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Fruits and Vegetables \presentation\

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this work is about fruits and vegetables. it is a useful lesson plan. it is  very interesting. i like this theme. Becayse of it is about fruits and vegetables which is the most expensive thing in our health. i think it is a useful lesson. fruit means vitamins. there are some more exercises about the theme.

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«Fruits and Vegetables \presentation\ »

Subject: English   Form: 5   The theme of the lesson: “ Fruits and vegetables”

Subject: English

Form: 5

The theme of the lesson: Fruits and vegetables”

Aims of the lesson:  To enrich the pupil’s vocabulary knowledge, in order to use the new words in their everyday life speech; To develop their thinking, describing, speaking & writing abilities; To teach them to be honest & to respect the other people.  Visual aids:   interactive board, the colorful pictures of fruits & vegetables, marking objects.

Aims of the lesson:

  • To enrich the pupil’s vocabulary knowledge, in order to use the new words in their everyday life speech;
  • To develop their thinking, describing, speaking & writing abilities;
  • To teach them to be honest & to respect the other people.

Visual aids:

interactive board, the colorful pictures of

fruits & vegetables, marking objects.

I. Organization Moment   Greetings Good afternoon, pupils! \ Good afternoon, teacher! How are You? \ We are fine, thank you. Marking absents What date is it today? \ Today is the 25 of September. What day is it today? \ It is Friday today. Who is on duty today? \ I am on duty today. Who is absent today? \ All are present today. Warming up What season is it now? \ It is autumn now. What is the weather like today? \ It is warm, bright today. What news? \ (They will give their own answers)

I. Organization Moment

  • Greetings

Good afternoon, pupils! \ Good afternoon, teacher!

How are You? \ We are fine, thank you.

  • Marking absents

What date is it today? \ Today is the 25 of September.

What day is it today? \ It is Friday today.

Who is on duty today? \ I am on duty today.

Who is absent today? \ All are present today.

  • Warming up

What season is it now? \ It is autumn now.

What is the weather like today? \ It is warm, bright today.

What news? \ (They will give their own answers)

II. Main Stage   - Now pupils, today we will learn the names of fruits and vegetables. Also we will learn how to mark them if their countable or uncountable.  Countable & Uncountable Nouns 1. We need a teapot and some cups. Teapot, cup  сөздерінің көпше түрлері бар. Олар саналатын ( countable ) зат есімдер. 2. We need some tea and some milk. Tea, milk  сөздерінің көпше түрлері жоқ. Олар саналмайтын ( uncountable ) зат есімдер.

II. Main Stage

- Now pupils, today we will learn the names of fruits and

vegetables. Also we will learn how to mark them if their

countable or uncountable.

Countable & Uncountable Nouns

1. We need a teapot and some cups.

Teapot, cup сөздерінің көпше түрлері бар.

Олар саналатын ( countable ) зат есімдер.

2. We need some tea and some milk.

Tea, milk сөздерінің көпше түрлері жоқ.

Олар саналмайтын ( uncountable ) зат есімдер.

Read & write countable (C) or uncountable (U) near them. strawberry dollars money cherries peas lemons air salt eggs carrot pears milk apples sandwiches ham bread cheese coffee tea bananas cucumbers

Read & write countable (C) or uncountable (U) near them.

strawberry dollars money

cherries peas lemons

air salt eggs

carrot pears milk

apples sandwiches ham

bread cheese coffee

tea bananas cucumbers

Food Drink



III. Concluding Stage Test questions  1. We need … oranges to make orange juice. A) some B) any C) much 2. British … is very popular in Europe. A) apple B) food C) cars 3. He doesn’t always put … salt on his food. A) some B) any C) much 4. Fruits: A) banana,apple B) cabbage,potato C) orange,carrot 5. Drink:  A) apple B) Coke C) bread

III. Concluding Stage

Test questions

1. We need … oranges to make orange juice.

A) some B) any C) much

2. British … is very popular in Europe.

A) apple B) food C) cars

3. He doesn’t always put … salt on his food.

A) some B) any C) much

4. Fruits:

A) banana,apple B) cabbage,potato C) orange,carrot

5. Drink:

A) apple B) Coke C) bread

Giving the home task:

Giving the home task:

Saying good – bye!  T: Good-bye, pupils! P: Good-bye, teacher! T: Have a nice day! P: See you!

Saying good – bye!

T: Good-bye, pupils!

P: Good-bye, teacher!

T: Have a nice day!

P: See you!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Fruits and Vegetables \presentation\

Автор: Рысбекова Акбота Мэлсовна

Дата: 18.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 175656

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