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Adventure holidays in kazakhstan

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«Adventure holidays in kazakhstan»

ADVENTURE HOLIDAYS  IN KAZAKHSTAN   School: School-lyceum №146  Teacher: Madina Daurenkhan   Grade: 5 A


School: School-lyceum №146 Teacher: Madina Daurenkhan Grade: 5 A

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

  • Revision and Consolidation of the grammar and vocabulary of the previous lessons
  • Reading the travel brochure about adventure holidays in Kazakhstan
  • Learn and practise using indirect speech
  • Learn how to use “say’’ and “tell’’ with indirect speech/reported speech.
Students book, p.30 Adventure holidays in Kazakhstan Task: Read the travel brochure. Then listen to the conversation. Which adventure holiday do the people choose?

Students book, p.30

Adventure holidays in Kazakhstan

Task: Read the travel brochure. Then listen to the conversation. Which adventure holiday do the people choose?

Direct - Indirect speech

Direct - Indirect speech

Time to practise Track: 1.24 Ex.3 Look at the verbs in blue in the sentences in exercise 2. Then complete the rules.  1 We use the past simple tense of the verbs say and to report what someone else said. 2 is always followed by ( that ) + subject + verb. 3 After , we always use an indirect object. The object can be a name, a noun or a pronoun. Ex.2   Listen again. Who said these things? Write T (Tanya), S (Serik), H (Henry) or K (Kate).  1 told Tanya that he wanted to go on an adventure holiday. 2 said that he liked winter sports. 3 said that she couldn’t ski very well. 4 told them that the Sharyn was too far away. 5 told Henry that he was reading a travel brochure. 6 said that she was calling the travel agency.

Time to practise




Look at the verbs in blue in the sentences in exercise 2.

Then complete the rules.

1 We use the past simple tense of the verbs say

and to report what someone else said.

2 is always followed by ( that ) + subject +


3 After , we always use an indirect object.

The object can be a name, a noun or a



Listen again. Who said these things?

Write T (Tanya), S (Serik), H (Henry) or K (Kate).

1 told Tanya that he wanted to go on an

adventure holiday.

2 said that he liked winter sports.

3 said that she couldn’t ski very well.

4 told them that the Sharyn was too far


5 told Henry that he was reading a travel


6 said that she was calling the travel agency.

Ex 2, p 30

Ex 2, p 30

Additional vocabulary Travel, trip, journey, tour  Travel -verb, uncountable noun trip -short, easy journey -longer than a trip, more time, more effort tour -visit many different places Types of holiday Beach Activity -canoeing, camping, rock climbing, Adventure : safari honeymoon cultural : go sightseeing, on an excursion, on a city tour Package - backpacking, trekking

Additional vocabulary

Travel, trip, journey, tour

Travel -verb, uncountable noun

trip -short, easy

journey -longer than a trip, more time, more effort

tour -visit many different places

Types of holiday


Activity -canoeing, camping, rock climbing,

Adventure : safari


cultural : go sightseeing, on an excursion, on a city tour

Package - backpacking, trekking

Home task Task 2: Ex. 6 p.30 Students book Work in pairs. Imagine you want to go on holiday this weekend. Make a list of places you could visit and things you could do there. Interview your partner to find out which place or activity from your list they would like the most. Make notes and write a report about your partner’s answers. Do you like skiing? Rustam said that he didn’t like skiing. He told me that he liked swimming. TASK 1: Ex. 4, 5 p. 30 SB This is the exercise for Grammar Reported speech

Home task

Task 2:

Ex. 6 p.30 Students book

Work in pairs. Imagine you want to go on

holiday this weekend. Make a list of places

you could visit and things you could do there.

Interview your partner to find out which place

or activity from your list they would like the

most. Make notes and write a report about

your partner’s answers.

Do you like skiing?

Rustam said that he didn’t like skiing.

He told me that he liked swimming.


Ex. 4, 5 p. 30 SB

This is the exercise for Grammar

Reported speech

Thank you  for your attention and  active participation!

Thank you

for your attention


active participation!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Adventure holidays in kazakhstan

Автор: Дауренхан Мадина Максатовна

Дата: 26.02.2021

Номер свидетельства: 574323

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