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  1. the Future Simple Tense  етістікті? ша? категориясы

    Aim (Ма?саты): SWBAT learn and fix new words, discuss the theme “Professions”, make up sentences in the Future Simple Tense, listen a dialogue and do exercises.

    Objectives (Ма?саттары):

      1.    Educational (Білімділік):

    - to improve speaking abilities of pupils through discussing;

    - to fix their knowledge in grammar;

  2. Developing (Дамытушылы?):
  3. -to enlarge vocabulary of the pupils

    - to develop in outlook of the pupils;

    - to train their memory;

    - develop communicative skills

  4. Bringing – up (Т?рбиелік):
  5. - to bring-up the skill of communication;

    - to bring-up the pupils’ respect to their individuality;

    - to teach pupils to love the foreign languages;

    The kind of the lesson (Саба?ты? т?рі): combined lesson

    The type of the lesson (Саба?ты? типі): discussion, question-answer, listening

    Methods of the lesson: (Саба?ты? ?діс-т?сілі): clusters, explaining, question-answer, True or False

    Visual aids (?олданыл?ан к?рнекіліктер): presentation, computer, board, pictures, audos, videos, cards.

    Interconnection of subjects (Саба?ты? п?наралы? байланысы): music

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«“Professions” »

Мемлекеттік тілде оқытатын Заречный орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Нугманова Марзия Куандыковна

Lesson plan

Сабақ жоспары

Date (Күні): 9/04/2014

Grade (Сыныбы): 7

The lexical theme (Сабақтың лексикалық тақырыбы):“Professions”

The grammar theme (Сабақтың грамматикалық тақырыбы):

the Future Simple Tense етістіктің шақ категориясы

Aim (Мақсаты): SWBAT learn and fix new words, discuss the theme “Professions”, make up sentences in the Future Simple Tense, listen a dialogue and do exercises.

Objectives (Мақсаттары):

1. Educational (Білімділік):

- to improve speaking abilities of pupils through discussing;

- to fix their knowledge in grammar;

  1. Developing (Дамытушылық):

-to enlarge vocabulary of the pupils

- to develop in outlook of the pupils;

- to train their memory;

- develop communicative skills

  1. Bringing – up (Тәрбиелік):

- to bring-up the skill of communication;

- to bring-up the pupils’ respect to their individuality;

- to teach pupils to love the foreign languages;

The kind of the lesson (Сабақтың түрі): combined lesson

The type of the lesson (Сабақтың типі): discussion, question-answer, listening

Methods of the lesson: (Сабақтың әдіс-тәсілі): clusters, explaining, question-answer, True or False

Visual aids (Қолданылған көрнекіліктер): presentation, computer, board, pictures, audos, videos, cards.

Interconnection of subjects (Сабақтың пәнаралық байланысы): music

Plan of the lesson


Кезең және әрекеттер

(Stage of activity)




Ұйымдастыру кезеңі.

(Organization moment)


- Good morning!

- Good morning teacher!

- I’m very glad to see you at today’s lesson. How are you?

- I’m fine, and you?

- I’m fine too, thank you, sit down please!


2 min

Сергіту кезеңі.

(Warm – up)

Boys and girls! Guess the theme of today’s lesson. I say you some words-associations.

Yes, you are right! The theme of our lesson is Professions!




Жаңа тақырып.

(New theme)


  • What professions do you know?

  • Let’s repeat the words.

(dentist, doctor, policeman, seller, nurse, teacher, fireman, musician, dancer, singer, writer and etc.)

  • What are you today?

  • Do you like this profession? Why?

Writing (working in groups)

Now every group should match jobs to the places or tools of work using new words.

Jobs and places around

For example: A doctor works in a hospital.

1.doctor and nurse a.work in a restaurant

2.teacher b.works in a police station

3.police officer c.work in a hospital

4.waiter and chef d.works in the post office

5.postal worker e. works in a school

Answer Key: Jobs and places around

1. c doctor and nurse a. work in a restaurant

2. e teacher b. works in a police station

3. b police officer c. work in a hospital

4. a waiter and chef d. works in the post office

5. d postal worker e. works in a school

Pre –listening

Do you know how do people get a job?

First of all they write a CV, and then they are invited to the firm or company. There they take interview. And what they ask? Yes, about yourself, family, education, last job, reasons of leaving last job and etc.

Now I offer you to listen to conversation between a manger and Caroline.


Mr Spencer: So, Miss del Barco. You've never worked in a shop before.

Carolina: No, no I haven't. But I know I can do it.

Mr Spencer: It isn't easy in this shop. We sell food, cigarettes, alcohol, newspapers – everything. And it can get very busy – you need to be quick, think fast, be efficient.

Carolina: Oh, yes. I can do that. Definitely.

Mr Spencer: Are you good with money? Good with numbers?

Carolina: Oh yes. Very good.

Mr Spencer: And your visa says you can work here?

Carolina: Yes. I can show you. Here it is.

Mr Spencer: I need someone to start immediately.

Carolina: Yes. Of course.

Mr Spencer: OK. The job's yours.

Carolina: Oh! Thank you!

Mr Spencer: Thursday evening, Friday evening and Saturday from four till midnight. See you on Thursday at half past six.

Carolina: OK. I'll be here. Thank you verymuch.

Post – listening

True or False

  1. Carolina has worked in a shop before.

  2. This shop food, cigarettes, alcohol, newspapers – everything.

  3. She isn’t good with numbers.

  4. Mr Spencer liked Carolina and he gave her a job.

  5. She will work on Thursday evening, Friday evening and Saturday from four till midnight.




Тақырыпты бекіту.

(Fixing these theme)

Let’s play the game “Crocodile”. Choose a number and you should guess the professions.

  1. Doctor, dancer, policeman, singer, waiter

  2. Artist, photographer, cook, driver, hairdresser

  3. Waiter, cashier, machinist, police, nurse

Ok, our lesson is over. Let’s make a conclusion. What was the theme of our lesson? What new do you learn?

Рефлексия (Reflection)

And if you understood the theme please choose a red apple, if you didn’t – a green.

Қорытынды. (Conclusion)

You were very active today! Well done! Try to remember new vocabulary. Your marks for today…

The lesson is over. You may have a rest. Good day!

Thank you! See you later!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс


Автор: Нугманова Марзия Куандыковна

Дата: 08.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 218370

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