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Конспект урока английского языка на тему Holidays

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«Конспект урока английского языка на тему Holidays»


Учитель английского языка:





Holidays in the USA


- систематизировать полученные знания в речи и закрепления лексики ,уметь размышлять об интересных и познавательных фактов на тему праздники;

- понимать устную речь на слух, посредством применения проектной технологии

- применять новые и ранее изученные слова в обсуждении;

- - оценивают свои возможности при выполнении граматики по пройденному разделу


Учащиеся могут вести беседу по теме (задавать и отвечать на вопросы, диалог), используя новые и ранее изученные слова и выражения.

Анализируют полученную информацию и могут передать ее.

Могут выполнить грамматическое задание по пройденному разделу.

Learning technology:


Visual aids, recourses:

Interactive blackboard, posters, slides, smiling, internet, sticks, pictures, showing, situations, , mark criterion

Учебник Аяпова 6 класс, материалы из интернета

Lesson plan

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s action

Children’s action

Organization moment

  1. Training

(психологический настрой к уроку)



“I wish you...”

Деление на группы

  • Who is on duty today?

  • Who is absent today?

  • What is the weather like today?

  • What is the date today? What day of the week today?

  • What about we have spoken last time?


Позитивный настрой на урок

Деление на группы (разноцветными карточками)

Pupils answer

  • I’m on duty today.

  • All are present.

  • It’s sunny and warm

  • Today is the 21 st of April

  • It’s Wednesday

  • -We have spoken about famous people.

Evocation stage

Group work

Цель: проверить лексический материал пройденных тем

Pupils come to the blackboard and protect the project work on poster.

Formative assessment

Clap your hands

ІІІ. New theme

Method “Brainstorming”


(Аудирование )

Work with new words

Comprehension work with new words (Задание на понимание перевода новых слов)

Game with new words. (Игра с новыми словами)

Grammar revision.

(разно уровневое задание)

Group work: make a poster.

Comprehension work (Задание на понимание текста.)

Pupil’s Project job

Teacher: Good morning, students Glad to see you! Today we are going to speak about holidays and traditions in Great Britain, America and in Kazakhstan. I hope you you’ll enjoy our English lesson. Please, be active and friendly to each other.

Mind map”

In group make the mind map of holidays


Method “Brainstorming (Pre-reading task)

You know that people like to celebrate holidays all over the world.

Nowadays different people celebrate different holidays.

-What about your families? What holidays do your families prefer to celebrate?

- What is your favorite holiday?

- When is it celebrated?

- What do you usually do?

- What do you eat?

OK, Well done. Good job!

Now we can read the text.

First of all cover the text, find the new words.

Then let’s read it

Listening the text

decorate- чулки

chimney- стучать

celebrate- угроза

neighbor праздновать

costume- сосед

guest- украшать

knock носки

trick- пирог

threat- индюк

roast- жареный

turkey- гость

sign- хитрость, трюк

pie- дымовая труба

sock- костюм, одежда

stoking- подписывать


decorate, chimney, celebrate, neighbor, costume, guest, knock, trick, roast, turkey, sign, pie, sock, party-parties, cards, flowers, play tricks, pudding, potatoes, sweets, a pumpkin pie, money, gather together, gifts, presents, witches ,ghosts, traditional dinner, fireworks, bonfire, candle, national, tradition, guy, straw, sticks.

Complete the sentences.

Writing work in the copy-books

“Today _____ New Year’s Day and my family and I _____ at home. It_____ New Year’s Eve yesterday and we ____ in our city shopping for present. It____ not cold yesterday but it ____ snowing outside. We___ not cold because there____ warm in the living room when we came home yesterday. I like this holiday and I _____ very happy today!”

(Keys: is, are, was, were, was, was, were, was, am)

Group: 1 Halloween is one of the best holidays for children. Nowadays Halloween is much more popular in the USA than in Britain. Group of children dressed as witches, black cats, ghosts and wizards, knock on their neighbors doors and yell “trick or treat!” The neighbors normally exclaim over the masks and give each child a candy. People collect money; buy food and medicine for orphanages, hospitals and homeless people. We also decorate our houses and schools in the traditional Halloween colors: orange and black. Popular decorations are witches, ghosts, skeletons, black cats and jack-o-lanterns. Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins we carve to look. Like faces. Everyone tries to look scary on Halloween. People celebrate this holiday on the 31st of October.

Group: 2 The most popular holiday is Christmas Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It is a big Christmas tree and it stands is Trafalgar Square. Christmas holy day is help on December 25th in honor pf the birth of Christ. It is a family holiday. Relatives usually meet for the big Christmas dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding, and everyone gives and receives presents. There is a tradition that children should put stockings at the end of their beds, hoping than Santa Clause will come down the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets

Group: 3 I want to tell about St. Valentine’s Day. Some countries People celebrate this holiday on the 14th of February. It is a day of love and friendship. They send greeting cards to their sweethearts and friend and ask them to “Be My Valentine”. This means “be his or friend of love”. They also decorate their classrooms with big red hearts and give roses and chocolate to their sweethearts, friend and family.

Защита кластеров

Pupils come to the blackboard and write words on the poster

Pupils must find the theme using the pictures.

Pupil’s answers:

Pupils listening and answer the question

Pupils use their mobile phones

green card

If the wrong answer they show red card

Pupils write in their copy-book.

Pupils try to complete the words.

Pupils do the tasks individually

Then check together

Read and translate

Information about holydays.

Make a poster.

Pupil’s protect their Project job


What emotions do you feel?

We know….

We don’t know about it….

We want to know about it…..

V. Evaluation

Teacher gives some words to leaders then she puts conclusion mark.

The leaders will mark pupils with the criterion and say about the marks.

VI. Home task

Exercise 8 page 132. Write about a traditional holiday of our country.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Конспект урока английского языка на тему Holidays

Автор: Исламова Маувлюда Мухамедовна

Дата: 24.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 330081

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