| Writing. Rewrite the symbols of countries . III. Speak about the fauna in these countries. grizzly bears opossums -оппосумы alligators- polar bears, buffaloes, coyotes, deer,dingoes, koala bears, anteaters,moose, elk, groundhog, lemming, gopher, mink, muskrat, marten,beaver, lynx, gerbil белые медведи, буйволы, койоты, олень,dingoes, медведи коалы, муравьедов,лося, лося, сурка, лемминга, суслика, норки, ондатры, куницы,бобра, рыси, песчинки woodpeckers, owls, swallows, sparrows, geese, ducks, magpies, flamingos, mappies, grouse, water fowl, coot, plover, tern, bustard, sand grouse, blackcock, дятлы, совы, ласточки, воробьи, гуси, утки, magpies, фламинго, mappies, тетерев, водная домашняя птица, лысуха, ржанка, крачка, дрофа, тетерев песка, blackcock, | rewrite the sentences . read the chart and name them Speak about fauna the USA. Canada, Australia, Kazakhstan read and understand |
Conclusion | IV.Grammar Revision: the modal verb Should 1. Leran ti instruct and advise people how to do things. The first thing you should do is –Бірінші не істеу керек, бұл... The next thing you should do is…-Келесі кезекте не істейсіз, бұл... Buy the way, you should not forget to…- Айтпақшы, ұмытпа.. Another thing you should remember is…-Таңы не туралы ұмытпау керек... Be Careful not to…-Қара,бірақ... Reflection moment Like, don`t like | Individually work, Read and explain how to understand it. Learn new instruction phrases and giving advice to people |