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Поурочное планирование на тему Adventure holidays in Kazakhstan

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Данное поурочное планирование расчитано на учащихся 10 класса общеобразовательных школ Казахстана.На данном уроке я акцентирую внимание на произносительных навыках и разговорной речи учащихся, учиться слушать друг друга, вызватьбольшой интерес к изучению английского языка, ввести в атмосферу иноязычной речи, погрузить в языковую среду

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«Поурочное планирование на тему Adventure holidays in Kazakhstan »



Учитель английского языка: Банщикова Е.П.

ОСШ. №3 имени Ю. А. Гагарина.

Date: 14.09.2013г.

Тема урока: «Step 2. Adventure holidays in Kazakhstan»

Цели урока:

·        Образовательная цель– формирование умений диалогической речи, совершенствование навыков говорения, аудирования и письма.

·        Развивающая цель– развивать языковую догадку, память, речь и внимание. 

·        Воспитательная цель – учить слушать друг друга; воспитать интерес к предмету.

Оборудование: картинки.

1.     Организационный момент:

Цель: снять напряжение: настроить детей на работу; вести в атмосферу иноязычной речи, погрузить в языковую среду.

-         Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning!)

-         I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you, too)

-         Sit down, please. Get ready for the lesson. I am waiting for you to be quiet. Let’s start our lesson.

2.     Фонетическая зарядка:

Цель: подготовить учеников к повторению .

First le’s practice the English sounds. Open your textbooks, page 25, exercise 3. Listen to the speaker and then repeat words after ме.

3. Grammar task.

1) The new words:-

4.     Развитие навыка диалогической речи.


4. Get into three groups А, В, С

Group A — Read about the Charyn Canyon.

Group В — Read about the Turgen Gorge.

Group С — Read about the Singing Hill.

Read your texts and answer the questions about your place.


The Charyn Canyon. The beauty of Charyn is comparable with the Grand Canyon in Colorado, North America.

The Charyn Canyon is 80 km long. The bizarre shapes left by erosion and weathering will transport you to a fairy land of fantastical sculptures. The Canyon has preserved an ash-tree which survived glaciation. The Charyn River is perfect for white-water rafting.


The Turgen Gorge. One of the most picturesque places in the environs of Almaty, the Gorge plunges 44 km deep to the vast Assy plateau. It is blessed with coniferous and mixed forests, alpine and sub-alpine meadows, lakes and springs, medicinal herbs and wild raspberries. The Gorge is famous for its waterfalls. The Medvezhny (Bear) waterfall is 30 m high, while Bozgul is a powerful flood of water that has worn away an entire tunnel in the rock. The specially protected Chin - Turgen mossy fir forests, the only ones surviving in the Tien-Shan, are also to be found here.

The Singing Hill. The right bank of the Hi River is famous for a natural phenomenon: in dry weather the sands make music that sounds like an organ playing. The quartzite sand hills - Bolshoi and Maly Kalkan - are over 120 m high and stretch for 4 km. Despite the looseness of the sand and the strong winds, the sand hills do not migrate through the plain, but have remained in the same place for millennia. A new type of slalom has become popular - skiing down a sand hill.

5. Let us write.

1. Read the introduction to the text "Adventure holidays" and fill in the gaps with the verbs in the box.

from it all and adventure in as near


Many people today want.

to natural conditions as possible. This is where sport and tourism ideal combination for those who like___________life to the full. The land­scape around Almaty is so diverse that you can .

______mountain expe­ditions, horse riding, hiking, drive through the desert, canoeing and helicopter trips.

meet; experience; to get away; take in; to live

2. Put near each activity "S" for "Sport", and "T" for "Tourism"

a) mountain expedition

b) horse-riding

c) hiking

d) drives through desert I

e) canoeing

f) helicopter trips

3. a) Work in three groups and see if you know the following words. Tick (•) the words you know.

canyon waterfall

erosion flood

sculptures tunnel

glaciation hill




5. Answer the questions.

1. Where is the place you've read about situated?

2. What is your place famous for?

3. What is its size / length /height/depth?

4. What can a visitor do (sports) or see there?

8. Write in the questions to the answers about the places.

a) What is the beauty of Charyn comparable with? It is comparable with the Grand Canyon in Colorado.

b) What_________________________________________________?

80 km.

c) What_______________________________________________ ?

For white-water rafting.

d) What_________________________________________________?

Medical herbs and wild raspberries Berries.

e) Where___________________________________:_____________?

On the right bank of the Hi River. f) What ____________________

A new type of slalom.

9. Say what these numbers from the texts refer to.

eighty; thirty; four; forty; four, one hundred and twenty ; million

10. Work with your partner.

• Find out where your partner has spent his last summer holiday.

• Find out if your partner likes travelling.

• Find out if your partner has been abroad.

• Find out how many cities your partner has visited.

Find out your partner's favourite country.

Find out if your partner is a green tourist.

Find ouf if your partner is airsick.

Find out what mean of transportation your partner prefers.

What is travelling for you? Can you complete the following sentences?

a) Travelling is

b) We travel because __________

c) The best reason for travelling is

d) We shouldn't travel just to_____

e) When we travel we learn_____


11. Work in three groups.

What is the most popular reason for travelling? Put the following in order of popularity.


Getting away from problems


Health problems


Holiday making

6. Подведение итогов: 

  • выставление оценок;

  • анализ типичных ошибок учащихся;

  • выводы и заключение по уроку.

 7.  Write down your home task. Ex. 2. page 15-16. I gave you merry and sad smiles. Tell me, please, what is your mood now? Show me the sad or the merry smile.

8.        Our lesson is over. Thank you for the work. Good bye, boys! Good bye, girls!


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Поурочное планирование на тему Adventure holidays in Kazakhstan

Автор: Жумабекова Улбосын Танирбергеновна

Дата: 12.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 171660

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