1. Educational: to continue the development of speaking and reading skills and understanding English speech.
2. Practical: to control speaking skills of the theme:" Invitation”
3. Developing: to continue the development of logic thinking, memory, independence, to improve the experience of speaking skills, to develop the intellect and cognitive capacities.
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«Invitation for party»
Theme :
1. Educational: to continue the development of speaking and reading skills and understanding English speech.
2. Practical: to control speaking skills of the theme:" Invitation”
3. Developing: to continue the development of logic thinking, memory, independence, to improve the experience of speaking skills, to develop the intellect and cognitive capacities.
The methods
of teaching:
2. Reproductive
Types of teaching :
1. Work at lexics
2. Work at the dialogues
3. Work at grammar
4. Work at pronunciation
5. Answer- question work
invitation, interactive
Blackboard, questionnaire.
Plan of the lesson:
І. Organization moment.
Good morning children!
Good morning teacher!
Dear children! I am glad to see you! Boys and girls, we have got many guests today. I think that you are glad to have guests.
- OK,Who is on duty today?
- I am on duty today.
- Who is absent?
- All are present.
- What date is it today?
- Today is the fourth of February.
- What season is it now?
- It is winter now.
- What month is it now?
- What day is it today?
- It is Friday.
- What is the weather like today?
- It is sunny and foggy.
- What was it yesterday?
- It was foggy and rainy.
- OK, Dilmira tell me,
- When is your birthday?
- It is winter ( summer,spring,autumn)
- In which month is it?
- It is on the fifth of January.
OK,our class divided into 3 groups,they are A,B,C.
II.The first task is:
Teacher: I will give you cards
and you should answer
Group A:
Do you invite your
friend to your birthday?
Group B:
Do you send a postcard to your friend? Yes/No
Group C:
Do you send an invitation to your friend? Yes/No
III.The second task is:
Teacher:Look at the blackboard here you can see the invitation. You must read the invitation and write the invitation your friend now.
I n v i t a t i o n !
I invite you to my
At 10 Abai Street.
On Friday
15 March
At 17 o’ clock.
IY. The third task is:
New words, repeat after me:
Boring- көңілсіз
Disgusting- жағымсыз
Delicious- өте дәмді
Y. The fourth task is:
Work at dialogue.
Group A:
read the dialogue.
Group B:
translate the dialogue.
Group C:
are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct false sentences.