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What does your father do? (5 grade)

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The theme of the lesson: What does your father do?

The aims of the lesson:

1. To develop pupils` speaking, reading, writing and thinking abilities.

2. To increase pupils` word-stock by learning new words and practice on speech

3. To bring-up pupils` interests, make them respect and love various professions 

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«What does your father do? (5 grade)»

5 class

The date:

Theme: What does your father do?

Aims of the lesson:

  • To develop pupils’ speaking, reading, writing and thinking abilities.

  • To increase pupils’ word - stock with the help of doing different tasks.

  • To bring up pupils’ interests, make them respect and love people of various professions.

Visual aids: interactive board, cards

I. Organization moment:

Greeting pupils

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Who is absent?

II. Checking up of the home task. The poem “My family”

III. Repeating

  • Repeating numbers from 0 to 100;

  • Hello! Good morning! (afternoon, evening, bye)

  • Asking and answering the questions:

  • What`s your name?

  • Where are you from?

  • How are you?

  • What`s your address?

  • Family members

Revision of the words taken at the previous theme through guessing on the picture

  • Today we’ll speak about different professions. Open your copy -books and write down the date and the theme of today’s lesson.

IV. New theme:

engineer [инджиниэ] –инженер

doctor [докто] – врач

worker [уокэ] – работник

teacher[тичэ] – учитель

ambassador [эмбэсэйдэ] – посол
housewife [хаусуайф] – домохозяйка
bank manager [бэнк мэнэджэ] – менеджер банка
operator [оперэйтэ] – оператор
dentist [дэнтист] – стоматолог
secretary [секрэтэри] – секретарь
musician [мюзишэн] – музыкант

lawyer [лойэ] – юрист

driver [драйвэ] – водитель

businessman [бизнесмэн] - бизнесмен
V. Practice.

1. Let’s play the game «Find me». Slide
P1: Picture №1 – a doctor P2: Picture №2 – a dentist P3: Picture №3 – a housewife
P4: Picture №4 – a lawyer P5: Picture №5 – a teacher P6: Picture №6 – a bank manager
P7: Picture №7 – a secretary P8: Picture №8 – an operator P9: Picture №9 – a driver
P10: Picture №10 – a musician

2. Make names of professions out of these letters. Slide
1. Todcor 2. rkowre
3. Rvrdie 4. lyewar
5. Tisetnd 6. poerarot
7. Esrcteray 8. naicisum
9. Rehcaet

3. Let’s read and translate the dialogue between Colin and Omar.
And answer the questions

VI. Now, let’s conclude the lesson VII. Home task.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

What does your father do? (5 grade)

Автор: Аширханова Шынар Сериковна

Дата: 07.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 262964

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