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.Famous Actors and Actresses.

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The goals of the Lesson:

1.      SWBAT read the texts about famous actors and speak about them, make a poster in a group, describe persons and find differences and similarities between persons.

2.      To get Ss to speak and listen to one another, cooperate to achieve an objective, develop critical thinking skills.

3.      To teach to be creative, tolerant.

Materials: PP Presentation, the texts, lists with tasks, stripes of color paper, "Magic Tree”.

The procedure of the lesson:

1.      Greeting the students.

2.      Warming – up.

a) Creating the topic of the lesson: "Famous actors and actresses”

a) Watching the first movie created by the Lumiere brothers.

b) Asking questions on the movie. 1. Who created the first film? When was it created?

                                                         2. Can you hear any voices or music?

                                                         3. Is it a western or a documentary film?

          b) Creating the Aims of the Lesson with Ss.

  3.  Dividing the students into groups.

      Revising the rules of working in a group.

      Assuming a role within the group.

4.  a) Filling  in the blanks with the words given:

1. An  … movie is a movie with a lot of fighting and it can be violent.

2. A … is a movie which is funny and makes us laugh.

3. A … film is a movie about ghosts.

4. A … is a movie which shows us real facts or events.

5. Romantic movies with a lot of series are called ….

6.   …  is a movie about American cowboys usually riding horses and wearing hats.

7. … is a movie with animations like Tom and Jerry.

soap operas    / cartoon   / Western  /   horror    /  action  /  comedy  / documentary


 b) T: Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions are involved in film making. You can see the words on the blackboard (8 professions). Your task is to make the right sentences and write down on your sheets of paper.

(Key: 1c 2b 3g  4h   5d  6a   7e   8f)

a)      a producer   b) an actor   c) a camera (operator)  d) a stuntman   e) a script (writer)

f)       an actress   g)  a  make-up (artist)     h)   a director


  1.… is a man who looks through the camera, and operates the equipment.

 2.is a man who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

 3.….is a woman who can make a new face for an actor.

 4.…is a man who is the boss and tells everybody what to do.

 5.…is a person who does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors.

 6.…is a man who has general control of the money for a film but he doesn't direct the actors.

 7.…is a man who writes scripts for films, shows.

 8.… is a woman who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

5.      Reading and speaking (in groups).

a)    Ss read the text about 2 film stars. (Individually)

Text A.

William Bradley Pitt is an American actor and film producer. He is one of Hollywood’s superstars and received an Academy Award nomination in 1995 but has yet to win an Oscar. He often tops the "most handsome guy in the world” lists. He is now married to Angelina Jolie, with whom he has six children.

Brad was born in 1963 in Oklahoma. His father had a trucking company and his mother was a school teacher. He was an active student and enjoyed debating and acting. He studied journalism at the University of Missouri but his heart wasn’t in reporting. He didn’t finish his degree but drove to Hollywood.

In 1988, Pitt landed his first role in ‘The Dark Side of the Sun’. He attracted great attention in the hit movie ‘Thelma & Louise’.  

In 1994, his role in ‘Interview with a Vampire’ launched him into the big time as Hollywood’s hottest actor. Other blockbusters followed, including ‘Se7en’, ‘Fight Club’, ‘Twelve Monkeys’ and ‘Ocean’s Eleven’. Pitt has used his fame to help the homeless in New Orleans.

His hobbies are taking pictures, riding a motorbike and his own plane. His favourite food is pizza.

   Text B.

Angelina was born in Los Angeles in 1976. She loved movies and started acting classes to follow her dream of movie stardom. Her movie career took off in 1997 and within a few years she had won an Oscar. Her 2001 role as Lara Croft in the blockbuster "Tomb Raider” shot her to international fame.

Angelina hasn’t limited her career to acting. She became involved in humanitarian work. She is now a UN Goodwill Ambassador, visiting poor countries. She donates large sums of money to help underprivileged people.

The tabloids write about her relationships, especially with Brad Pitt. The couple is now referred to not as Brad and Angelina but as "Brangelina”. The media seem more caught up with what they eat and drink than the important humanitarian work Angelina continues to do.

Helping other people is what truly motivates Angelina. In addition to acting awards, she has received wide recognition for her humanitarian work. She became the first winner of the UN’s Citizen of the World Award. Her hobbies are collecting knives and daggers, playing percussion instruments. 

b)    Ss read the text aloud and translate it. (in pairs)

c)     Answer the questions. (in a group):

Answer the questions (in a group): text A

1.      When and where was he born?

2.      What were his parents?

3.      What kind of student was he?

4.      When did he start acting?

5.      What is he famous for?

6.      Does he have children?

7.      Who is his wife?

Answer the questions (In a group): Text B

1.      When and where was she born?

2.      When did her movie career take off?

3.      Why is the couple Brad and Angelina referred to as "Brangelina”?

4.      What truly motivates Angelina?

5.      What does she do in addition to acting?

6.      How old is she now?


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«.Famous Actors and Actresses.»


The goals of the Lesson:

1.      SWBAT read the texts about famous actors and speak about them, make a poster in a group, describe persons and find differences and similarities between persons.

2.      To get Ss to speak and listen to one another, cooperate to achieve an objective, develop critical thinking skills.

3.      To teach to be creative, tolerant.

Materials: PP Presentation, the texts, lists with tasks, stripes of color paper, "Magic Tree”.

The procedure of the lesson:

1.      Greeting the students.

2.      Warming – up.

a) Creating the topic of the lesson: "Famous actors and actresses”

a) Watching the first movie created by the Lumiere brothers.

b) Asking questions on the movie. 1. Who created the first film? When was it created?

                                                         2. Can you hear any voices or music?

                                                         3. Is it a western or a documentary film?

          b) Creating the Aims of the Lesson with Ss.

  3.  Dividing the students into groups.

      Revising the rules of working in a group.

      Assuming a role within the group.

4.  a) Filling  in the blanks with the words given:

1. An  … movie is a movie with a lot of fighting and it can be violent.

2. A … is a movie which is funny and makes us laugh.

3. A … film is a movie about ghosts.

4. A … is a movie which shows us real facts or events.

5. Romantic movies with a lot of series are called … .

6.   …  is a movie about American cowboys usually riding horses and wearing hats.

7. … is a movie with animations like Tom and Jerry.

soap operas    / cartoon   / Western  /   horror    /  action  /  comedy  / documentary


 b) T: Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions are involved in film making. You can see the words on the blackboard (8 professions). Your task is to make the right sentences and write down on your sheets of paper.

(Key: 1c 2b 3g  4h   5d  6a   7e   8f)

a)      a producer   b) an actor   c) a camera (operator)  d) a stuntman   e) a script (writer)

f)       an actress   g)  a  make-up (artist)     h)   a director


  1.… is a man who looks through the camera, and operates the equipment.

 2...is a man who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

 3.….is a woman who can make a new face for an actor.

 4.…is a man who is the boss and tells everybody what to do.

 5.…is a person who does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors.

 6.…is a man who has general control of the money for a film but he doesn't direct the actors.

 7.…is a man who writes scripts for films, shows.

 8.… is a woman who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

5.      Reading and speaking (in groups).

a)    Ss read the text about 2 film stars. (Individually)

Text A.

William Bradley Pitt is an American actor and film producer. He is one of Hollywood’s superstars and received an Academy Award nomination in 1995 but has yet to win an Oscar. He often tops the "most handsome guy in the world” lists. He is now married to Angelina Jolie, with whom he has six children.

Brad was born in 1963 in Oklahoma. His father had a trucking company and his mother was a school teacher. He was an active student and enjoyed debating and acting. He studied journalism at the University of Missouri but his heart wasn’t in reporting. He didn’t finish his degree but drove to Hollywood.

In 1988, Pitt landed his first role in ‘The Dark Side of the Sun’. He attracted great attention in the hit movie ‘Thelma & Louise’.  

In 1994, his role in ‘Interview with a Vampire’ launched him into the big time as Hollywood’s hottest actor. Other blockbusters followed, including ‘Se7en’, ‘Fight Club’, ‘Twelve Monkeys’ and ‘Ocean’s Eleven’. Pitt has used his fame to help the homeless in New Orleans.

His hobbies are taking pictures, riding a motorbike and his own plane. His favourite food is pizza.

   Text B.

Angelina was born in Los Angeles in 1976. She loved movies and started acting classes to follow her dream of movie stardom. Her movie career took off in 1997 and within a few years she had won an Oscar. Her 2001 role as Lara Croft in the blockbuster "Tomb Raider” shot her to international fame.

Angelina hasn’t limited her career to acting. She became involved in humanitarian work. She is now a UN Goodwill Ambassador, visiting poor countries. She donates large sums of money to help underprivileged people.

The tabloids write about her relationships, especially with Brad Pitt. The couple is now referred to not as Brad and Angelina but as "Brangelina”. The media seem more caught up with what they eat and drink than the important humanitarian work Angelina continues to do.

Helping other people is what truly motivates Angelina. In addition to acting awards, she has received wide recognition for her humanitarian work. She became the first winner of the UN’s Citizen of the World Award. Her hobbies are collecting knives and daggers, playing percussion instruments. 

b)    Ss read the text aloud and translate it. (in pairs)

c)     Answer the questions. (in a group):

Answer the questions (in a group): text A

1.      When and where was he born?

2.      What were his parents?

3.      What kind of student was he?

4.      When did he start acting?

5.      What is he famous for?

6.      Does he have children?

7.      Who is his wife?

Answer the questions (In a group): Text B

1.      When and where was she born?

2.      When did her movie career take off?

3.      Why is the couple Brad and Angelina referred to as "Brangelina”?

4.      What truly motivates Angelina?

5.      What does she do in addition to acting?

6.      How old is she now?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

.Famous Actors and Actresses.

Автор: Карасайулы Рустем

Дата: 21.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 394310

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