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  « С.Бекбосынов атында?ы орта мектебі» КММ

П?ні :А?ылшын тілі

П?н М??алімі:   Абишева Жадыра

сыныбы :  11-сынып

к?ні:  18.02.2015 ж

САБА?ТЫ?   ТА?ЫРЫБЫ:   ?аза?стан


1. Educational: To consolidate and generalize knowledge of students on the Unit “Geography”; to enrich students knowledge in all spheres of country study; to widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks; to help to analyze the information about our country.

2. Developmental: To develop student’s skills in oral speech; to and develop student’s writing, reading and speaking abilities through giving several tasks; to improve their mental and critical thinking.  

3. Cultural: To bring up patriots of their Motherland; to chance their respect for people of different nationalities; to improve their pride of their native, country; to bring up students to respect and love foreign language.

Intersubject connection: Kazakh, Russian, Geography, History

The procedure of the lesson:

I.                   Organization moment:

1.      Greeting:

- Good morniing, dear children!

- How are you?

2.      Marking:

-          Who is on duty today?

-          Who is absent today?

-          What is the date today?

-          What day is it today?

3.      Presentation of the aims of the lesson:

-          Today we will read the materials about our motherland Kazakhstan, our capital, situation, national and state symbols.



Today we are going to read about Kazakhstan but let’s do some pre-reading tasks:

Listen, read and learn how to pronounce the proper names.

1.Топ?а б?лу: 2 топ  Сурет бойынша топ?а б?ліну.               

1-Астана                           2-Алматы

What  was your hometask?

1.Who is the our first Presedent? N.Nazarbaev

2.What named our money? This is named  ‘’Tenge’’

3.Our Kazakh Khanete? There are Kerey, Zhanibek,Abylaikhan,

4.How many our Parliament System? In 2 Senat and Mazhilis.

5.Our Kazakh Khanete was destroyed….

Presintation about Astana,Almaty.

Listen to me I give you new  information about Kazakhstan


The republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the Central Asia. The area of Kazakhstan is 2753000 square kilometers. Its population is about 16 million.  Kazakhstan borders China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia. There is a long border coast line on the Caspian sea in the Southwest.

Kazakh is the official language of the country. Russian and other languages are spoken here too.

The largest cities are Almaty, Karaganda, Shimkent, Pavlodar and Astana.

Astana is the capital of the Republic. Astana is situated in the central part of Kazakhstan.  The former names of Astana Akmola, Tselinograd,  Akmolinsk. The city was founded as a fortress in 1824 and named Akmolinsk. It was renamed to Tselinograd in 1961. In 1992 the city was returned its former name Akmola, but in 1998 with the transfer the capital from Almaty to Akmola, the city got a new symbolic name Astana. Astana is the international, business and cultural centre of Kazakhstan.

There are a few river and lakes in Kazakhstan. Ertis, Syr-Daya, Illiand Ural are the main resources of water in the country. The largest lakes are Balhash, Zaisan, Ala-Kol and Tengis.

The climate of the country is strongly continental. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. Kazakhstan has well-developed heavy industry. Agriculture takes a very important sector in the national economy.

As a sovereign state Kazakhstan has its own national flag and anthem and national traditions and holidays.

Answer the questions:

1 Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?

2 What is the size of the area of Kazakhstan?

3 What can you say about the population of Kazakhstan?

4 What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

5 Where is Astana situated?

6 What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

7 What can you say about the Kazakhstan  industry?


Pupils are telling facts about Motherland.

Астана мен Алматы ?аласы жайлы ?ыс?аша то?талу

Видео –слайд  к?рсету ?аза?стан жайлы.(2,5 мин)

Электронды?  о?улы?пен ж?мыс. Тексті ты?дату,жатты?у ж?мысын орындату.С?ра??а жауап алу.

А.??нанбаев ?ле?інен жаз бен к?ктем сурет салу суреттеп айту. ?мірін баяндау.

?лы Же?іске -70 жыл. ?лдар хат жаздыру,?ыздар?а 5 жол ?ле? (сингвин ?дісі).Хаттарды о?ыту.?ыздар?а ж?мысын орындату аударту.

Ассамблея?а -20 жыл.?аза?станда ?анша ?лт ?кілдері мекендейді ? 130 –?а тарта ?лт ?кілдері.

Сандар с?йлейді.Сандарды с?йлету. Санны? ма?ынасына то?талу.

20 .  20 .   1995      70      170  

Топ басшыларыны? ба?алауын ты?дау. Екі топты? басшыларына ?орытындылату.

Кері байланыс жасату,смайликтерге аттарын жаз?ызу.Смайликті ?з бетіне келістіру.

Саба?ты ?орытындылау.

Балалар біз ?андай елде ?мір с?ріп жатырмыз. Тыныш,бейбіт, бауырмал  ел бізді? ?аза? елі осындай . I glad this we were born because its my Motherland.

Thank you for your attention.Our lesson is over.Good bye.

Setting the home task:

To write composition: "My motherland.”

The end of the lesson:

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« С.Бекбосынов атындағы орта мектебі» КММ

Пәні :Ағылшын тілі

ПӘн Мұғалімі: Абишева Жадыра

сыныбы : 11-сынып

күні: 18.02.2015 ж



1. Educational: To consolidate and generalize knowledge of students on the Unit “Geography”; to enrich students knowledge in all spheres of country study; to widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks; to help to analyze the information about our country.

2. Developmental: To develop student’s skills in oral speech; to and develop student’s writing, reading and speaking abilities through giving several tasks; to improve their mental and critical thinking.

3. Cultural: To bring up patriots of their Motherland; to chance their respect for people of different nationalities; to improve their pride of their native, country; to bring up students to respect and love foreign language.

Intersubject connection: Kazakh, Russian, Geography, History

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment:

    1. Greeting:

- Good morniing, dear children!

- How are you?

    1. Marking:

      • Who is on duty today?

      • Who is absent today?

      • What is the date today?

      • What day is it today?

    2. Presentation of the aims of the lesson:

      • Today we will read the materials about our motherland Kazakhstan, our capital, situation, national and state symbols.


Today we are going to read about Kazakhstan but let’s do some pre-reading tasks:

Listen, read and learn how to pronounce the proper names.

1.Топқа бөлу: 2 топ Сурет бойынша топқа бөліну.

1-Астана 2-Алматы

What was your hometask?

1.Who is the our first Presedent? N.Nazarbaev

2.What named our money? This is named ‘’Tenge’’

3.Our Kazakh Khanete? There are Kerey , Zhanibek,Abylaikhan,

4.How many our Parliament System? In 2 Senat and Mazhilis.

5.Our Kazakh Khanete was destroyed….

Presintation about Astana ,Almaty.

Listen to me I give you new information about Kazakhstan


The republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the Central Asia. The area of Kazakhstan is 2753000 square kilometers. Its population is about 16 million. Kazakhstan borders China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia. There is a long border coast line on the Caspian sea in the Southwest.

Kazakh is the official language of the country. Russian and other languages are spoken here too.

The largest cities are Almaty, Karaganda, Shimkent, Pavlodar and Astana.

Astana is the capital of the Republic. Astana is situated in the central part of Kazakhstan. The former names of Astana Akmola, Tselinograd, Akmolinsk. The city was founded as a fortress in 1824 and named Akmolinsk. It was renamed to Tselinograd in 1961. In 1992 the city was returned its former name Akmola, but in 1998 with the transfer the capital from Almaty to Akmola, the city got a new symbolic name Astana. Astana is the international, business and cultural centre of Kazakhstan.

There are a few river and lakes in Kazakhstan. Ertis, Syr-Daya, Illiand Ural are the main resources of water in the country. The largest lakes are Balhash, Zaisan, Ala-Kol and Tengis.

The climate of the country is strongly continental. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. Kazakhstan has well-developed heavy industry. Agriculture takes a very important sector in the national economy.

As a sovereign state Kazakhstan has its own national flag and anthem and national traditions and holidays.

Answer the questions:

1 Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?

2 What is the size of the area of Kazakhstan?

3 What can you say about the population of Kazakhstan?

4 What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

5 Where is Astana situated?

6 What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

7 What can you say about the Kazakhstan industry?


Pupils are telling facts about Motherland.

Астана мен Алматы қаласы жайлы қысқаша тоқталу

Видео –слайд көрсету Қазақстан жайлы.(2,5 мин)

Электрондық оқулықпен жұмыс. Тексті тыңдату ,жаттығу жұмысын орындату.Сұраққа жауап алу.

А.Құнанбаев өлеңінен жаз бен көктем сурет салу суреттеп айту. Өмірін баяндау.

Ұлы Жеңіске -70 жыл. Ұлдар хат жаздыру ,қыздарға 5 жол өлең (сингвин әдісі) .Хаттарды оқыту .Қыздарға жұмысын орындату аударту.

Ассамблеяға -20 жыл .Қазақстанда қанша ұлт өкілдері мекендейді ? 130 –ға тарта ұлт өкілдері.

Сандар сөйлейді.Сандарды сөйлету. Санның мағынасына тоқталу.

20 . 20 . 1995 70 170

Топ басшыларының бағалауын тыңдау. Екі топтың басшыларына қорытындылату.

Кері байланыс жасату,смайликтерге аттарын жазғызу .Смайликті өз бетіне келістіру.

Сабақты қорытындылау.

Балалар біз қандай елде өмір сүріп жатырмыз. Тыныш ,бейбіт , бауырмал ел біздің қазақ елі осындай . I glad this we were born because its my Motherland.

Thank you for your attention.Our lesson is over .Good bye.

Setting the home task:

To write composition: "My motherland.”

The end of the lesson:

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс


Автор: Абишева Жадыра Курметжановна

Дата: 10.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 184108

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