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Diana, Princess of Wales

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Эта презентация знакомит учащихся с биографией  Дианы Спенсер

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«Diana, Princess of Wales»

( 1961-1997 )

( 1961-1997 )

Britain marked the tenth anniversary  of the death of Princess Diana

Britain marked the tenth anniversary

of the death of Princess Diana

Diana Frances Spencer was born on July 1,1961, in Norfolk, England, the third of the Lord and Lady Althorp’s four children. She grew up at Park House, a mansion in Norfolk located next door to the royal family’s Sandringham estate.

Diana Frances Spencer was born on July 1,1961, in Norfolk, England, the third of the Lord and Lady Althorp’s four children. She grew up at Park House, a mansion in Norfolk located next door to the royal family’s Sandringham estate.

The wedding took place on July 29,1981. A congregation  of 2,500 and a worldwide TV audience of about 750 million  watched the ceremony under the dome of St.Paul’s  Cathedral.

The wedding took place on July 29,1981. A congregation

of 2,500 and a worldwide TV audience of about 750 million

watched the ceremony under the dome of St.Paul’s


Prince William, nicknamed Wills, was born in June of 1982. A second son, Harry, was born two years later in September  of 1984. Diana tried to raise the children as normally as possible, away from the glare of publicity.

Prince William, nicknamed Wills, was born in June of 1982.

A second son, Harry, was born two years later in September

of 1984. Diana tried to raise the children as normally as

possible, away from the glare of publicity.

Diana’s professional life became an endless round of  ceremonial tree plantings, introductions and public appearances. She visited terminally ill people in hospitals, traveled to Bosnia to meet the victims of  land mines, and met Mother Teresa in New York City’s South Bronx in June 1997

Diana’s professional life became an endless round of

ceremonial tree plantings, introductions and public

appearances. She visited terminally ill people in

hospitals, traveled to Bosnia to meet the victims of

land mines, and met Mother Teresa in New York City’s

South Bronx in June 1997

(Dodi al Fayed is the debonair son of the owner of the famous Harrods  Department Store in London)

(Dodi al Fayed is the debonair son of the owner of the famous Harrods

Department Store in London)

The crash: Diana, Dodi al Fayed and the car driver Henry Paul was death

The crash: Diana, Dodi al Fayed and the

car driver Henry Paul was death

Elton John's   Good Bye for Princess Diana Diana: Goodbye England's Rose    Goodbye England's rose;   may you ever grow in our hearts.   You were the grace that placed itself   where lives were torn apart.  You called out to our country,   and you whispered to those in pain.   Now you belong to heaven,   and the stars spell out your name. And it seems to me you lived your life   like a candle in the wind:   never fading with the sunset   when the rain set in.   And your footsteps will always fall here,   along England's greenest hills;   your candle's burned out   long before  your legend ever will . Loveliness we've lost;   these empty days without your smile.   This torch we'll always carry   for our nation's golden child.  And even though we try,   the truth brings us to tears;   all our words cannot express   the joy you brought us through the years. Goodbye England's rose,   from a country lost without your soul,   who'll miss the wings of your compassion   more than you'll ever know.

Elton John's  Good Bye for Princess Diana

Diana: Goodbye England's Rose  

Goodbye England's rose;  may you ever grow in our hearts.  You were the grace that placed itself  where lives were torn apart. 

You called out to our country,  and you whispered to those in pain.  Now you belong to heaven,  and the stars spell out your name.

And it seems to me you lived your life  like a candle in the wind:  never fading with the sunset  when the rain set in.  And your footsteps will always fall here,  along England's greenest hills;  your candle's burned out  long before  your legend ever will .

Loveliness we've lost;  these empty days without your smile.  This torch we'll always carry  for our nation's golden child. 

And even though we try,  the truth brings us to tears;  all our words cannot express  the joy you brought us through the years.

Goodbye England's rose,  from a country lost without your soul,  who'll miss the wings of your compassion  more than you'll ever know.

We will never forget Diana and  miss her forever...  Only the best die young!  Rest in peace!  You'll be in our heart, always...

We will never forget Diana and miss her forever... Only the best die young! Rest in peace! You'll be in our heart, always...

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Diana, Princess of Wales

Автор: Петрова Татьяна Михайловна

Дата: 20.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 550698

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