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Конфликт между человеком и природой

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Данная презентация выполнена учащимися девятых классов к разделу 3 учебника М,З.Биболетова "Английский с удовольствием" - 9 класс

Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase

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«Конфликт между человеком и природой »

Presentation:   «The conflict between man and nature» Made by pupils of from 9 «А»: Belich Mira and Pustovalova Darya.

Presentation: «The conflict between man and nature»

Made by pupils of from 9 «А»:

Belich Mira and Pustovalova Darya.

Man and Nature Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase.

Man and Nature

Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase.

Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today.

Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today.

The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.

The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.

Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog.

Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog.



Water pollution

Water pollution

Organizations Environmental issues are addressed at a regional, national or international level by government organizations. The largest international agency, set up in 1972, is the United Nations Environment Programme . The International Union for Conservation of Nature brings together 83 states, 108 government agencies, 766 Non-governmental organizations and 81 international organizations and about 10,000 experts and scientists from countries around the world.  International non- governmental  organizations include   Greenpeace ,  Friends of the Earth  and  World Wide Fund for Nature . Governments enact environmental policy and enforce environmental law and this is done to differing degrees around the world.


Environmental issues are addressed at a regional, national or international level by government organizations.

The largest international agency, set up in 1972, is the United Nations Environment Programme . The International Union for Conservation of Nature brings together 83 states, 108 government agencies, 766 Non-governmental organizations and 81 international organizations and about 10,000 experts and scientists from countries around the world. International non-


organizations include   GreenpeaceFriends of the Earth  and  World Wide Fund for Nature . Governments enact environmental policy and enforce environmental law and this is done to differing degrees around the world.

Solutions  Sustainability is the key to prevent or reduce the effect of environmental issues. There is now clear scientific evidence that humanity is living unsustainably, and that an unprecedented collective effort is needed to return human use of natural resources to within sustainable limits. For humans to live sustainably, the Earth's resources must be used at a rate at which they can be replenished.  Concerns for the environment have prompted the formation of Green parties, political parties that seek to address environmental issues. Initially these were formed in Australia, New Zealand and Germany but are now present in many other countries.


Sustainability is the key to prevent or reduce the effect of environmental issues. There is now clear scientific evidence that humanity is living unsustainably, and that an unprecedented collective effort is needed to return human use of natural resources to within sustainable limits. For humans to live sustainably, the Earth's resources must be used at a rate at which they can be replenished.

Concerns for the environment have prompted the formation of Green parties, political parties that seek to address environmental issues. Initially these were formed in Australia, New Zealand and Germany but are now present in many other countries.

We must be carried onward to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.

We must be carried onward to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.

Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Конфликт между человеком и природой

Автор: Рязанова Елена Анатольевна

Дата: 25.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 214899

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