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I am an English learner

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презентация к конкурсу  по теме  "I am an eglish learner". разработан для учащихся в начальных классах 4 класс состоит из 4 туров. В первом туре уащие олжны ответить на вопросы, во втором расположить слова по очередности, в третьем туре прочитать и перевести текст с английского на казазахский язык. в четвертом туре составить короткий топик по темам. эта презентация была разработана по учебнику Way Ahead 4

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«I am an English learner»

I am an English learner

I am an English learner

Let’s sing a song

Let’s sing a song

1 round “Who is quicker?” 2 round “Lazy Sentences” 3 round “Who is the best translator?” 4 round “Who is the best?”

1 round “Who is quicker?”

2 round “Lazy Sentences”

3 round “Who is the best translator?”

4 round “Who is the best?”

1 round “Who is quicker?” Guess the word quicker than others.

1 round “Who is quicker?”

Guess the word quicker than others.

The first day of the week… Monday  yellow The colour of the sun… water You drink this when you are thirsty… January The month that follows December… Boys and girls at school are… pupils The largest desert in the world … The Sahara Desert humps Camels have … on their backs. Australian Desert You can see kangaroos there. Why do San people rub sticks together? to make fire The perfect animals for desert life. camels These people live in the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa. San people Giraffes can live without water for … one month

The first day of the week…



The colour of the sun…


You drink this when you are thirsty…


The month that follows December…

Boys and girls at school are…


The largest desert in the world …

The Sahara Desert


Camels have … on their backs.

Australian Desert

You can see kangaroos there.

Why do San people rub sticks together?

to make fire

The perfect animals for desert life.


These people live in the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa.

San people

Giraffes can live without water for …

one month

2 round “Lazy Sentences” The words are put into wrong positions. Write the words in the correct order.

2 round “Lazy Sentences”

The words are put into wrong positions. Write the words in the correct order.

clean  two times a day.  teeth  must  You   your 1.  a pencil  in the water,  put  If you  will float.  it 2.  of lashes.  two rows  Camels  have 3. 4.   We  will badminton tomorrow.  play 5.  forest  in  lives  the  The wolf


two times a day.






a pencil

in the water,


If you

will float.





two rows















The wolf

1. You must clean your teeth two times a day.  If you put a pencil in the water, it will float.  Camels have two rows of eyelashes.  We will play badminton tomorrow.

1. You must clean your teeth two times a day.

  • If you put a pencil in the water, it will float.

  • Camels have two rows of eyelashes.

  • We will play badminton tomorrow.

  • The wolf lives in the forest.
3 round “Who is the best translator?” Read and translate the text

3 round “Who is the best translator?”

Read and translate the text

1 team  In 1600 a shoemaker worked in the old town. He made shoes and boots. His shop was near the bridge. There were red shoes and blue shoes. There were brown boots. Lots of people wanted shoes and boots. They often walked over the bridge. They went to the shop. They looked at the shoes. The shoemaker was happy because everybody liked his shoes and boots. 2 team Usually I sleep in my bedroom. We went on holiday and I slept in a tent. Usually I don’t read much. I never eat vegetables. On holiday I ate carrots and beans. I often feel tired in the morning. On holiday I never felt tired. Usually I don’t say much. We went on holiday and I said: “This holiday is a lot of fun. Can we come back next year, please?” 3 team  Have you ever been to the Family Fun Palace? Inside you can play badminton, you can also play tennis with a special racquet. You can play football on the playground outside. There is also a boating lake there are rowing boats and canoes. When you are hungry you can go to the restaurant. If you like films, there are two cinemas and a theatre. I like swimming. I have some new swimsuits and I swim every week.

1 team

In 1600 a shoemaker worked in the old town. He made shoes and boots. His shop was near the bridge. There were red shoes and blue shoes. There were brown boots. Lots of people wanted shoes and boots. They often walked over the bridge. They went to the shop. They looked at the shoes. The shoemaker was happy because everybody liked his shoes and boots.

2 team

Usually I sleep in my bedroom. We went on holiday and I slept in a tent. Usually I don’t read much. I never eat vegetables. On holiday I ate carrots and beans. I often feel tired in the morning. On holiday I never felt tired. Usually I don’t say much. We went on holiday and I said: “This holiday is a lot of fun. Can we come back next year, please?”

3 team

Have you ever been to the Family Fun Palace? Inside you can play badminton, you can also play tennis with a special racquet. You can play football on the playground outside. There is also a boating lake there are rowing boats and canoes. When you are hungry you can go to the restaurant. If you like films, there are two cinemas and a theatre. I like swimming. I have some new swimsuits and I swim every week.

4 round “Who is the best speaker?” Make a poster.

4 round “Who is the best speaker?”

Make a poster.

1 team: The rules of our school - lyceum 2 team: Living in the desert 3 team: The things to be healthy

1 team: The rules of our school - lyceum

2 team: Living in the desert

3 team: The things to be healthy

I am an English learner

I am an English learner

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

I am an English learner

Автор: Кулмаханова Нурсулу Бурибаевна

Дата: 03.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 287397

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