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Электронная презентация портфолио по английскому языку ученика 5 класса

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Электронная презентация портфолио для ученика 5 класса имеет целью повышения мотивации при изучении предмета "английский язык", поскольку отражает многие аспекты учебной и личностной деятельности в течение учебного года. Красочное оформление дополнительно привлекает и акцентирует внимание на собственных достижениях, которые при таком отражении приобретают ещё большую значимость как в глазах самого ученика, так и в глазах друзей одноклассников и родных. В современных условиях преподавания иностранного языка согласно требованиям ФГОС портфолио является мощным инструментом повышения самооценки и стимулирования эффективности процесса познания в иностранном языке. Презентация дополнительно даёт возможность пользоваться ею как гибким инструментом, позволяющим корректировать её структуру и наполняемость материалом.

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«Электронная презентация портфолио по английскому языку ученика 5 класса »

My English Portfolio 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

My English Portfolio



I can do I want to learn My mysteries My joy is My sorrow is What I like most My dream is 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

I can do

I want to learn

My mysteries

My joy is

My sorrow is

What I like most

My dream is



Contents of my portfolio About myself My achievements My family My hobby My school and my friends My plans for the future Healthy way of life 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

Contents of my portfolio

About myself

My achievements

My family

My hobby

My school and my friends

My plans for the future

Healthy way of life



Hello! Nice to meet you! Fair is my hair,  Brown are my eyes.  I’m 10 years old,  I’ve the right size.  I am Angelina,  Do I want and can.  I'm very happy  To be what I am! 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

Hello! Nice to meet you!

Fair is my hair, Brown are my eyes. I’m 10 years old, I’ve the right size. I am Angelina, Do I want and can. I'm very happy

To be what I am!



My name is Angelina. It is a Greek name. The meaning of the name Angelina in Greek is “angel”. People with this name are kind, romantic and generous. I’m sure, it is true. Actually, I am. The girls with this name choose professions where they can serve people. I will. I want to make something pleasant for others and be helpful. What am I going to be in the future? Yes, like my mom. A teacher. 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

My name is Angelina. It is a Greek name. The meaning of the name Angelina in Greek is “angel”. People with this name are kind, romantic and generous. I’m sure, it is true. Actually, I am. The girls with this name choose professions where they can serve people. I will. I want to make something pleasant for others and be helpful. What am I going to be in the future? Yes, like my mom. A teacher.



My mom’s name is Elena  My mother is special, She's more than a friend. Whenever I need her, She'll give me a hand. She'll lead me and guide me In all that I do. Tries all that she can do To see me get through. This is my mother 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

My mom’s name is Elena

My mother is special,

She's more than a friend.

Whenever I need her,

She'll give me a hand.

She'll lead me and guide me

In all that I do.

Tries all that she can do

To see me get through.

This is my mother



This is my brother My brother’s name is .  My sister is there, When no one more will. If I am mistaken, He’s loving me still. He gives me a cheer, When I wear a frown. He’s making me happy, When I'm feeling down. 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

This is my brother

My brother’s name is .

My sister is there,

When no one more will.

If I am mistaken,

He’s loving me still.

He gives me a cheer,

When I wear a frown.

He’s making me happy,

When I'm feeling down.



My classmates are my friends My school is cool! And it is full Of girls and boys, Who make much noise! We play much time And learn a rhyme, And read a book, And sew and cook. We love school all  And wait for fall To meet at school And make it full. 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

My classmates are my friends

My school is cool!

And it is full

Of girls and boys,

Who make much noise!

We play much time

And learn a rhyme,

And read a book,

And sew and cook.

We love school all 

And wait for fall

To meet at school

And make it full.



My hobbies My hobby is quilling. I use strips of paper, roll and shape them and decorate a design. It is very beautiful! Another my hobby is reading. When it’s rainy or cold I like to read books and discuss it with my brother. I like to read fairy-tales and we try to read books in English. 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

My hobbies

My hobby is quilling. I use strips of paper, roll and shape them and decorate a design. It is very beautiful!

Another my hobby is reading. When it’s rainy or cold I like to read books and discuss it with my brother. I like to read fairy-tales and we try to read books in English.



My healthy way of life I play games in the open air I play sport Vegetables are my friends I do morning exercises 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

My healthy way of life

I play games in the open air

I play sport

Vegetables are my friends

I do morning exercises



My achievements Grades Tests Projects Contests Clubs 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

My achievements








My English is good! What I do How I do I write I read What I am I write stories. I write poems. I’m brilliant! I read texts. I speak I speak about things. I read books. I read loudly. I write exercises. My spelling is OK! I read expressively. I speak with peers. I read fairy tales. I speak artistic! I write tests. I’m accurate! I’m expressive! I speak every lesson. I read comics. I’ve no mistakes. I’m proper! I’m artistic! I speak much. I’m correct.  I’m polite. 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

My English is good!

What I do

How I do

I write

I read

What I am

I write stories.

I write poems.

I’m brilliant!

I read texts.

I speak

I speak about things.

I read books.

I read loudly.

I write exercises.

My spelling is OK!

I read expressively.

I speak with peers.

I read fairy tales.

I speak artistic!

I write tests.

I’m accurate!

I’m expressive!

I speak every lesson.

I read comics.

I’ve no mistakes.

I’m proper!

I’m artistic!

I speak much.

I’m correct.

I’m polite.



I’m proud of my advance in English! What I do How I do in terms I I write II 5 I read III 4 4 I speak IV 4 5 4 Total What I am 5 4 5 5 5 5 I’m brilliant! 5 4 My spelling is OK! 5 I read loudly. I’m accurate! I speak artistic! I read expressively. I’m proper! I’m expressive! I’ve no mistakes. I’m artistic! I’m correct.  I’m polite. 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

I’m proud of my advance in English!

What I do

How I do in terms


I write



I read




I speak






What I am







I’m brilliant!



My spelling is OK!


I read loudly.

I’m accurate!

I speak artistic!

I read expressively.

I’m proper!

I’m expressive!

I’ve no mistakes.

I’m artistic!

I’m correct.

I’m polite.



Autumn is yellow, Summer is bright, Spring is green, Winter is white. My English projects My projects What’s been done I drew my brother’s picture. I’ve created and performed a poem. I drew the picture. What I am I made up a story. I’ve created my poem. I’m brilliant! I’ve been doing the collage about Disney characters. I’ve made a plan to act. I’ve spoken loudly. I’ve written my poem . My story was OK! I told it in the class. I’ve chosen the shape. It’s hung on the wall. I was expressive! My picture’s the best! I’ve decorated my poem. I ‘ve presented it. I was hard-working! I was correct. I’m ready for the event. I’m artistic! I’ve prepared properly.   http://aida.ucoz.ru 10/27/16

Autumn is yellow,

Summer is bright,

Spring is green,

Winter is white.

My English projects

My projects

What’s been done

I drew my brother’s picture.

I’ve created and performed a poem.

I drew the picture.

What I am

I made up a story.

I’ve created my poem.

I’m brilliant!

I’ve been doing the collage about Disney characters.

I’ve made a plan to act.

I’ve spoken loudly.

I’ve written my poem .

My story was OK!

I told it in the class.

I’ve chosen the shape.

It’s hung on the wall.

I was expressive!

My picture’s the best!

I’ve decorated my poem.

I ‘ve presented it.

I was hard-working!

I was correct.

I’m ready for the event.

I’m artistic!

I’ve prepared properly.



My plans for the future 10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

My plans for the future



Список интернет-источников http ://www.magicwish.ru/forum/14-1407-8 http ://kama-iv.livejournal.com/160986.html http ://hallpic.ru/wallpapers/369897-kaktus_deti_zaryadka/  http://www.bigstockphoto.com/ru/profile/erdosain/  http://blogs.privet.ru/community/kids http://www.wijkvereniging-nno.nl/zirw/sc-cartoon-happy-house/ http://www.vostokmedia.com/n80032.html http://www.englishvsem.ru/articles/english-for-children.html http:// www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/a-true-angel http://www.proshkolu.ru/user/Mumona/file/4018997/download   10/27/16 http://aida.ucoz.ru

Список интернет-источников

http ://www.magicwish.ru/forum/14-1407-8

http ://kama-iv.livejournal.com/160986.html

http ://hallpic.ru/wallpapers/369897-kaktus_deti_zaryadka/ http://www.bigstockphoto.com/ru/profile/erdosain/ http://blogs.privet.ru/community/kids




http:// www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/a-true-angel




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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Электронная презентация портфолио по английскому языку ученика 5 класса

Автор: Юдина Татьяна Фёдоровна

Дата: 22.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 232797

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