, привлекающий людей всех культур, интересов и возрастов. Поэтому туры в Лондон так многообразны и способны удовлетворить самые разные вкусы и потребности, предложить каждому из своих гостей что-то особенное, удивительное и захватывающее.

Если Вам посчастливилось отправиться в Лондон с детьми, будьте уверены, что английская столица легко сможет увлечь их и подарить им множество новых впечатлений и приключений , так важных для развития детского ума и чувств.

Однако, отправляясь в тур в Лондон с ребенком, еще важнее заранее подготовиться и тщательно спланировать свою поездку, чтобы получить максимум пользы и удовольствия и не упустить чего-то особенно важного и интересного.

Данный материал , поможет Вам определиться с тем,  что же может предложить Лондон, Вашему юному путешественнику.

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«"London entertainments for children" »

LONDON entertainments for children

LONDON entertainments

for children

In the collection of the London Aquarium has collected more than 350 species of underwater creatures from around the world. Three floors of the aquarium divided into 14 thematic areas, among them - the ponds and rivers, waters of the Indian Ocean, coral reefs, the top layer of the Atlantic Ocean and others.

In the collection of the London Aquarium has collected more than 350 species of underwater creatures from around the world. Three floors of the aquarium divided into 14 thematic areas, among them - the ponds and rivers, waters of the Indian Ocean, coral reefs, the top layer of the Atlantic Ocean and others.

Legoland Windsor

Legoland Windsor

Legoland theme park in London - it is a huge park with an area of about 60 hectares , where children and parents are waiting for rides, huge models are made of Lego blocks and there are workshops where you can construct something yourself. There are over 50 interactive rides and playgrounds , every season there is something new.

Legoland theme park in London - it is a huge park with an area of about 60 hectares , where children and parents are waiting for rides, huge models are made of Lego blocks and there are workshops where you can construct something yourself. There are over 50 interactive rides and playgrounds , every season there is something new.

Pollock's Toy Museum in London occupies two adjacent buildings (one of the XVIII century , another of the XIX century ). Toy Museum received its name in honor of Benjamin Pollock, who was one of the main manufacturers of toys in Victorian London.

Pollock's Toy Museum in London occupies two adjacent buildings (one of the XVIII century , another of the XIX century ). Toy Museum received its name in honor of Benjamin Pollock, who was one of the main manufacturers of toys in Victorian London.

No matter what corner of the museum of toys you may have glanced - anywhere you can be surprised . Here real historical artifacts are stored - tin toys , wax and porcelain dolls , dollhouses ( so loved in England) , teddy bears , mechanical and optical toys, board games .

No matter what corner of the museum of toys you may have glanced - anywhere you can be surprised . Here real historical artifacts are stored - tin toys , wax and porcelain dolls , dollhouses ( so loved in England) , teddy bears , mechanical and optical toys, board games .

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre (CMT) began its existence in 1979 in Falmouth, Cornwall  as a little odd shop of  Sue Jackson who entitled it

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre (CMT) began its existence in 1979 in Falmouth, Cornwall as a little odd shop of Sue Jackson who entitled it "Cabaret" trading unpretentious wooden toys, knitwear and ceramics . Now CMT has one of the largest collections of modern mechanical sculptures, it’s a kind of museum exhibition .

Cadbury was founded almost 200 years ago. Cadbury was established in  Birmingham  in 1824, by  John Cadbury  who sold tea, coffee and drinking chocolate. Cadbury developed the business with his brother Benjamin, followed by his sons Richard and George.  Cadbury plc - a British company producing confectionery with headquarters in London (near Uxbridge). The company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of confectionery.

Cadbury was founded almost 200 years ago. Cadbury was established in  Birmingham  in 1824, by  John Cadbury  who sold tea, coffee and drinking chocolate. Cadbury developed the business with his brother Benjamin, followed by his sons Richard and George. Cadbury plc - a British company producing confectionery with headquarters in London (near Uxbridge). The company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of confectionery.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"London entertainments for children"

Автор: Сурмава Нино Романовна

Дата: 08.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 117371

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