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Kazakhstan is my Motherland 10

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The aim  of the  lesson   is to  develop  comThe aim  of the  lesson   is to  develop  communicative  skills and abilities, to develop  the students  interest  in the  subject   of  English

 Educational  objectives: to give more information about  our  country,  to revise grammar

Developing  objectives: to  develop critical  thinking,  logical speech, to develop pupils speaking, reading,  writing, listening comprehension abilities,  memory.

Bringing –up: to  develop personality, to  bring up patriots of  Kazakhstan, to  develop to  respect  their  Motherland.municative  skills and abilities, to develop  the students  interest  in the  subject   of  English

 Educational  objectives: to give more information about  our  country,  to revise grammar

Developing  objectives: to  develop critical  thinking,  logical speech, to develop pupils speaking, reading,  writing, listening comprehension abilities,  memory.

Bringing –up: to  develop personality, to  bring up patriots of  Kazakhstan, to  develop to  respect  their  Motherland.

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«Kazakhstan is my Motherland 10 »

Kazakhstan is my Motherland 10 grade

Kazakhstan is my Motherland

10 grade

The aim of the lesson is to develop communicative skills and abilities, to develop the students interest in the subject of English   Educational objectives: to give more information about our country, to revise grammar  Developing objectives: to develop critical thinking, logical speech, to develop pupils speaking, reading , writing, listening comprehension abilities, memory.  Bringing –up: to develop personality, to bring up patriots of Kazakhstan, to develop to respect their Motherland.

The aim of the lesson is to develop communicative skills and abilities, to develop the students interest in the subject of English

Educational objectives: to give more information about our country, to revise grammar

Developing objectives: to develop critical thinking, logical speech, to develop pupils speaking, reading , writing, listening comprehension abilities, memory.

Bringing –up: to develop personality, to bring up patriots of Kazakhstan, to develop to respect their Motherland.

What can we call Motherland?

What can we call Motherland?

  • Motherland is the place where I was born. It is the village Makhambet.
  • Motherland is the place where my roots are. It is the land of my ancestors


  • Russia
  • China
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Caspian Sea.
Kazakhstan is my Motherland. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is the democratic and independent republic. It is a multinational republic. People of more than 100 nationalities live here. The population of Kazakhstan is over17 million.
  • Kazakhstan is my Motherland. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is the democratic and independent republic.
  • It is a multinational republic. People of more than 100 nationalities live here.
  • The population of Kazakhstan is over17 million.
When did Kazakhstan gain its independent? Where is Kazakhstan situated? What countries does Kazakhstan border on? What is the climate of Kazakhstan? What is area of Kazakhstan? What lakes of Kazakhstan do you know? What are the seas? What rivers are the main resources of water? How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? How many reserves are there in Kazakhstan?
  • When did Kazakhstan gain its independent?
  • Where is Kazakhstan situated?
  • What countries does Kazakhstan border on?
  • What is the climate of Kazakhstan?
  • What is area of Kazakhstan?
  • What lakes of Kazakhstan do you know?
  • What are the seas?
  • What rivers are the main resources of water?
  • How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?
  • How many reserves are there in Kazakhstan?
The Kazakhs have been always remarkable for their hospitality .Every traveler has been welcomed as a dear quest. Kazakhs people like to get together to sing, songs , dance , play to domybra . The holidays  are celebrated with extraordinary splendor. The people cook national food : beshbarmak, the main dish of the Kazakhs dastarkhan kazy, karta , baursaks, kurt and airan . And Kazakhs also drink hot tea all year round.

The Kazakhs have been always remarkable for their hospitality .Every traveler has been welcomed as a dear quest. Kazakhs people like to get together to sing, songs , dance , play to domybra . The holidays

are celebrated with extraordinary splendor. The people cook national food : beshbarmak, the main dish of the Kazakhs dastarkhan kazy, karta , baursaks, kurt and airan . And Kazakhs also drink hot tea all year round.

1 Kazakhstan is situated in-------------- 2 Our republic is ------------- 3 The President of Kazakhstan is ---------- 4 There are ---------regions in the territory of Kazakhstan 5The largest river in Kazakhstan is---------- 6The country is rich with ----------- 7 The typical animals of Kazakhstan are-------- 8 A yurt is a --------home 9 The Kazakh traditional costumes are------- 10 The Kazakh traditional games are-------

1 Kazakhstan is situated in--------------

2 Our republic is -------------

3 The President of Kazakhstan is ----------

4 There are ---------regions in the territory of Kazakhstan

5The largest river in Kazakhstan is----------

6The country is rich with -----------

7 The typical animals of Kazakhstan are--------

8 A yurt is a --------home

9 The Kazakh traditional costumes are-------

10 The Kazakh traditional games are-------

Fill in the articles and prepositions where necessary (the and, into, in of) 1 … . . Irtysh has… .. highest water level 2 Only …. small area … . . Northern Kazakhstan refers to …..forest steppe zone. 3…..wild life…Kazakhstan is very rich and diverse 4 Such animals as saiga, lizard, spiders, karakurts inhabit … desert zone 5 ----White grey hares are typical inhabitants of ….forest steppe . 6 …largest rivers …Kazakhstan are Ural and Emba flowing ….Caspian Sea . 7 Steppes occupy some …….territory in Kazakhstan .

Fill in the articles and prepositions where necessary (the and, into, in of)

1 … . . Irtysh has… .. highest water level

2 Only …. small area … . . Northern Kazakhstan refers to …..forest steppe zone.

3…..wild life…Kazakhstan is very rich and diverse

4 Such animals as saiga, lizard, spiders, karakurts inhabit desert zone

5 ----White grey hares are typical inhabitants of ….forest steppe .

6 …largest rivers …Kazakhstan are Ural and Emba flowing ….Caspian Sea .

7 Steppes occupy some …….territory in Kazakhstan .

What nationalities live in Kazakhstan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What nationalities live in Kazakhstan:










What does it mean?- It is a international Exhibition. All the countries in the world demonstrate the best technological, scientific and cultural achievements at the “ EXPO” exhibitions. Such events are visited by dozen millions of people from whole continents. On the 2 1 st of November 2012 with majority of votes the capital of Kazakhstan won the Belgian city of Liege and was declared as a place to host EXPO-2017. The exhibitions main topic is Future energy.

What does it mean?- It is a international Exhibition.

All the countries in the world demonstrate the best technological, scientific and cultural achievements at the “ EXPO” exhibitions. Such events are visited by dozen millions of people from whole continents.

On the 2 1 st of November 2012 with majority of votes the capital of Kazakhstan won the Belgian city of Liege and was declared as a place to host EXPO-2017.

The exhibitions main topic is Future energy.

I am citizen of my country and I am proud of it because…

I am citizen of my country and I am proud of it because…

Conclusion: Giving marks Giving home tasks


Giving marks

Giving home tasks

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Kazakhstan is my Motherland 10

Автор: Амирбаева Гаухар Амирбаевна

Дата: 07.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 198334

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