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"Intellectual game"

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«"Intellectual game"»



1.A MAN OF WORDS AND NOT OF DEEDS IS LIKE A GARDEN FULL OF WEEDS.  2.needs and pins, needles and pins, when a man marries, his trouble begins.  3.Peter, piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.  a peck of pickled of pepper peter piper picked.  5.only ten per cent of readers felt that they were healthy of very healthy.  6.six sportsmen shooting snips; seven severn salmons swallowing chrimps Britain has won the European golden song contest for the ninth time.  7.the winning song is “bells are ringing” sung by kay king.

1.A MAN OF WORDS AND NOT OF DEEDS IS LIKE A GARDEN FULL OF WEEDS. 2.needs and pins, needles and pins, when a man marries, his trouble begins. 3.Peter, piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. a peck of pickled of pepper peter piper picked. 5.only ten per cent of readers felt that they were healthy of very healthy. 6.six sportsmen shooting snips; seven severn salmons swallowing chrimps Britain has won the European golden song contest for the ninth time. 7.the winning song is “bells are ringing” sung by kay king.

1.Tiny Trevor takes twenty-two and two-third of second To tie two tired tigers to two tall trees, How long does it take Tiny Trevor To tie ten tired tigers to ten tall trees. 2.Twinkle, twinkle little star, How i wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like diamond in the sky. 3.Tommy Trot, a man of low, Sold his bed and lay upon the straw. Sold the straw and slept on grass, To buy his wife a looking glass. 4.If wisher were horses, Then Beggars would ride. If turnips were watches, I would wear one by my side.

1.Tiny Trevor takes twenty-two and two-third of second

To tie two tired tigers to two tall trees,

How long does it take Tiny Trevor

To tie ten tired tigers to ten tall trees.

2.Twinkle, twinkle little star,

How i wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like diamond in the sky.

3.Tommy Trot, a man of low,

Sold his bed and lay upon the straw.

Sold the straw and slept on grass,

To buy his wife a looking glass.

4.If wisher were horses,

Then Beggars would ride.

If turnips were watches,

I would wear one by my side.

Choose the right variant.  1.Good night! A. Here are you. 2.What nationality is George Bush? B. Thank you. 3.Are they short or tall? C. I think so. 4.Pass my book, please. D. Oh, sorry. 5.Where is my bag? E. Good night! 6.Here’s your coffee. F. She’s eleven. 7.How old is Ann? G. He’s American. 8.Is this Tom’s dog? H. They’re tall. 9.That’s not my pen. I. It’s under the chair.

Choose the right variant.

1.Good night! A. Here are you.

2.What nationality is George Bush? B. Thank you.

3.Are they short or tall? C. I think so.

4.Pass my book, please. D. Oh, sorry.

5.Where is my bag? E. Good night!

6.Here’s your coffee. F. She’s eleven.

7.How old is Ann? G. He’s American.

8.Is this Tom’s dog? H. They’re tall.

9.That’s not my pen. I. It’s under the chair.

Choose the right variant.  1.Good night! A. Good night! 2.What nationality is George Bush? B. He’s American. 3.Are they short or tall? C. They’re tall. 4.Pass my book, please. D. Here are you. 5.Where is my bag? E. It’s under the chair. 6.Here’s your coffee. F. Thank you. 7.How old is Ann? G. She’s eleven. 8.Is this Tom’s dog? H. I think so. 9.That’s not my pen. I. Oh, sorry.

Choose the right variant.

1.Good night! A. Good night!

2.What nationality is George Bush? B. He’s American.

3.Are they short or tall? C. They’re tall.

4.Pass my book, please. D. Here are you.

5.Where is my bag? E. It’s under the chair.

6.Here’s your coffee. F. Thank you.

7.How old is Ann? G. She’s eleven.

8.Is this Tom’s dog? H. I think so.

9.That’s not my pen. I. Oh, sorry.

A – 1; B – 2; C – 3; D – 4; E – 5; F – 6; G – 7; H – 8; I – 9; J - 10; K – 11; L – 12; M – 13; N – 14; O – 15; P – 16; Q – 17; R – 18; S – 19; T – 20; U – 21; V – 22; W – 23; X – 24; Y – 25; Z - 26

A – 1; B – 2; C – 3; D – 4; E – 5; F – 6; G – 7; H – 8;

I – 9; J - 10; K – 11; L – 12; M – 13; N – 14; O – 15; P – 16;

Q – 17; R – 18; S – 19; T – 20; U – 21; V – 22; W – 23; X – 24;

Y – 25; Z - 26

I have a little dog. It is black. I have a bird and a grey rabbit. I have a parrot. I have a cat. I have a fish.

I have a little dog. It is black.

I have a bird and a grey rabbit.

I have a parrot.

I have a cat.

I have a fish.

I have a little house and a bike. I have a boat. It is red and blue. I have a monkey. I have a dog. I have a robot.

I have a little house and a bike.

I have a boat. It is red and blue.

I have a monkey.

I have a dog.

I have a robot.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

"Intellectual game"

Автор: Бисенғалиева Айнұр Қаныбекқызы

Дата: 26.05.2021

Номер свидетельства: 581766

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