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"Adventure holidays in Kazakhstan", 10th grade

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English, Ayapova T. Atamura press, 2014 у.

To read the introduction of the text "Adventure holidays" and fill in the gaps with the verbs; to write questions to the answers about the places/the Charyn Canyon, The Turgen Gorge, the singing Hill/to practice questions with past tenses, to match two-word verbs with their synonyms

To read the introduction of the text "Adventure holidays" and fill in the gaps with the verbs; to write questions to the answers about the places/the Charyn Canyon, The Turgen Gorge, the singing Hill/to practice questions with past tenses, to match two-word verbs with their synonyms

pair work,

group work

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«"Adventure holidays in Kazakhstan", 10th grade»


Оқу ісінің меңгерушісі:



The theme




Adventure holidays in Kazakhstan №3

10a 10ә

The reference, link

English, Ayapova T. Atamura press, 2014 у.


To read the introduction of the text "Adventure holidays" and fill in the gaps with the verbs; to write questions to the answers about the places/the Charyn Canyon, The Turgen Gorge, the singing Hill/to practice questions with past tenses, to match two-word verbs with their synonyms


To read the introduction of the text "Adventure holidays" and fill in the gaps with the verbs; to write questions to the answers about the places/the Charyn Canyon, The Turgen Gorge, the singing Hill/to practice questions with past tenses, to match two-word verbs with their synonyms

Methods used in teaching

pair work,

group work


Basic facts



Procedure of the lesson

The stages of the lesson

Teacher`s activity

Students` activities

An introduction

A) Read the introduction to the text "Adventure holidays" and fill in the gaps with the verbs in the box



get away


B) Put near each activity "S" for sport and "T" for tourism

C) Work in groups of three and see if you know the following words, tick the words they know

Canyon erosion sculptures glaciations rafting

Gorge plateau waterfall flood hill

Ss compare their notes with other students and discuss the points where their opinions differ

Ss find out the meanings of the words consulting the dictionary

Main part

Read the texts and answer the questions about our place

Ex5. p18

1. Where is the place you have read about situated?

2. What is your place famous for?

3. What is its size/ length/ height/ depth?

4. What can a visitor do/sports/ or see there?

Group A-Read about the Sharyn Canyon

Group B-Read about the Turgen Gorge

Group C-Read about the Singing Hill


A) Write questions to the given answers

  • It`s comparable with the Grand Canyon in Colorado

  • 80 km

  • For white-water rafting

  • Medical herbs and wild raspberries

  • On the right bank of the Ili River

  • A new type of slalom

B) Say what these numbers from the texts refer to.






One hundred and twenty


C) Work with your partner

  • Find out where your partner has spend his last summer holiday

  • Find out if your partner likes travelling

  • Find out if your partner has been abroad

  • Find out how many cities your partner has visited

  • Find out your partner`s favorite country

  • Find out if your partner is a green tourist

  • Find out if your partner is airsick

  • Find out what means of transportation your partner prefers

a) What is the beauty of Charyn comparable with?

b) What......?

c) What.......?

d) What......?

e) Where ....?

f) What.......?

Ss answer the questions in the questionnaire and speak about their partner


Three claps,

Self-assessment Leader-assessment

Home assignment

Exercises from book


Оқу ісінің меңгерушісі:



The theme




Adventure holidays in Kazakhstan №4

10a 10ә

The reference, link

English, Ayapova T. Atamura press, 2014 у.


To read the introduction of the text "Adventure holidays" and fill in the gaps with the verbs; to write questions to the answers about the places/the Charyn Canyon, The Turgen Gorge, the singing Hill/to practice questions with past tenses, to match two-word verbs with their synonyms


To read the introduction of the text "Adventure holidays" and fill in the gaps with the verbs; to write questions to the answers about the places/the Charyn Canyon, The Turgen Gorge, the singing Hill/to practice questions with past tenses, to match two-word verbs with their synonyms

Methods used in teaching

pair work,

group work


Basic facts



Procedure of the lesson

The stages of the lesson

Teacher`s activity

Students` activities

An introduction

A) What is "travelling" for you?

a) Travelling is .................

b) We travel because ...........

c) The best reason for travelling is ........

d) We shouldn`t travel just to ........

e) When we travel we learn .........

B) What is the most popular reason for travelling?

  • Education

  • Getting away from problems

  • Curiosity

  • Health problems

  • Job

  • Holiday making

Ss complete the following sentences individually and then discuss in a group and give answers

Ss discuss their ideas in groups and put the following reasons in order of popularity

Main part

Revise Present Perfect and read the dialogue between Gulnar and Zangar

Ex 13, 14, 15, 16 p20-21

  • How long _______you ______(learn) maths?

  • How long _______you ______(know) your teacher?

  • Have you ever ______ (be) abroad?

  • How long _______you ______(learn) English?

  • Which film _____ you _____ (see) lately?

  • Which book ____ you ____ (start) reading?

Ss read the dialogue, answer the questions using Present Perfect, complete the sentences, find examples of Perfect tenses and decide if they are Simple or Continuous, ask and answer the questions about themselves using Perfect tenses


A) Match two-word verbs with their synonyms

Call on


Run into


Run over


Get along with


Look like

Be friendly with

Look after

Hit by a car

Come back

Take care of

Keep on

Meet by chance

Look for


B) Write a small story using the phrasal verbs

Ss read the sentences on page 22 and try to understand the meanings of given phrasal verbs


Three claps,

Self-assessment Leader-assessment

Home assignment

Exercises from book

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Adventure holidays in Kazakhstan", 10th grade

Автор: Калкаманова Гулжан Мараткызы

Дата: 08.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 273704

Похожие файлы

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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "273704"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(12) "planirovanie"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1452260511"

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