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Эхо войны

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Следует отметить, что тема войны была, и будет актуальна всегда. Актуальность этой темы состоит в том, что здесь идет речь не о какой-то войне, которая нас не касается, а об Отечественной войне, где русские люди защищали свою Родину.

В сценарии широко используется национально-региональный компонент. Готовясь к данному мероприятию, проведена большая исследовательская работа. На конкретных примерах показаны мужество и героизм земляков на войне, число погибших односельчан по годам. Особое внимание уделено фронтовым письмам земляка Мулгачёва Николая  Михайловича, которые являются документами огромной силы. При наглядном показе всех 10 писем, у которых уже выцвела чернила, при их чтении, комок застревает в горле, а на глаза наворачиваются слезы. Особую историческую ценность представляет извещение о его смерти, которое хранится до сих пор 87 – летней сестрой Ниной Михайловной. Песнями военных лет, воспевающими мужество, стойкость, героизм советского народа, которые звучат на английском и русском языках на данном мероприятии, без сомнения можно увлечь даже тех учеников, которые имеют малую степень мотивации к обучению. При исполнении песни «Журавли» танцевальная группа исполнит композицию. Голос Левитана - объявление о начале– ещё одно достоинство мероприятия, без сомнения, никого не оставит равнодушным. Конечно же,  использование мультимедийного проектора, презентации о героизме русских солдат, а также земляков на войне, о праздновании 9 мая в сельском поселении способствуют организации интересного занятия. Различные виды деятельности, оформление, музыка позволяют погрузиться в атмосферу военных лет, что пробуждает интерес к предмету.

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«Эхо войны »

2012 - THE YEAR OF RUSSIAN HISTORY Echo of the War 22 June, 1941 – 9 May, 1945 “ There was never a good war or a bad peace”. B. Franklin


Echo of the War

22 June, 1941 – 9 May, 1945

“ There was never a good war

or a bad peace”.

B. Franklin

22 June, 1941

22 June,


12 o’clock 22 June 1941 Radio report

12 o’clock

22 June




June 22, 1941 Get up, the giant country 1. Get up, the giant country  Get up for mortal fight  With German horde uncounted  With forces of the night. Chorus: Let noble anger of the soul  Get boiled as a wave  The people’s war the holy war  We’ll fight until the grave. 2. Let’s give repulse to oppressors  Of all the ardent thoughts  To rappers and to murderers  Let’s say the swear words.

June 22, 1941

Get up,

the giant country

1. Get up, the giant country Get up for mortal fight With German horde uncounted With forces of the night.


Let noble anger of the soul Get boiled as a wave The people’s war the holy war We’ll fight until the grave.

2. Let’s give repulse to oppressors Of all the ardent thoughts To rappers and to murderers Let’s say the swear words.

18 December 1940

18 December 1940

Everything for the Front, Everything for the Victory


for the Front,

Everything for the Victory

The first months of the war. ..

The first months of the war. ..

Only listening to songs and looking at photos we can imagine their sufferings

Only listening to songs and

looking at photos

we can imagine their sufferings

Sometimes I dream that fallen hero soldiers,  Forever lost in brutal old campaigns,  Were never buried under mournful alders,  But turned to mystic snowy crying cranes.  Refrain:
  • Sometimes I dream that fallen hero soldiers, Forever lost in brutal old campaigns, Were never buried under mournful alders, But turned to mystic snowy crying cranes. Refrain: Since then they wing and wing and cry till now. We recognize the hearty darling voice. We pray in sorrow, souls don’t allow To take the look away, no other choice.

2. The tired flock soars up toward the clouds. I see a tiny brake in their line: Someone should exit noisy human crowds. I realize: one day it should be mine.

3. One day the flock shell raise me to the cloud And I will fly with others – don’t cry!. I will put on the cloud as a shroud and I will hail you faintly from the sky.


Wait for me…

Wait for me…

Katyusha Apple-trees and pear-trees a blooming  Mists were floating on the river deep  And Katyusha’s gone out in the gloaming  On the river bank so high and deep.


Apple-trees and pear-trees a blooming Mists were floating on the river deep And Katyusha’s gone out in the gloaming On the river bank so high and deep.

News from the front


from the


Mulgachov Nikolai Mickailovich (1923 -1942)

Mulgachov Nikolai Mickailovich (1923 -1942)

Mulgachov Nikolai Michailovich was born in this house in 1923. His sister Nina Michailovna lives here now.

Mulgachov Nikolai Michailovich was born in this house in 1923. His sister Nina Michailovna lives here now.

Our countrymen in the Great Patriotic War 8377 were drafted 6000 – the fallen 597 – 2 or 3 members of the family The Shigabedinivs from Imenevo, the Sorokins from Chuvash Ishaki and the Davletshinych from Tatar Timyashi lost 4 sons.

Our countrymen in the Great Patriotic War

  • 8377 were drafted
  • 6000 – the fallen

597 – 2 or 3 members of the family

The Shigabedinivs from Imenevo, the Sorokins from Chuvash Ishaki and the Davletshinych from Tatar Timyashi lost 4 sons.

They defended the Brest fortress

They defended the Brest fortress

Completed holders of the Order of Glory 2656 Tabakov Alexander Porfiryevich Karikov Porphyry Gerasimovich    Tukhvetullov Bedertdin Sadretdinovich

Completed holders of the Order of Glory


Tabakov Alexander Porfiryevich

Karikov Porphyry Gerasimovich



Bedertdin Sadretdinovich

Heroes of the Soviet Union    Pavel Efimovich Kyznetsov  (from Toisy)   Baki Sygbatovich Rakhimov (from D. Ostrov )

Heroes of the Soviet Union

Pavel Efimovich Kyznetsov

(from Toisy)

Baki Sygbatovich Rakhimov (from D. Ostrov )

Bachmisov Nikandr Vasilyevich

Bachmisov Nikandr Vasilyevich

Losses at the War over 26 millions Soviet people were killed about 2000 cities were destroyed

Losses at the War

  • over 26 millions Soviet people were killed
  • about 2000 cities were destroyed

Berlin, 1945

Berlin, 1945

Moscow, 1945

Moscow, 1945

Moscow, 1945

Moscow, 1945

Victory Parade

Victory Parade

Victory Day in Chemenevo

Victory Day in Chemenevo

Victory Day in Batyrevo

Victory Day in Batyrevo

May there always be sunshine 1. Bright blue the sky  Sun up on high  That was the little boy’s picture  He drew for you  Wrote for you too,  Just to make clear  That he drew. Chorus: May there always be sunshine  May there always be blue skies.  May there always be Mummy  May there always be me! 2. My little friend  Listen, my little friend  Peace is the dream of the people  Hearts old and young  Never have done  Singing the song you have sung.

May there always be sunshine

1. Bright blue the sky Sun up on high That was the little boy’s picture He drew for you Wrote for you too, Just to make clear That he drew.


May there always be sunshine May there always be blue skies. May there always be Mummy May there always be me!

2. My little friend Listen, my little friend Peace is the dream of the people Hearts old and young Never have done Singing the song you have sung.

We Remember You. Thanks for the Victory. We want no more again

We Remember You.

Thanks for the Victory.

We want no more again

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Эхо войны

Автор: Кошелева Надежда Васильевна

Дата: 26.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 148230

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