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История изобретения радио

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«История изобретения радио»

RADIO 10 class K Lykina Alexandra Teacher: Krupina O.N.


10 class K

Lykina Alexandra

Teacher: Krupina O.N.

RADIO-variety of wireless communication, where as a carrier signal using radio waves propagating freely in space.

RADIO-variety of wireless communication, where as a carrier signal using radio waves propagating freely in space.

The first patent for wireless communications received in 1872 Mahlon Loomis, who said in 1896 that he discovered a way of wireless communications ; creator of radio in Germany believe Heinrich Hertz , 1888 , in the United States - David Hughes , 1878 and Thomas Edison's 1875 patent in 1885 , in the United States and several Balkan countries - Nikola Tesla , 1891 , in Belarus - Jacob ,Ottonovich Narkevich - Iodko 1890 , France - Edouard Branly , 1890 in India - Chandra Bose Jagadisa , 1894 (or 1895) in England - Oliver Joseph Lodge , 1894 , in Brazil - Landel de Moura , 1893-1894 .   The Founder of the first successful system of information exchange via radio ( wireless telegraphy ) is considered an Italian engineer Guglielmo Marconi (1895).   In Russia, the inventor of wireless telegraphy traditionally considered Popov, but the one and the other is not quite right . Marconi , in fact, joined the transmitter and receiver Heinrich Hertz Popov , in a single device. In the first experiments on radio physical conducted study, and then the Mine garden officer class , the receiver detected radiation of radio signals by the transmitter at a distance of 60 m

The first patent for wireless communications received in 1872 Mahlon Loomis, who said in 1896 that he discovered a way of wireless communications ; creator of radio in Germany believe Heinrich Hertz , 1888 , in the United States - David Hughes , 1878 and Thomas Edison's 1875 patent in 1885 , in the United States and several Balkan countries - Nikola Tesla , 1891 , in Belarus - Jacob ,Ottonovich Narkevich - Iodko 1890 , France - Edouard Branly , 1890 in India - Chandra Bose Jagadisa , 1894 (or 1895) in England - Oliver Joseph Lodge , 1894 , in Brazil - Landel de Moura , 1893-1894 . The Founder of the first successful system of information exchange via radio ( wireless telegraphy ) is considered an Italian engineer Guglielmo Marconi (1895). In Russia, the inventor of wireless telegraphy traditionally considered Popov, but the one and the other is not quite right . Marconi , in fact, joined the transmitter and receiver Heinrich Hertz Popov , in a single device. In the first experiments on radio physical conducted study, and then the Mine garden officer class , the receiver detected radiation of radio signals by the transmitter at a distance of 60 m

In the USA,it is considered the inventor of radio Nikola Tesla patented in 1893 transmitter and receiver in 1895 . The design of Tesla allowed to modulate the acoustic signal transmitter oscillation circuit , carried radio signal transmission distance and took his receiver, which converted the signal into an acoustic sound. The same design have all modern radio devices, which are based on an oscillating circuit . While the designs of Marconi and Popov were primitive and allowed only a signaling function , including using Morse code.   In France, the inventor of wireless telegraphy has long been considered the creator of the coherer ( Branly tube ) ( 1890) Edouard Branly .   In India broadcast in the millimeter range in November 1894 was demonstratesd byJagadish Chandra Bose .  In the UK, in 1894 the first shows broadcast in the distance of 40 meters inventor coherer ( Branly tube shaker ) Oliver Joseph Lodge . The first is the inventor of modes of transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves (which for a long time called

In the USA,it is considered the inventor of radio Nikola Tesla patented in 1893 transmitter and receiver in 1895 . The design of Tesla allowed to modulate the acoustic signal transmitter oscillation circuit , carried radio signal transmission distance and took his receiver, which converted the signal into an acoustic sound. The same design have all modern radio devices, which are based on an oscillating circuit . While the designs of Marconi and Popov were primitive and allowed only a signaling function , including using Morse code. In France, the inventor of wireless telegraphy has long been considered the creator of the coherer ( Branly tube ) ( 1890) Edouard Branly . In India broadcast in the millimeter range in November 1894 was demonstratesd byJagadish Chandra Bose . In the UK, in 1894 the first shows broadcast in the distance of 40 meters inventor coherer ( Branly tube shaker ) Oliver Joseph Lodge . The first is the inventor of modes of transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves (which for a long time called " Hertzian waves - Hertzian Waves»), he is their discoverer , the German scientist Heinrich Hertz (1888).

Nikola Tesla in a lecture demonstrated the principles of radio communication, 1891. Marconi’s receiver with coherer

Nikola Tesla in a lecture demonstrated the principles of radio communication, 1891.

Marconi’s receiver with coherer

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

История изобретения радио

Автор: Крупина Оксана Николаевна

Дата: 06.12.2020

Номер свидетельства: 565710

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