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I know English

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It is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to schoolIt is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to schoolIt is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to schoolIt is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to schoolIt is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to schoolIt is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to schoolIt is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to schoolIt is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to schoolIt is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to school

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«I know English»

Seasons  Animals 100 200 100 Family 100 300 200 400 300 200 300 400 500 500 400 500



















Season 100 It is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to school. cats

Season 100

It is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to school.


animals 100 They give us milk and meat. cows

animals 100

They give us milk and meat.


Family 100 She is old. She loves the children very much. She doesn’t work. crocodiles

Family 100

She is old. She loves the children very much. She doesn’t work.


Seasons 200 It is cold. The days are short. The nights are long. Children play snowballs . dogs

Seasons 200

It is cold. The days are short. The nights are long. Children play snowballs .


Animals 200 They are kind animals, They eat grass and have black and white stripes pigs

Animals 200

They are kind animals,

They eat grass and have black and white stripes


Family 200 She is not old. She is a doctor. The children love her very much. zebras

Family 200

She is not old. She is a doctor. The children love her very much.


Seasons 300 It is cool, but sometimes it is warm. The weather is fine. parrots

Seasons 300

It is cool, but sometimes it is warm. The weather is fine.


Animals 300 They give us eggs and meat. Hens or chickens

Animals 300

They give us eggs and meat.

Hens or chickens

Family 300 She is small. She is young. She doesn’t go to school. snakes

Family 300

She is small. She is young. She doesn’t go to school.


Seasons 400 It’s warm. Sometimes it is hot. Children like this seasons very much. rabbits

Seasons 400

It’s warm. Sometimes it is hot. Children like this seasons very much.


Domestic animals 400 People have always loved to ride them for hunting or travelling. horses

Domestic animals 400

People have always loved to ride them for hunting or travelling.


Family 400 He is young. He doesn’t work. He likes History and Math . lions

Family 400

He is young. He doesn’t work. He likes History and Math .


family 500 What does the word ‘climate’ mean? mice

family 500

What does the word ‘climate’ mean?


Animals 500 This animal can fly, but it isn’t a bird. goats

Animals 500

This animal can fly, but it isn’t a bird.


Flowers 500 He is not young, but he is not old. He works at the office. He loves his chidren. koalas

Flowers 500

He is not young, but he is not old. He works at the office. He loves his chidren.


A magic 5 1 4 3 8 2 6 7 5

A magic 5









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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

I know English

Автор: Айсагулова Нурслу Курмангалиевна

Дата: 23.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 257318

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object(ArrayObject)#853 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
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    ["seo_title"] => string(26) "do_you_know_english_well_1"
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