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Describing place

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Our today's lesson's slogan:

Good, better, best

Never, never rest

Till your good is better

And your better best

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Describing place»

Theme: Describing place

Theme: Describing place

England Kazakhsatan



Theme: Describing place

Theme: Describing place

Our today's lesson's slogan: Our today's lesson's slogan: Our today's lesson's slogan: Our today's lesson's slogan: Our today's lesson's slogan: Good, better, best Never, never rest Till your good is better And your better best

Our today's lesson's slogan:

  • Our today's lesson's slogan:
  • Our today's lesson's slogan:
  • Our today's lesson's slogan:
  • Our today's lesson's slogan:

Good, better, best

Never, never rest

Till your good is better

And your better best

deep  deep er  the deep est  nic e  the  nic e st  nic e r  the laz i est  the big g est  lazy  big   laz i er  big g er


deep er

the deep est

nic e

the nic e st

nic e r

the laz i est

the big g est



laz i er

big g er

interesting expensive dangerous difficult  more interesting more expensive less dangerous less difficult  the most interesting the most expensive the least dangerous the least difficult





more interesting

more expensive

less dangerous

less difficult

the most interesting

the most expensive

the least dangerous

the least difficult

. better worse less more the best the worst the least the most   good  bad  little much, many






the best

the worst

the least

the most




much, many

Task 1. Write comparative degree of adjectives. Big- noisy- beautiful- good- Nice- short- interesting- bad-

Task 1. Write comparative degree of adjectives.

Big- noisy- beautiful- good-

Nice- short- interesting- bad-

Task2. Complete the table Positive Comparative Superlative 1. 1. more interesting 1. 2. 2. 2. the best 3. 3. 3. 4.old 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. the tallest

Task2. Complete the table

Positive Comparative Superlative

1. 1. more interesting 1.

2. 2. 2. the best

3. 3. 3.

4.old 4. 4.

5. 5. 5. the tallest

Poster protection  Team: Kazakhstan Poster protection  The team: England Statue « Baiterek » Clock « Big Ben » St. James's park National gallery Residence of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan The embankment of Esil

Poster protection Team: Kazakhstan

Poster protection The team: England

Statue « Baiterek »

Clock « Big Ben »

St. James's park

National gallery

Residence of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The embankment of Esil

Riddles. I am gray. My tail is long. My nose is short. I am very little.    Mouse   I am the biggest. I am gray. My nose is longest. My tail is short.    Elephant   I have got the longest. But have short tail. I am the tallest.    Giraf


  • I am gray. My tail is long. My nose is short. I am very little.


  • I am the biggest. I am gray. My nose is longest. My tail is short.


  • I have got the longest. But have short tail. I am the tallest.


Task4. Complete sentences 1. Bob's garden isn't very big. Your garden is____ than Bob's. 2. It was a very cold day. It was_____ of the year. 3. You aren't very tall. Your brother is ____ than you. 4. Britain isn't very large. France is____ than Britain. 5. Sydney is a very popular city. It's ____in Australia. Use: bigger, the coldest, taller, larger, the largest.

Task4. Complete sentences

1. Bob's garden isn't very big. Your garden is____ than Bob's.

2. It was a very cold day. It was_____ of the year.

3. You aren't very tall. Your brother is ____ than you.

4. Britain isn't very large. France is____ than Britain.

5. Sydney is a very popular city. It's ____in Australia.

Use: bigger, the coldest, taller, larger, the largest.

Task4. Complete sentences 1. Bob's garden isn't very big. Your garden is bigger than Bob's. 2. It was a very cold day. It was the coldest of the year. 3. You aren't very tall. Your brother is taller than you. 4. Britain isn't very large. France is larger than Britain. 5. Sydney is a very popular city. It's the largest in Australia. Use: taller bigger, larger, the largest , the coldest

Task4. Complete sentences

1. Bob's garden isn't very big. Your garden is bigger than Bob's.

2. It was a very cold day. It was the coldest of the year.

3. You aren't very tall. Your brother is taller than you.

4. Britain isn't very large. France is larger than Britain.

5. Sydney is a very popular city. It's the largest in Australia.

Use: taller bigger, larger, the largest , the coldest

Task 5.  Wonderful season.

Task 5. Wonderful season.

What do you know? England Famous person and other things Kazakhstan Famous person and other things

What do you know?


Famous person

and other things


Famous person and other things

Home Task:ex 7

Home Task:ex 7

Answers Hurry up! We haven't got a lot of time.  I don't eat much  chocolate.  I didn't take many photographs. I don't listen to  much classical music.


Hurry up! We haven't got a lot of time.

I don't eat much chocolate.

I didn't take many photographs.

I don't listen to much classical music.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Describing place

Автор: Тажибаев Ербол Тилеубергенович

Дата: 16.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 319245

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