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The best places to visit in Kazakhstan

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Урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме “The best places to visit in Kazakhstan”.

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«The best places to visit in Kazakhstan»


short-term plan unit:

Unit 3 “Holidays and travel”


Date: 16.11

Teacher’s name: Zununova Gulistan

Grade: 7 A

Number present:


Theme: The best places to visit in Kazakhstan

Learning objectives

7.R1 understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics

7.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics

7.C3 respect differing points of view

Level of thinking skills

1. Analysis and synthesis

2. Assessment

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

- analyze and discuss the main points in text on the best places to visit in Kazakhstan with support

- apply an opinion at discourse level on the best places to visit in Kazakhstan.

Most learners will be able to:

  • analyze and discuss the main points in texts on the best places to visit in Kazakhstan with some support;

  • suggest an opinion at discourse level on the best places to visit in Kazakhstan.

Some learners will be able to:

-explain the main points in texts on the best places to visit in Kazakhstan without support

- give an improvement of an opinion at discourse level on the best places to visit in Kazakhstan

Assessment criteria

Analyze and discuss the main points in texts on the best places to visit in Kazakhstan

Express and give an improvement of their opinions at discourse level on the best places to visit in Kazakhstan

Value links

National unity, peace, harmony in our society.

Cross curricular links

History, geography

ICT skills

Using internet

Previous learning

Gathering information about festivals in Kazakhstan and around the world (Food and drink)


Planned timing

Planned activities




- Greeting

T.: Good morning children!

Let's start this day with the formula of love. Let's stand in the circle of joy, smile at each other. Repeat after me the following words and movement:

I love myself so much (hand on heart),

That I can love you (hand on neighbor's shoulder).

And you start to love yourself (hand on the neighbor's shoulder).

And you can love me (hand on heart).


10 min




5 min

5 min



Regrouping :( students are divided into two groups with the help of pictures of train and plane. Each of them take card with questions about two main cities in Kazakhstan. At the end they should form 2 groups of cities).

Look at your cards. You should form two groups “Astana”, “Almaty”. Who has plane, will be a group of Almaty/ Who has train, will be a group of Astana.

1.What is the name of the capital of the Kazakhstan at present time?

2.Where’s situated Astana?

3.Whatis the symbol of Astana?

4. What the weather like in Astana?

5.When has Astana became a new capital of Kazakhstan?

1.What parks of Almaty do you Know?

2.The word Almaty means…

3. Almaty was the capital of Kazakhstan until…?

4. Are there any museums in Almaty?

Checking home task

Ill give you evaluation sheet the leader of the team should assess students

Evaluation sheet


Home task

1 task

work with text

2 task

Make up questions

about the text.

3 task listening

work with


Lets watch a video

Game «Pole Chudes » (Поле Чудес)

(with the help of proverbs the guys guess the topic)

  1. East or West home is the…( best)!

  2. There is no … (place)like home!

  3. The best country is your motherland (and our motherland Is Kazakhstan)

The ........ ....... to visit.......... .

As you guessed, today we’ll talk about our country and the best places to visit in Kazakhstan.

I group -“ Astana”

II group – “Almaty”

I Task. Read the text attentively.

Group “Astana”

Find out in the text the sightseeings of Astana. Name them.

Astana is the capital city of our country. It is beautiful and young. There are many sightseeing in Astana.

Ak Orda is the residence of our president. He works and lives in Ak Orda.

Duman is the biggest oceanarium in the Central Asia. There are many different kinds of fish there.

Baiterek is an observation tower in Astana. It is 105 meters tall. On the top level there is a handprint of the right hand of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first President of the Independent republic of Kazakhstan.

Group “Almaty”

Find out in the text the sightseeings of Astana. Name them.

Almaty was the capital of Kazakhstan from 1929 to 1997. Now it is big commercial and cultural center of country. There are a lot of sightseeing in Almaty.

Medeu is located in mountain. It is the highest skating rink in the world.

Kok-Tobe mountain. It has a variety of amusement park. There is also 372 metres tall TV Tower.

There is also a ski resort in Almaty- Shymbulak. It is elevated 2200 metres above sea level.


1.Analyze the text

2.Find out and name the best places to visit in Astana.

Most able students can explain the main points in texts on the best places to visit in Kazakhstan without support

II Task. Make up 5 questions about the text.

I group -“ Astana”

II group “Almaty”

1.Analyze the text

2.Make up five questions about the text.

Action song

Task1. Listening

1.Travelling gives you many 1______________ experiences you cannot find in your own country.

2.You meet local people and get to understand 2_____________ cultures.

3.It’s so exciting. I love planning 3_____ and doing some research on the country or countries I want to visit.

4.Sometimes I like to plan everything in advance, 4______, hotels and tours, etc.

5.For me, the most 5 _____________ thing is arriving in a country with no hotel reservation and no fixed plans.

6. I 6 _______ staying in hostels and guest houses.

7.You get to meet and talk to different and 7_______________ people and share information.

8.I also like to 8______ that are off the beaten track.

9.Being 9 ________________ with thousands of other tourists? It’s not my cup of tea.


1.Travelling gives you many wonderful experiences you cannot find in your own country.

2.You meet local people and get to understand different cultures.

3.It’s so exciting. I love planning trips and doing some research on the country or countries I want to visit.

4.Sometimes I like to plan everything in advance, my flights, hotels and tours, etc.

5.For me, the most exciting thing is arriving in a country with no hotel reservation and no fixed plans.

6.I prefer staying in hostels and guest houses.

7.You get to meet and talk to different and interesting people and share information.

8.I also like to visit places that are off the beaten track.

9.Being somewhere with thousands of other tourists? It’s not my cup of tea


1.writes appropriate words to complete sentences;

2. accuracy

Cards of transports

Active board

Texts, pictures

CD, cards




Plane - all that will be useful in the future

Train - will process information

Bycicle - throw all this stuff away

Cards of transport


Make up sinkveyn on the topic Astana /Almaty

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

The best places to visit in Kazakhstan

Автор: Зунунова Гулистан Мухидиновна

Дата: 26.03.2019

Номер свидетельства: 504809

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  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
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    ["date"] => string(10) "1574167628"
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  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
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