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"Helping and heroes

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В своих планах урока я изучаю казахских героев из чужой страны, студенты могут узнать характерные черты героев на уроке

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«"Helping and heroes»

Жумагалиева Мадина Турсынгалиқызы

Алматы қаласы, Жетісу ауданы

№ 177 жалпы білім беретін мектеп

Мкр.Көкжиек 63а

Theme of the lesson:Heroes

Lesson plan

Unit 2.Helping and Heroes



Teacher’s name: Zhumagalieva M.T.

Class: 6 D

Number present:


Theme of the Lesson:


Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to

6.3.3 give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.4.1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

  • To understand details in the text

  • To share opinions and understand other students’ opinions and give reasoning answers

Assessment criteria

  • A learner can recognize the context of a text.

  • A learner can express his or her opinion.

Value links

Patriotism is introduced the learners through the class discussions

Cross curricular links

History, Geography, lesson is aimed at discussing different people whom students can consider as a hero.

Previous learning

Helping each other


Planned timings

Planned timings






Organizational moment

Teacher: Good afternoon children! I am glad to see you . How are you? Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.


«A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself”.

( Joseph Campbell)

And can you do that? I can study, I can learn by heart English words.I can do sports, I can play different games.

Divise into groups. Make puzzle and find your group name.

The first group – «Bayterek»

The second group –« Eifel Tower”

The third group – «Big ben»


What kind of person can be a hero? Find a characteristic words of hero and stick it here

For example:

Hero should be brave.Hero should be hardworking…. The theme our lesson «Who is a hero».

Teacher presents the lesson objectives, explains students what they would be able to do by the end of this lesson.

Answer the questions: Who is your personal hero? (grandma,gramdpa,mother, father, teachers, trainers, sportsman, hero)

Look at the presentation and find a person who isn’t a hero in a presentation.


Look at the video. Our hero is B.Momshuly. Teacher makes sentences for learners and then release the text. Work in group.

1) Bauyirzhan Momushuly was born in Mynbulak village in Zhambyl region in 1910.He fought in many battles and was famous for his bravery.To this day, people remember him as a People’s Hero of Kazakhstan.
2)Angelina Jolie was born in 1975 in Los Angeles.In 1991, Angelina became an actress too and acted in many films.She also helps the poor people from countries at war.
3)Moldagulova was born on October 25, 1925, in Bulak, Kazakhstan.
She lost her parents during her childhood and was living with her uncle in Alma-Ata.
Moldagulova died from a gunshot wound later that day after writing a letter to her sister.

Each group was evaluated by the smiley.-------




video «Heroes»





Focus on vocabulary

Teacher presents new vocabulary from the text, explaining with synonyms

1) educated- білімді

2) rural – ауылдық

3) military – әскери

4) leader – көшбасшы, жетекші

5) battle- қырғын, шайқас

6) several– біреше

7) include – қосу

8) charity – қайырымдылық

9) the United Nations –біріккен ұлттар


What kind of heroes do you still know? Every learners will tell about his favorite heroes. Work in group.

Find the biography of each hero.


When was born:________

Where was from:_______

What they did:_________

How they helped other people:___

Write your wishes to heroes . I wish you …….

Hometask: S.b. ex – 2 p 25

PPT Vocabulary





At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:

Self-assessment: learners record what they’ve learnt, any difficulties they’ve had and set their targets

DIFFERENTIATION – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Divide the group into two groups according to their language level. High level students find out the passive voices or define the tenses of some verbs. Low level students discuss or translate the text in the group.

ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Monitoring students’ writing, giving feedback after activities, figuring out typical mistakes, giving some recommendation not to repeat them. Self-assessment: learners record what they learnt

Health and safety rules

Teacher’s reflection: Learners are writing about their heroes in their own life.

I used these methods:

  • Warm up

  • Reflection papers

  • Self assessment papers

  • White board

  • Pictures, videos, poster

Learners say two things, which they have understood and haven’t understood.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

"Helping and heroes

Автор: Жумагалиева Мадина Турсынгалиқызы

Дата: 12.04.2019

Номер свидетельства: 506887

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