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Have you been to Central Asia?

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Урок составлен согласно учебника для 7 класса Автор Аяпова .Ж Урок посвящен первому полету человека в космос ,ученики   на уроке - путеществии в космос  знакомятся со странами Средней азии, с достопримечательностями стран, в частности с мечетью Биби ханум, повторяют образование множественного числа существительных в английском языке . учитель на уроке развивает  умения инавыки не только разговорной речи ,но и аудирования 

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«The Date.12»

The Date: The 12th of April.

The Class: 7.

The Theme : “Have you been to Central Asia?”

The aims: To enrich & activate students’ vocabulary on the theme “travelling”, to develop students’ skills in speaking, reading, writing, listening, to teach students to find the main ideas in the text, to bring up respectable attitude to the history.

The methods of teaching: interaction.

The connection with other subjects: History.

The equipment of the lesson: an interactive board.

The Procedure of the lesson

I. Warm up

a) Greeting.

b) How are you?

c) The Talk T- S on duty.

d) What Day is it today? What Date is it today?

e) Who knows? What is the 12th of April famous for? Who was the first cosmonaut in the world ?

( slide №1 ”Yu. Gagarin.” When did he fly to the space? Have we got any cosmonauts in Kazakhstan? Name them , please

T: Very good! Let’s start our lesson. Look ,please, at the board and read the epigraph of our lesson( slide №2 ” Travelling is the best education.” How do you understand this phrase ?


II Basic

T: Good! Today we shall travel a lot and the theme of the lesson is “Have you been to Central Asia? Before starting our travelling, let’s choose a transport. Look at the board and find the hidden word. What is it?

  1. 19,16,1,3,5

  2. 19,8,9,16.

Translate the words and add them , we shall have a new word .Do you like to travel by spaceship?

Why do you like to travel by spaceship? All right. Let’s begin our travelling. From space we see the land ”Central Asia” What countries are there in Central Asia?

1ST slide : “Central Asia.”

2nd slide: The capitals of the countries.

3rd slide: People of the Central Asia & Animals. Why do muslim people like animals?

Write the plural forms of the words( a horse, a sheep, a cow, a camel, a donkey)

4th slide: let’s check your bags and see. What are there in them? Divide the things into two groups.

Necessary things & unnecessary ones(a tooth brush, an iron, a sleeping bag, an umbrella, a tin opener, a gas, a toothpaste, a watch, shorts, drinks, a tent, a television, clothes, chips, a computer, tubes of food ,a hair-dryer, a cat.) What things do you take for travelling?

5th slide: Bibi- Khanum and the origin of the muslim veil.

6th slide: Learn new words. Listen to me and repeat after me in chorus.( a veil? an origin,

a century, powerful, to stretch, an oases, a mosque, to honour, to threat, deeply, to pass, permanent, a warrior)

T: Look at your sheets of paper & listen to me carefully. After reading you will make a test (the picture of the mosque).

7th slide: 1.Who was Tamerlane?

a) an architect b) a soldier c) a builder d) a king.

2. the capital of Uzbekistan was…….

a) Tashkent b) Samarkand c) Ashkhabad d) Atyrau.

3. Bibi-Khanum was ……………..wife

a) the oldest b) the most important c) a young d)not beautiful.

4. To honour her husband Bibi-Khanum decided to……..

a) build a mosque b) wear a veil c)go to a war d) rest

5. The master- builder….

a) loved Biby-Khanum. b) hated her c) didn’t know Bibi- Khanum d) was not good at building.

6. There was a ……. on her face.

a) a permanent mark b)a rose c) a smile d) a plan.

7. Tamerlane……. the master- builder.

a) liked b) loved c) killed d) gave money to

8. A woman’s beauty……… be dangerous.

a)can b) must c) may d) should

9 Uzbekistan’s women …….. wear veils to cover their faces.

a)had to b)must c) should d0 could

10. What is the other name of Tamerlane?

a) Akhsakh Temir b) Temirkhan c) Zhemis d) Temirulan

The Ending of the lesson. Hometask & Marks

All right. Let’s see our results . Thank you very much for your answers. Your marks for the lesson are…. Put down your hometask, please: Write a little story about Astana & prepare for the test, review the words & modal verbs

And now let’s relax a little. I want to show a film about our country. Look , please, at the board and answer the questions” Have you been to Astana? ” ,” Do you like our capital?”, ”Why do you like it?’’

The lesson is over. Good- bye.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«The first flight to the space»

The first flight to the space

The first flight to the space

Travel is the best education

Travel is the best education

Have you been to Central Asia?

Have you been to Central Asia?

Let’s choose a transport.   1. 19,16,1,3,5  2. 19,8,9,16

Let’s choose a transport.

1. 19,16,1,3,5

2. 19,8,9,16

Space  +  Ship  =  Spaceship

Space + Ship = Spaceship

Central Asia

Central Asia

The capitals of the countries Kazakhstan  Uzbekistan  Kyrgyzstan  Turkmenistan  Tajikistan

The capitals of the countries






Write the plural forms of the words   a horse a camel a cow a donkey a sheep

Write the plural forms of the words

a horse

a camel

a cow

a donkey

a sheep

Bibi - Khanum and the origin of the muslim veil.

Bibi - Khanum and the origin of the muslim veil.

A veil an origin,  a century, powerful, to stretch, an oases, a mosque, to honour, to threat, deeply, to pass, permanent,a warrior.

A veil an origin, a century, powerful, to stretch, an oases, a mosque, to honour, to threat, deeply, to pass, permanent,a warrior.

Hometask Write a little story about Astana, prepare for the test, review the words & modal verbs.


Write a little story about Astana, prepare for the test, review the words & modal verbs.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Have you been to Central Asia?

Автор: Кенжебаева Клара Кайдаровна

Дата: 17.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 131754

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