The theme: What does your father do?
The aims: 1. О?ушыларды? маманды? аттарын айта білуге ?рету, жа?а с?здерді лексикалы? ж?не грамматикалы? т?р?ыдан д?рыс ?олдану, а?ылшын тілінде с?йлеу да?дыларын ?алыптастыру.
2. О?ушыны? монологты? ж?не диологты? с?йлеу да?дыларын дамыту.
3. о?ушыларды? ?зге тілге деген с?йіспеншілігін арттыру, маманды?ты д?рыс та?дай білуге т?рбиелеу.
Visual aids: interactive board, cards, pictures.
- Organization moment
T: Good morning, pupils!
P: Good morning, teacher!
T: Who is on duty today?
P: I’m on duty today
T: Who is absent?
P: All are present
T: OK. Sit down
- Checking the homework
T: What was your homework?
P: Our homework ex:15
T: Are ready?
P: Yes
- Phonetic drill
Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
And winter is white
- Explaining the new theme
Surprise. The letter from England from Colin and Carol.
“ Hello, dear Nargiza Atadzhanova and the pupils of the 5th form! How are you? Our congratulations on the forthcoming Day of Independence which will be on the 16th of December! We wish you strong health, be happy and clever! With best wishes, your friends Colin and Carol”
T: With this letter Colin and Carol sent the word “PROFESSION”
Listen and repeat the new words
ambassador -
an operator –
a doctor –
a dentist –
a secretary –
a housewife –
a musician –
a bank manager –
a lawyer –
a teacher –
a driver –
b) answer the questions
What is he? He is a doctor.
What is she? She is a teacher.
c) read the dialogue “Colin is at Omars flat” ex:2 p.82
d) Writing exercises
T: Open your copybooks and write down the date
What date is it today?
P: Today is the 14th of December
T: What day is it today?
P: Today is Friday
Ex:6 p:84
- What does Omar’s father do?
- He is an …
- What does Omar’s mother do?
- She is a …
e)Physical training
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes, knees and toes
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Eyes, ears, nose, mouth
f) Топты? ж?мыс.1 топ?а с?ра?тар, 2 топ?а жауаптары.
What is your name?
How old are you?
Which class are you in?
Where are you from?
What does your father do?
My name is Colin
I’m 10
I’m in 5th A
I’m from Kazakhstan
He is a bank manager
g) Crossword
1. What is the English for “д?рігер”
2. What is the English for “?й шаруасында?ы ?йел”
3. What is the English for “хатшы”
4. What is the English for “ж?ргізуші”
5. What is the English for “оператор”
6. What is the English for “тіс д?рігері”
7. What is the English for “м??алім”
8. What is the English for “музыкант”
- Marks.
- VI. Home task.
1. to learn the new words
2. Ex: 12, p.84. (in written form)
3. Ex: 2, p.82.(reading)