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"British holidays"

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«"British holidays"»

Listen and repeat

Listen and repeat

  • decorate the Christmas tree with electric lights.
  • hang greetings cards on the walls.
  • hang stockings on the bed.
  • eat Christmas pudding.
  • prepare a lot of food.
  • wrap presents.
  • gather together
  • have holidays
  • exchange presents
  • sing Christmas carols
  • wish “Merry Christmas”
  • [dз] – J anuary, J une, J uly,
  • [t] – Augus t , Sep t ember, Oc t ober, St. Valen t ine’s Day.
  • [d] – D ecember, holi d ay
  • [ k] Ch ristmas Day, Father Ch ristmas
  • [θ] - Th anksgiving Day
  • [t∫] – Ch urch, ch ildren, ch icken.
The Past Continuous Tense

The Past Continuous Tense

  • Обозначает незаконченное действие, происходившее в определенный момент в прошлом
  • Параллельные действия, происходящие в определенный момент в прошлом
  • Момент времени может быть выражен действием, выраженным глаголом в Past Simple .
Формула to be + V ing to be  ед. число (I, he, she, it) множ. число ( you, we, they )  was were were + V ing was + V ing


to be + V ing

to be

ед. число (I, he, she, it)

множ. число ( you, we, they )



were + V ing

was + V ing

This holiday is celebrated on the first day of January.

This holiday is celebrated on the first day of January.

Make up the sentences out of words: 1 . We, stockings, were, on the, hanging, bed. 2.”Happy New Year”, wishing, People, to each, other, were. 3. sister, was, making, My, Christmas, cakes. 4. preparing, a lot of, My, mother, food, was.

Make up the sentences out of words:

1 . We, stockings, were, on the, hanging, bed.

2.”Happy New Year”, wishing, People, to each, other, were.

3. sister, was, making, My, Christmas, cakes.

4. preparing, a lot of, My, mother, food, was.

On this day we open presents and sit down to the table to have a big dinner.

On this day we open presents and sit down to the table to have a big dinner.

What were they doing? Mary  grandfather father mother grandmother Tom

What were they doing?







This day comes on February 14.

This day comes on February 14.

What were they doing on St. Valentines day ?

What were they doing on St. Valentines day ?

  • Were they having dinner at home?
Was your sister getting Valentine’s cards and presents  ?

Was your sister getting Valentine’s cards and presents ?

Was your brother making some cookies for a present?
  • Was your brother making some cookies for a present?
Were your parents decorating the house with red and pink paper hearts?

Were your parents decorating the house with red and pink paper hearts?

This holiday means spring, new life after winter, flowers, green trees.

This holiday means spring, new life after winter, flowers, green trees.

The favorite meal is … - sweets - cakes and candies - chocolate eggs On this day people … - wish a merry Christmas - wish
  • The favorite meal is …
  • - sweets
  • - cakes and candies
  • - chocolate eggs
  • On this day people …
  • - wish a merry Christmas
  • - wish "Happy New year"
  • - have pancakes for lunch
  • - sing, dance
  • - get presents
  • My favorite holiday is …
  • - Christmas
  • - New Year
  • - St. Valentine's Day
  • - Easter
  • - Halloween
  • It is celebrated in …
  • - winter
  • - spring
  • - summer
  • - autumn
  • The symbol of the holiday is …
  • - Father Christmas
  • - heart
  • - presents
  • - boiled eggs and chocolate hears
  • - pumpkin

Are the sentences true? 1.In England people celebrate Christmas before New Year. 2. Easter isn`t a religious holiday. 4.On Independence day people go to church. 5.On St. Valentines day the British hear Queen of England on television. 6.People get many presents from relatives and friends  on New Year`s day.

Are the sentences true?

1.In England people celebrate Christmas before New Year.

2. Easter isn`t a religious holiday.

4.On Independence day people go

to church.

5.On St. Valentines day the British hear Queen of England on television.

6.People get many presents from relatives and friends on New Year`s day.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"British holidays"

Автор: Самойлова Елена Юрьевна

Дата: 13.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 399810

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