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Конспект к уроку по английскому языку

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Данная разработка расчитана для подготовки урока по английскому языку на тему" London.Double-decker buses" с учениками 9 класса. 

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«Конспект к уроку по английскому языку»

Date: ________2018

Grade: 9

The theme of the lesson: London. Double- decker buses.

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: to teach them grammar material, to continue learning the words, to teach students to work creatively, to know expressions according to English transport.

Developing: to develop communicative skills, to develop creativity doing exercises, improve critical thinking skills and imagination.

Bringing-up: to bring up interest for English and English-speaking countries, to widen students’ outlook on different trips and spending free time.

The type of the lesson: lesson combination, introduction, group work, discussion

Inter- subject connection: Geography

Methods of teaching: explanation, interaction

Equipment of the lesson: pictures, videos, interactive board, presentation.

The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organizational moment.
Greetings – Good morning! Good afternoon!
Welcome to the lesson of the English language.

What is the date and the day today? Who is on duty today?

Calling the register: Who is absent?
II. Checking the homework.

III. Brain storming :

The bus having only one floor is a single-decker.

The bus having two floors is a double-decker.

The person who drives a bus is a driver

The man who takes money is a conductor.

The man who checks ticket is an inspector.

IV. The main part. Presentation of new words:

transport [trəenspоt] транспорт

double-decker [dΛbl dekә] екі этажды автобус

single-decker [siŋgәl dekә] бір этажды автобус

coach [kәutS] алыс жолға жүретін автобус

inspector [inspektә] инспектор

conductor [kәndΛktә] кондуктор

conductress [kәndΛktris] кондуктор әйел

driver [draivә] жүргізуші

upstairs [Λpsteәz] жоғарғы қабат

downstairs [daυnsteəz] төменгі қабат

inside [insaid] ішкі

queue [kju:] кезек

V. Jigsaw-Reading. Transport in London

If it has two floors it’s called a double-decker and you can get a good view from the top. If it has only one floor it’s called a single-decker.

Buses have a two person crew it’s a driver who drives, of course, and the conductor (or the conductress if it’s a woman) who takes your money. Keep your ticket as the inspector might want to check it. You catch a bus waiting at a bus stop. For longer distances take a long-distance bus called a coach which is slower but cheaper. A double-decker bus has an upstairs (top) and a downstairs (inside).

The use of the word “inside” for the lower deck dates from the early days when the top deck was open, so that only passengers on the lower deck were inside. People queue for buses in Britain.

But you shouldn’t jump the queue: people don’t like it.

Only a limited number is allowed to stand inside.

And no one may stand on top. Smoking in allowed on top but you cannot smoke inside.

VI. Dicussion: Ii transport system in Kazakhstan similar to London Transport?

VII. Hometask. To learn the words, to speak about London Transport.

VIII. Evaluation.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект к уроку по английскому языку

Автор: Аскарова Айгуль Аманжоловна

Дата: 03.04.2018

Номер свидетельства: 464863

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