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Конспект урока по английскому языку

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 The plan of the lesson "Organic and non-organic worlds"

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку»

Lesson plan

Unit: Organic and non-organic worlds


College: AGPK

Date: 20.10.2021

Teacher name: Aidarkhanova A.A

Course: 1st

Number present:


Lesson theme : Discussing the difference between organic and non-organic food.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

10.2.2 - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics; 10.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide range of general and curricular topics; 10.4.5 - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • differentiate statements about organic and non-organic food from the recording

  • say about and explain their attitude to useful food and harmful food

  • elicit the aspects of organic and non-organic food from the text

Assessment criteria

  • classify organic and non organic food

  • tell about and give an explanation to their attitude to useful food and harmful food

  • define the aspects of organic and non organic food from the text

Level of thinking (Bloom’s Taxonomy, revised version)

Understanding, applying, analyzing

Cross curricular links

Previous learning


Use of ICT

Projector, using videos


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



Organization moment: Good morning, students! How are you today? Let’s begin our lesson! What date is it today? And what day is it today? Ok! Open your copybook; write down the date and new theme: “Organic and non-organic worlds”.


Activity 1 . Now tell the translation of the following words and write it in your dictionary:

  1. Agricultural chemicals

  2. Pesticides

  3. Damaging crops

  4. Grown organically

  5. Chemical fertilizers

  6. Insecticide

  7. Encourage

  8. Pests

Descriptor: Learner:

- reads new words

- writes them

Activity 2. And now let’s read the topic and try understand the difference:

Organic food is very popular these days. It can also be very expensive. Some organic food costs twice as much as non-organic food. Parents of young children, and even some pet owners, will pay high prices for organic food if they think it's healthier. But many others think organic food is just a waste of money.

There is one main difference between organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do not use agricultural chemicals such as pesticides that stop insects from damaging crops. In many countries foods that claim to be organic must have special labels that guarantee they're grown organically.

Non-organic is essentially the opposite of all of the above. Non-organic food may be produced using farming practices that are not organic, including using chemical fertilizers and insecticide to encourage plants to grow and limit disease and pests.

Questions ex 67 p78

Descriptor: Learner:

- reads the text

- answers the questions

Activity 3. Now, let’s listen the information from video about types of organic food and about producing organic food.



*watches video

*answers the questions

Activity 4. Ok! Say, please! Which relate to organic food production? And non- organic food production? Tell your group!



*answers the question

discusses together

Activity 5. Ok! Let’s do exercise about organic and non-organic food and mark the sentences True or False …

a. Organic food is very expensive.

b. Many people will not pay high prices for organic food.

c. Organic farmers don’t use synthetic fertilizers

d. Organic farmers avoid medicines such us antibiotics

e. Organic farmers use pesticides.

f. Non-organic farmers don’t use chemical fertilizers.


A learner

chooses the correct option.



a.T b.F

c.T d.T

e. F f. F


Reflection – ladder of the success

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links

By task: Read and answer the questions.

Descriptor: Learner:

- reads the text

- answers the questions

More able students present more facts to prove their answers

By learning styles:

Visual learners are supported through watching the video material about organic and non-organic food, printed text

Auditory learners listen to the recording on the topic.

By support:

Less able students are supported through the list of the key words for effective reading activity. They are prompted through gestures, miming, and teacher modified language, modeling during the lesson.

More able students model the answers in the group work for less able students.

Ladder of success

Health promoting techniques

Breaks and physical activities used.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока по английскому языку

Автор: Айдарханова Айнур Ахмадуллаевна

Дата: 14.04.2022

Номер свидетельства: 604819

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