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Wondeful reading

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Wonderful reading 9-11 gr

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«Wondeful reading»

School-lyceum #5

Wonderful Reading

(9-11 grades)

Done by:

Pusyrmanova K.B

Yermagambetova A.S

Kulbarakov N.M

2024-2025 year

Title: Wonderful Reading

School: School-lyceum №5

Duration: 40 minutes
Setting: School auditorium, seating for the audience.

Goal: Promote Literacy: Encourage students to engage with literature and develop a love for reading.

Enhance Expression: Foster skills in expressive reading, helping participants improve their vocal delivery, clarity, and emotional connection to the text.

Build Confidence: Provide a supportive platform for students to showcase their talents, boosting their self-esteem and public speaking abilities.

Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our Wonderful Reading Competition! I’m excited to be your host today as we celebrate the joy and power of reading.

Today, students from grades 9, 10, and 11 will take the stage to share their favorite passages. Each participant will bring their own interpretation and emotion to the words, showcasing why reading is such a wonderful experience.

Before we begin, let’s go over a few important details. Each participant will have two minutes to read their excerpt. They will be judged on their expression, clarity, and ability to engage the audience.

Let’s support our readers by giving them our full attention and encouragement!

Now, let’s welcome our first participant!

(The first participant steps up to the podium and begins reading.)

[1 participant]
(The participant reads a compelling passage from a novel, emphasizing emotion and character.)

(Applause as the participant finishes.)

What a fantastic start! Thank you! Now, let’s welcome our next reader.

(The second participant approaches the podium and begins their reading.)

[2 participant]
(The second participant shares a powerful excerpt, highlighting themes of adventure or discovery.)

(Applause follows.)

Wonderful job! Now, let’s bring up our next participant to share their selected passage.

(Continues with additional participants, each delivering their readings.)

What incredible performances we’re witnessing today! As our judges take a moment to score the participants, I’d like everyone to think about what aspects of the readings made them feel connected to the stories.

(Encourages audience reflection and engagement.)

Now, let’s keep the energy up! Please welcome our next reader!

(Continues with more participants.)

[3 participant]

Great job to all our participants so far! Up next, we have another reader ready to share their passage.

(The next participant steps up and reads.)

(Applause as they finish.)

Thank you! And now, let’s welcome our final participant of the day!

(Final participant delivers their reading.)

(Applause follows.)

What an amazing set of readings! Let’s give our judges a moment to finalize their scores.

(Background music plays softly while judges deliberate.)

Thank you for your patience! It’s time to announce the results.

(Drumroll sound effect)

In third place, we have…

In second place, congratulations to…

And the winner of our Wonderful Reading Competition is…

Congratulations to all our participants! Each of you brought your unique style and passion to the stage, reminding us why reading is truly wonderful.

(Turns to the audience)
Thank you for your support and enthusiasm today. Remember, the magic of literature lives on, so keep exploring new stories and sharing your love for reading!

(Background music swells as the presenter waves goodbye.)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Wondeful reading

Автор: Ермагамбетова А.С, Пусырманова К.Б, Кулбараков Н.М

Дата: 03.11.2024

Номер свидетельства: 658934

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