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Different approaches and methods of teaching English

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In this presentation you can learn different approaches and methods ofof teaching English

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«Different approaches and methods of teaching English»

Different approaches and methods in English teaching “ A thousand teachers, a thousand methods” -Chinese Proverb English teacher: Kupalova B.K SCHOOL№157

Different approaches and methods in English teaching

“ A thousand teachers, a thousand methods”

-Chinese Proverb

English teacher: Kupalova B.K


INTRODUCTION   Teaching approach  It is a set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroom.  Teaching strategy It is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal.


Teaching approach

It is a set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroom.

Teaching strategy

It is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal.

Teaching method  It is a systematic way of doing something. It implies an orderly logical arrangement of steps. It is more procedural. Teaching technique It is well-defined procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task.

Teaching method It is a systematic way of doing something. It implies an orderly logical arrangement of steps. It is more procedural.

Teaching technique

It is well-defined procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task.

EXAMPLES OF TEACHING APPROACHES Teacher-centered Learner-centered Subject-mattered Learner-centered Teacher dominated Interactive “ Banking”approach Constructive Disprincipal Integrated Individualistic Colloborated Inderect, guided Direct






Teacher dominated


“ Banking”approach






Inderect, guided


*TEACHER-CENTERED APPROACH  The teacher is preceirved to be the only reliable source of information in contrast to the learner-centered approach *LEARNER-CENTERED APPROACH In which it is premised on the belief that the learner is also an important resource because he/she too knows something and is therefore capable of sharing something

*TEACHER-CENTERED APPROACH The teacher is preceirved to be the only reliable source of information in contrast to the learner-centered approach


In which it is premised on the belief that the learner is also an important resource because he/she too knows something and is therefore capable of sharing something

* INTERACTIVE APPROACH  In this approach, an interactive classroom will have more student talk and less teacher talk. Students are given the opportunity to interact with teacher and with other students. *CONSTRUCTIVE APPROACH The students are expected to contrast knowledge and meaning out for what they are taught by connecting them to prior experience.

* INTERACTIVE APPROACH In this approach, an interactive classroom will have more student talk and less teacher talk. Students are given the opportunity to interact with teacher and with other students.


The students are expected to contrast knowledge and meaning out for what they are taught by connecting them to prior experience.

*BANKING APPROACH  The teacher deposits knowledge into the “empty” minds of students for students to commit to memory.   *INTEGRATED APPROACH It makes the teacher connects what he/she teaches to other lessons of the same subject or connects his/her lessons with other subjects thus making his/her approach interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary.

*BANKING APPROACH The teacher deposits knowledge into the “empty” minds of students for students to commit to memory.


It makes the teacher connects what he/she teaches to other lessons of the same subject or connects his/her lessons with other subjects thus making his/her approach interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary.

*DISCIPLINAL APPROACH  I t limits the teacher to discuss his/her lessons within the boundary of his/her subject.   *COLLOBORATED APPROACH.  It will welcome group work, teamwork, partnerships, and group discussion.

*DISCIPLINAL APPROACH I t limits the teacher to discuss his/her lessons within the boundary of his/her subject.


It will welcome group work, teamwork, partnerships, and group discussion.

* INDIVIDUALISTIC APPROACH.  It wants the individual students to work by themselves.   * DIRECT TEACHING APPROACH. The teacher directly tells or shows or demonstrates what is to be taught.

* INDIVIDUALISTIC APPROACH. It wants the individual students to work by themselves.


The teacher directly tells or shows or demonstrates what is to be taught.

* INDIRECT, GUIDED APPROACH.   The teacher guides the learner to discover things for himself/herself. The teacher facilitates the learning process by allowing the learner to be engaged in the learning process with his/her guidance.

* INDIRECT, GUIDED APPROACH. The teacher guides the learner to discover things for himself/herself. The teacher facilitates the learning process by allowing the learner to be engaged in the learning process with his/her guidance.

Teaching methods

Teaching methods

  • Direct instruction/lecture method
  • Demonstration method
  • Inquiry method (students gather information by themselves)
  • Brainstorming method
  • Fish skleton
  • Debate
  • BBB method (know, want to know, have known)
  • Blits question method
  • Bumerang
  • Venn diagram
  • Video puzzle
Teaching methods

Teaching methods

  • Unique circle
  • Essay strategy
  • Table
  • Case-study
  • Claster
  • Modelling
  • Problem situation
  • The lili flower
  • Cwot analyzing
  • Presentation
  • T-table

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Different approaches and methods of teaching English

Автор: Купалова Барно Камиловна

Дата: 18.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 547091

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