Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to | use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings; recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics; deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics; |
Lesson objectives | All learners will be able to: read the text for specific information Most learners will be able to: Answer to the questions by using phrases Some learners will be able to: Justify own answer while doing test |
BEGINNING THE LESSON 5 MINS | Organization moment : 1.Greeting. 2. Organization moment. Ask students who is in their family. Showing a video: What a strange place to live After watching a video Teacher introduces the topic and asks questions What have you understood from the video? What is the video about? | Students answer to the questions: In the video, I can see a house in a tree. I think it would be interesting living up there. You would be able to see everything around you. I can see a house built into a rock. I think it would be nice living there. It would be cool in the summer and warm in the winter. | Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! | Whiteboard Pupils Book CD 9 grade |
MIDDLE OF THE LESSON 10 mins. 10 mins. 10 mins. | To read for specific information Reading: What a strange place to live Students should answer the questions by using phrases: I think…, in my opinion…, I suppose…etc. Pre-reading tasks: Questions: What can you see from the picture? Have you ever seen houses made of tree and wood? What do you know about unusual houses? While reading tasks: Complete the sentences with appropriate endings These houses can be up to 50 metres long, because they are___________. They get to their home by _____________. Locals live in fairy chimneys because____________________. Post Reading tasks: Test What are the tree house of the Korowai people made of? Wood B)Stone C)rock How do Korowai people get to their house? By jumping B) by running C) by climbing up Why are their houses are so high? To protect from floods and wild animals To protect from wind To protect from birds Where are the “fairy chimneys”? In Kazakhstan In China In Turkey Why do people enjoy living in the “fairy chimneys”? Cool in hot summers Warm in spring Cold in winter | Ss tell what do they know about the Flintstones. And give the answer to the questions then they read to find out the answer. Students during reading the text find the correct half of the sentences Unique Climbing They are cool in the hot summers and warm in the cold winters Answer Key They are made of wood and have a thatched roof. They climb up a long wooden pole. Their houses are so high to protect the Korowai from floods, wild animals ond mosquitoes and from other tribes breaking in at night. 4 They chat and tell stories. They are in C oreme, Turkey. They look like upside-down ice cream cones. It is a strange landscape. Some people say it's like the surface of the moon. Because they are cool in the hot summers and warm in the cold winters. | Descriptor: -can answer to the question 1 point -can answer the questions by using phrases 1 point -can give additional information about given topic 1 point Total: 3points Descriptor: -can deduce the meaning of word from context 1 point -can fill in with appropriate word while reading for gist 1 point Total: 2 points Descriptor: -can find correct answer A and justify 1 point -can find correct answer C and justify 1 point -can find correct answer A and justify 1 point -can find correct answer C and justify 1 point -can find correct answer A and justify 1 point Total: 5 points | Whiteboard Pupils Book |