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"Methods of Engaging Young Learners in Learning the English Language"

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Key words: innovative technology, teaching, textbooks, technologies,interpretor, educational process, independent thinker, well-prepared, TEFL, combination, visual diagrams, illustrations, mnemonic, spontaneous,childhood edication, kiddo, conjugation.

             This article highlights the significant importance of teaching foreign languages in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the necessary innovative technologies for learning them. Since gaining independence, interest in learning foreign languages has increased in our country, and various opportunities have been created for young people. As our first president, Islam Karimov, stated, "Teaching foreign languages is of great importance in our country today. This is not optional. Our nation, which is striving to take its rightful place in the world community and is building its great future in cooperation with our foreign partners, needs to appreciate the importance of mastering foreign languages." As a logical continuation of these ideas, the Presidential Decree on further improving the system of teaching foreign languages, adopted on December 10, 2012, expanded the opportunities for learning foreign languages. In our republic, the teaching of foreign languages, the evaluation of the knowledge and skills of foreign language teachers according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), new methods and requirements were developed.

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«"Methods of Engaging Young Learners in Learning the English Language"»

"Methods of Engaging Young Learners in Learning the English Language"

Mirzakarimova Aziza

The student of Bukhara State university

Key words: innovative technology, teaching, textbooks, technologies,interpretor, educational process, independent thinker, well-prepared, TEFL, combination, visual diagrams, illustrations, mnemonic, spontaneous,childhood edication, kiddo, conjugation.

This article highlights the significant importance of teaching foreign languages in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the necessary innovative technologies for learning them. Since gaining independence, interest in learning foreign languages has increased in our country, and various opportunities have been created for young people. As our first president, Islam Karimov, stated, "Teaching foreign languages is of great importance in our country today. This is not optional. Our nation, which is striving to take its rightful place in the world community and is building its great future in cooperation with our foreign partners, needs to appreciate the importance of mastering foreign languages." As a logical continuation of these ideas, the Presidential Decree on further improving the system of teaching foreign languages, adopted on December 10, 2012, expanded the opportunities for learning foreign languages. In our republic, the teaching of foreign languages, the evaluation of the knowledge and skills of foreign language teachers according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), new methods and requirements were developed.

Textbooks were created for students of general education schools and vocational colleges. Classrooms were equipped with stands and new information and communication technologies in accordance with these requirements. The demand for learning foreign languages is increasing day by day. The subject of learning a foreign language is divided into four aspects (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), each of which provides separate concepts and skills. Educational technologies involve effective use of modern information technologies in the educational process.Tasks can be carried out during the students' active time: - "Chain Story" method helps to develop students' oral speech; - "Acting Characters" can be used in all types of lessons. To teach, people with professions such as "Interpreter", "Translator", "Writer", "Poet" can participate in the lesson and communicate with students; - "Thinkers Meeting" allows suggesting poets and writers like William Shakespeare, Alisher Navoi, Robert Burns.

At such times, using wise words said by them in the lesson helps in the comprehensive development of young people; - "When Pictures Speak" method is quite convenient and helps to develop students' oral speech in teaching English, it is necessary to use pictures related to the topic; - Quiz cards are distributed according to the number of students, and all students participate in the lesson at the same time, which saves time [4]. As we can see, each innovative technology has its own advantages. Collaboration between the teacher and the student is evident in all of these methods, and the active participation of the student in the learning process is emphasized.When it comes to using innovative methods in teaching English, it results in the development of students' logical thinking abilities, fluency in speech, and the skill to provide quick and accurate responses. Such methods ignite students' interest in gaining knowledge and make them eager to attend classes well-prepared. This, in turn, directs students towards active participation in the learning process. The educational system nurtures the development of an independent thinker, a mature and competent individual, and it is our responsibility as future educators to enhance our skills by further perfecting ways to effectively utilize innovative technologies.

Once you’ve conquered getting TEFL certified, you can conquer anything, right? Not only is teaching children a particular challenge, but they are also usually complete beginners in their English learning journey.

This combination means that you’ll have to pay particular attention to the way you present information and engage students. Engagement and fun is key to setting a strong foundation for their future education. Here are some method to engage young student to learn English language :

1. Turn lessons into songs

Every English learner, both native and not, is familiar with, at the very least, one classic jingle. Yes, the ABCs are what we turn to for a reminder of what letter comes after Q. Although the middle part (something about eliemenopee?) requires a bit more brain power, the song offers English speakers a comfortable reference point for all their alphabetical needs.

Turning vocab, grammar, and dialogues into catchy tunes is a fabulous method for teaching English to young learners. If you’re reviewing common material, try turning to YouTube to see if there’s already a suitable song out there. Otherwise, you can hone your inner Beethoven to compose a musical masterpiece using the tune of another easy song, such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

2. Create visual diagrams to illustrate new vocabulary

kids with chalk in haiti

Use color and visual aids to keep kids’ attention longer.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes. These are a whole lot easier to point out on a smiling stick man than to write out in a vocabulary list. Visual devices provide a double whammy, too. Students can enjoy coloring or even adding on to pictures, while also absorbing what the new words they are learning look like.

Highlighting, underlining, and circling are all common visual tricks adults use to recall snippets of information. Creating visual diagrams is the same basic idea, so that the little ones can start to visualize what English looks like. As a bonus, students can more easily locate learning aids with distinct colors and illustrations among their folders of messy papers.

3. Encourage mnemonic devices to memorize grammar rules

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally, or PEMDAS, is a popular mnemonic device for recalling the order of operations in math. When it comes to teaching English to children, memory aids make it easier to remember hard-to-spell words or complex grammar points. Whether that means creating a mnemonic device in students’ native languages or breaking it down into simpler English words, the goal remains the same: better memory!

A useful mnemonic for all levels of English learners is “-i before -e, except after c”. Once you can get your students to recite that phrase on command, expect those pesky i/e spelling mistakes to poof away! (If all else fails, turn to essential ESL resources to gain even more insight on how to teach English to children.)

4. Weave in spontaneous or consistent dialogues throughout the lesson

What did you do this weekend? By kicking off class with an expected question, you can get your students thinking about what they’ll say long before class even starts. Natural dialogue also introduces students to everyday vocabulary relevant to their own lives and interests.

If you’re working with a class, rather than a single student, you can also sprinkle in some side conversations with students as they work diligently on differentiating between I and me. Ask what’s for lunch, how the last soccer game went, or anything at all that gets them excited to share!

5. Break up solitary study sessions with games

Ah, the holy grail of how to teach English to young learners — games.

Childhood education without games is like chicken wings without seasoning or sauce. You simply can’t have one without the other. Games are especially effective teaching methods for young learners (or for any kind of learner — think back to your own TEFL certification program!), because kids are able to learn without realizing it. Active games let them expel some bottled up energy and quiet ones challenge and require concentration.

6. Review vocabulary through role playing

person teaching a child in sri lanka

The best teaching methods for young learners require creativity.

Think theater class with an English twist. Picking up the role of a police officer or elderly neighbor on the spot can be intimidating to any aged student. However, if you have some fun with it and create a more relaxed expectation for students to act out roles, they’ll be less stressed about making mistakes.

After all, teaching English to children should be about building up speaking confidence and a solid foundation. The perfect subject-verb-agreement and conjugations can be fine-tuned later!

Pick up some wacky wigs, sunglasses, and hats to help students step into character and feel more like they’re acting, not just presenting a dialogue. Once they really embrace their character, you might be shocked to find just how creative the little Shakespeares can get with their new vocabulary!

7. Repeat previous lessons in every class

Assuming the average class duration is only an hour or less, that leaves a whole lot of time in the day to forget everything a student just learned. Children won’t retain as much information as adults, so repetition is key in English for young learners.

Rather than calling case closed at the end of a lesson and moving on after a test, be sure to pack every class with tons of repetition from lessons before. This also helps students to use vocabulary and grammar points all together, rather than depend on the same example sentences and templates they learn isolated in each lesson.

8. Get out of the classroom!

If you’re a first-time English teacher, the idea of leading kids out into the big, wide world and outside the safe classroom walls may sound like a disaster waiting to happen. But if you’re teaching English to young learners in-person and have permission to do so, take the kiddos out on a stroll. The change in scenery opens up a whole new box of situations to practice new vocabulary in its natural habitat.


1. Bekmuratova U. B. "The Use of Innovative Technologies in Teaching English" - Tashkent, 2012

2. Otaboyeva, M. R. "The Use of Modern Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Its Effectiveness"

3. N. Q. Khatamova, M.N. Mirzayeva. "Interactive Methods Used in English Language Classes" - Navoiy, 2006, p. 40

4. M. Kholdorova, N. Fayzieva, F. Riksitilayeva. "The Use of Auxiliary Tools in Teaching Foreign Languages" - Tashkent: Nizami TDPU, 2005

5. O. Khoshimov, I. Yaqubov. "Methodology of Teaching English" - Tashkent: "Sharq" Publishing, 2003


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"Methods of Engaging Young Learners in Learning the English Language"

Автор: Xaitova D.T.

Дата: 25.06.2024

Номер свидетельства: 653602

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