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The Problem of Ecology. 8 grade.

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  1. to study new words  and to enable pupils to talk about the problem of ecology and how to protect the environment.
  2. to wider pupils’ vocabulary and to develop skills of reading, speaking and writing, to train the use of the modal verb “ should”.
  3.  to bring up the  care and love to the environment.

Visual aids:  computer, interactive  board, Internet, projector, stickers, globe

Form of the lesson: комбинированный с использованием технологии развития коммуникативных навыков учащихся критического мышления.

Methods: стимулирование обучения, самостоятельная частично – поисковая работа учащихся, наглядно – визуальный метод,

                             The Procedure of the lesson.

  1. Org.moment.
  1. Greeting task with the pupils.
  2. Psychological tuning.  Правилотрёхда”/ slide1/

T. Is everything OK?

Ps. Yes

T. Are you ready to start our lesson? Ps. Yes

T. Do you think you’ll learn something new today? Ps. Yes, we’ll certainly.

  1. Checking the homework. Poem “ Many wonderful things”/slide2/

Many wonderful things to hear, to see

Belong to you, belong to me!

The Sun, the trees, the grass, the sky

The yellow  moon that’s passing by.

The blowing winds, the birds that sing

Bright autumn woods, gay flowers of spring,

The cold  long winter   with  snow  so white,

The running  rivers, the stars of night.

Add. questions:  What is the poem  about? What ‘s the environment?  

  1. : Today  we continue our talking  about  the environment.
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«The Problem of Ecology. 8 grade. »

Lesson 5 The Problem of Ecology.


  1. to study new words and to enable pupils to talk about the problem of ecology and how to protect the environment.

  2. to wider pupils’ vocabulary and to develop skills of reading, speaking and writing, to train the use of the modal verb “ should”.

  3. to bring up the care and love to the environment.

Visual aids: computer, interactive board, Internet, projector, stickers, globe

Form of the lesson: комбинированный с использованием технологии развития коммуникативных навыков учащихся критического мышления.

Methods: стимулирование обучения, самостоятельная частично – поисковая работа учащихся, наглядно – визуальный метод,

The Procedure of the lesson.

  1. Org.moment.

  1. Greeting task with the pupils.

  2. Psychological tuning. Правилотрёхда”/ slide1/

T. Is everything OK?

Ps. Yes

T. Are you ready to start our lesson? Ps. Yes

T. Do you think you’ll learn something new today? Ps. Yes, we’ll certainly.

  1. Checking the homework. Poem “ Many wonderful things”/slide2/

Many wonderful things to hear, to see

Belong to you, belong to me!

The Sun, the trees, the grass, the sky

The yellow moon that’s passing by.

The blowing winds, the birds that sing

Bright autumn woods, gay flowers of spring,

The cold long winter with snow so white,

The running rivers, the stars of night.

Add. questions: What is the poem about? What ‘s the environment?

T: Today we continue our talking about the environment.

  1. Стадия вызова/ Evocation. Актуализация и обобщение имеющихся у учеников знаний по теме./slide 3/

  1. Look at the pictures and guess:

What’s the theme of our lesson today? What is the topic of discussion today? Yes, the problem of Ecology. What problem are people faced with?

Now open your exercises- books and write down the theme of our lesson.

Look at here, our planet is in danger! It is polluted!( глобус с прикреплёнными стикерами) Your task is to clean The Earth. ( в течение урока должны очистить планету от мусора)

  1. Game- association./Игра - ассоциация./slide 5/Group work


  1. Now compare your lists.

  1. Стадия осмысления/Realization of meaning . Получение и осмысление новой информации, соотнесение полученной информации с уже имеющимися знаниями.

T: Now, let’s study new words connected with our theme. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me.

  1. New vocabulary/slide 4/

Industrialization- индустриализация

Threat – угроза

Threaten- угрожать

Deprive- лишать

Vital – жизненный, важный

Demand- требовать

Humanity- человечество

  1. Reading and work with the text / slide5/( Step 9,p.67)

  1. Read the text and try to understand it .

  2. Discuss these questions in your groups.


  1. What is the main problem of ecology?

  2. What kinds of pollution are mentioned in the text ?

  3. What is the pollution ?

  4. Why is pollution dangerous for life?

  5. What does pollution deprive people of?

  6. What examples of pollution are there in Kazakhstan?

Game “ Catch the question”

  1. Relaxation. Watching a video.

Now watch a video and think about the ecological problems.

  1. Speaking. Exploration. Complete the diagram and speak about the problems of ecology. Group I

Group II.

Use the information from the text and the pictures.

  1. True or False? / slide 8/

  1. Pollution isn’t the result of industrialization.

  2. Pollution threatens all living things: people, plants, birds and animals.

  3. Pollution deprives people of fresh air, clear water and healthy food.

  4. Pollution isn’t dangerous for life.

  5. There are some ecological problems in Kazakhstan.

  6. People of Semey region suffer from radioactivity.

  1. Reflection.

How can we solve this problem? What should we do and shouldn’t do to protect the environment? See Ex.3 on p.68

Group I We should ….

Group II We shouldn’t ….

  1. Homework. learn new words, Ex.3, p68 ( copy and retell)

  2. Marks.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

The Problem of Ecology. 8 grade.

Автор: Маханова Кунслу Базарбаевна

Дата: 15.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 186996

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