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Education system of uzbekistan

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Education system  is composed of the following levels and types of education. A general secondary education over a 9 year period of studies is compulsory. Children start their education at the age of 6 or 7, depending on their psychological and physical condition. 

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«Education system of uzbekistan»



Made by: Safoyeva S.N.

Education system is composed of the following levels and types of education. A general secondary education over a 9 year period of studies is compulsory. Children start their education at the age of 6 or 7, depending on their psychological and physical condition.

Education system is composed of the following levels and types of education. A general secondary education over a 9 year period of studies is compulsory. Children start their education at the age of 6 or 7, depending on their psychological and physical condition.

The last three years of secondary education can be obtained in two types of secondary educational establishments - professional colleges and academic lyceums. Both types of schools provide the general secondary education required for further education in the universities. One more important principle, introduced into the National Program of Personnel Training, is continuity of education.

The last three years of secondary education can be obtained in two types of secondary educational establishments - professional colleges and academic lyceums. Both types of schools provide the general secondary education required for further education in the universities. One more important principle, introduced into the National Program of Personnel Training, is continuity of education.

Education starts from pre-school age, continues for nine years of obligatory schooling, and then for - additional three years. The new concept is aimed at raising the profile of vocational education in the republic.

Education starts from pre-school age, continues for nine years of obligatory schooling, and then for - additional three years. The new concept is aimed at raising the profile of vocational education in the republic.

Approximately 80% of all pupils will go to Professional Colleges upon completion of the mandatory 9 years’ studies in general secondary education. These offer a three year secondary specialized syllabus leading to a range of specialized skills in a selected trade.

Approximately 80% of all pupils will go to Professional Colleges upon completion of the mandatory 9 years’ studies in general secondary education. These offer a three year secondary specialized syllabus leading to a range of specialized skills in a selected trade.

After that, there is a possibility of the two-level higher education. Next postgraduate education comprises postgraduate studies to obtain a degree of doctorate.

After that, there is a possibility of the two-level higher education. Next postgraduate education comprises postgraduate studies to obtain a degree of doctorate.

The Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education share responsibility in the field of education.

The Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education share responsibility in the field of education.

According to the National Program for Personnel Training higher education is based on the secondary specialized education (academic lyceum), vocational specialized education (professional college) and includes 2 levels: a Bachelor’s degree level and Master’s degree level.

According to the National Program for Personnel Training higher education is based on the secondary specialized education (academic lyceum), vocational specialized education (professional college) and includes 2 levels: a Bachelor’s degree level and Master’s degree level.

The Bachelors degree level is a basic higher education providing fundamental and applied knowledge according to specialty, with a period of study not less than 4 years.

The Bachelors degree level is a basic higher education providing fundamental and applied knowledge according to specialty, with a period of study not less than 4 years.

Upon completion of the Bachelor’s program a graduate is conferred with the degree of bachelor and granted a diploma of the state pattern, which entitles him to start professional activity.

Upon completion of the Bachelor’s program a graduate is conferred with the degree of bachelor and granted a diploma of the state pattern, which entitles him to start professional activity.

The Master‘s degree level is higher education with fundamental and applied knowledge in a concrete field and lasts not less than 2 years on the basis of the Bachelors degree.

The Master‘s degree level is higher education with fundamental and applied knowledge in a concrete field and lasts not less than 2 years on the basis of the Bachelors degree.

Master’s degree holders are given a diploma of the state pattern, which entitles the holder to work in his profession.

Master’s degree holders are given a diploma of the state pattern, which entitles the holder to work in his profession.

It should be emphasized that only students who have studied for a Bachelor’s degree in a certain field may apply for the corresponding Master’s course.

It should be emphasized that only students who have studied for a Bachelor’s degree in a certain field may apply for the corresponding Master’s course.

Every 5 years the teaching staff of all types of HEIs has to undergo short-term retraining or upgrading courses.

Every 5 years the teaching staff of all types of HEIs has to undergo short-term retraining or upgrading courses.



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Education system of uzbekistan

Автор: Safoyeva Sadoqat Nasilloyevna

Дата: 09.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 376762

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