ІІІ. Өткен материалды қайталау арқылы жаңа материалды қабылдауға дайындық | Ақпаратты сұрақ қоя отырып алады. Берілген сөздерге сәйкес диалог оқытады right – That’s right! wrong – That’s wrong! Is it right? Is it wrong? It is right! It is wrong! Who is right? Who is wrong? Peter is right. Peter is wrong. | Бір-бірімен тақырыпқа сай диалог құрады. Мысал; Dialogue -Tell me who is that little boy? -That boy?There? -Yes,Who is he?What’s his name? -He is my little brother,his name is Tom. -And the big girl?Who is she? -She is my big sister,her name is Ann. -Is that man,there,your father? -That little man!Oh,no!My father is thatvery big man standing over there. -Oh,yes!And that woman sitting there is your mother?-That’s right! | Тапсырманы орындау үшін өз әрекетін бақылайды, орындалған ұй тапсырмасын салыстырып тексереді, қатесің түзейді. Өз жауабын берілген ережелерге сай бағалайды. Тақырып бойынша материалды меңгергенін, меңгермегенін анықтайды |
ІҮ. Жаңа материалды түсіндіру | А) Оқулықпен жұмыс Macmillan Intermediate 1. Аракин В.Д http://abc-english grammar.com/1/biography24.htm LONDON LONDON, the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the largest city in the British Isles. Located on r.Temze in 64km from its mouth. London - one of Britain's major ports and chief industrial center. The area of the city is 1560 square kilometers, the population of London a little over 7 million people. London plays a leading role in the political and cultural life of Britain. There are parliament, government and higher judiciary. As a cultural center of London, became famous for its museums and art galleries, theaters and musical life. The city is also known for the numerous ancient churches, which are stored in the national shrine of the English people. London - an international center of business life and the host of international airlines. Finance and trade play a crucial role in the economy of London. Ә) Диалог тындау win [wɪn], won [wʌn] (прош. вр.), won (прич. прош. вр.) – выиграть to win the game – выиграть игру score [skɔː] - счёт очков (в игре); зарубка (на дереве); набирать счет (в игре); делать зарубки What’s the score? – Какой счет? The score is 3 to 0 (nil). - Счет 3-0.
Б) Сөздікпен жұмыс Sport breaststroke — брасс (олимпийский стиль плавания) category — разряд в спорте champion — чемпион; победитель, получивший первый приз, завоевавший первое место cloakroom — раздевалка coaching — тренировка crawl — кроль (стиль плавания) cup — кубок cycle track — велотрек defeat — поражение disqualification — дисквалификация; лишение права на что-л. drawn game — ничья finale — финал finish — финиш forwards — нападение fullback — защитник (в футболе) game — игра, партия, матч, гейм goal — гол junior — юниор kitty — кон(азартные игры) В) Оқулықпен жұмыс Macmillan Intermediate 1, р.12-14
| Кезектесіп мәтінді оқиды, аударады Оқушылар лингафон жабдықтар арқылы диалог тындайды A: How did you like the game? B: It was really exciting. I never saw American football before. It’s very different from the European game. A: Oh, yes, it is different. We call European football soccer. Which do you like more? B: Soccer. It’s less dangerous than American football. A: You like golf, don’t you? B: I like to watch it, but unfortunately I can’t play it. A: I am sorry for you. It’s a wonderful game. A: They are showing a football match on channel 3. B: Let’s switch on the TV set. A: Switch over to channel 1. They are showing the world championship. B: I am going to see it by all means. Сөздікті пайдаланып жана сөздерді оқиды knockout — нокаут leader — лидер Olympiad — Олимпиада, Олимпийские игры Olympian — олимпиец out — аут penalty — пенальти point — очко pool — басейн prizewinner — призёр; лауреат race — пробег; Кезектесіп мәтінді оқиды, аударады Adrenalin “Deadmike”. I've just done my first jump since accident that nearly killed me just over a year ago. As I was lying in hospital after the accident, I wasn't feeling glad to be alive. Instead, I was wondering how I could possibly live without skydiving again. It all started one evening after another typical nine-to-five day. I was sitting at home thinking "There has to be more to life than this", when an advert came on the television. "Try skydiving", it said. The next day, I called my local skydiving centre and booked my first jump. At the end of a day's training, I signed a document to say that I understood I was taking part in an activity that could end in serious injury. At that moment I wondered if I was completely mad. I will never forget my first jump. Five of us walked to the runway and got into a tiny plane. I was beginning to feel nervous, but the others were chatting and joking, and I started to feel more relaxed. It was a beautiful, cloudless day and the sun was just going down | Тапсырманы орындау үшін өз әрекетін бақылайды, тапсырылған тәртіппен орындайды Өз жауабын берілген тәсілдерге сай бағалайды Ақпаратты меңгергенін, меңгермегенін анықтайды Берілген тапсырманы ауызша орындайды. Өз жауабын тексереді. |
Ү. Жаңа білімді бекіту | Жаттығу орындау Голицынский 223 б 1. My book (to lie) on the table. 2. They (to work). 3. The doctor and her patient (to talk). 4. We (to cook) dinner. My mother (to make) a salad. 5. A young man (to drive) a car. He (to listen) music. 6. My grandfather (to read) a book. 7. The pen (to lie) on the floor. 8. You (to have) a break? 9. She still (to sing). | Берілген сұрақтарға сәйкес жауап береді 1. My book is lying on the table. 2. They are working. 3. The doctor and her patient are talking. 4. We are cooking dinner. My mother is making a salad. 5. A young man is driving a car. He is listening music. 6. My grandfather is reading a book. 7. The pen is lying on the floor. 8. Are you having a break? 9. She is still singing. | Берілген жаттығуларды орындайды, дұрыс жауап береді, бір-бірінің берген жауаптарын тындайды, салыстырады, тексереді, меңгерген, меңгермендігін анықтайды. |