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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Trick or Treat", посвященного празднику Halloween

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Аннотация Тема: “Trick or Treat!” («Шутка или угощение!», мероприятие, посвященное празднику Halloween). Основные технологии, методы: информационно-коммуникационные технологии, технология обучения в сотрудничестве; методы – игровые, привлечение страноведческого материала. Форма урока: внеклассное предметное мероприятие по английскому языку. Цели: - познакомить учащихся с праздником Halloween; - повысить мотивацию и интерес учащихся к изучению предмета; - расширить и углубить знания, умения и навыки в овладении иноязычной коммуникативной деятельностью. Задачи: Развивающий аспект: прививать интерес к иноязычной культуре, расширять кругозор учащихся, развивать творческие способности школьников, умение работать в команде. Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать у учащихся уважительное отношение к иноязычной культуре, воспитывать культуру общения; Учебный аспект: развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся, умение творчески использовать новый или самостоятельно найденный материал в новых ситуациях общения, расширять лексический запас. Сопутствующие задачи: скрытый контроль уровня речевых умений. Социокультурный аспект: знакомство с традициями и обычаями празднования Хэллоуина. Речевой материал: лексический материал по теме “Halloween”. Оборудование и материалы: ПК, проектор, экран, компьютерная презентация, приложения, CD “Halloween songs for kids”, рисунки и плакаты по теме “Halloween”. Ожидаемые результаты: у учащихся сформируется устойчивое представление об истории, символике, традициях праздника Halloween, пополнится словарный запас, повысится познавательный интерес к предмету, будут заложены основы самостоятельной работы с Интернет-ресурсами (поиск информации), проявятся артистические способности учащихся, мероприятие будет способствовать воспитанию уважительного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
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Тема: “Trick or Treat!” («Шутка или угощение!», мероприятие, посвященное празднику Halloween).

Основные технологии, методы: информационно-коммуникационные технологии, технология обучения в сотрудничестве; методы – игровые, привлечение страноведческого материала.

Форма урока: внеклассное предметное мероприятие по английскому языку.


- познакомить учащихся с праздником Halloween;

- повысить мотивацию и интерес учащихся к изучению предмета;

- расширить и углубить знания, умения и навыки в овладении иноязычной коммуникативной деятельностью.


Развивающий аспект: прививать интерес к иноязычной культуре, расширять кругозор учащихся, развивать творческие способности школьников, умение работать в команде.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать у учащихся уважительное отношение к иноязычной культуре, воспитывать культуру общения;

Учебный аспект: развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся, умение творчески использовать новый или самостоятельно найденный материал в новых ситуациях общения, расширять лексический запас.

Сопутствующие задачи: скрытый контроль уровня речевых умений.

Социокультурный аспект: знакомство с традициями и обычаями празднования Хэллоуина.

Речевой материал: лексический материал по теме “Halloween”.

Оборудование и материалы: ПК, проектор, экран, компьютерная презентация, приложения, CDHalloween songs for kids”, рисунки и плакаты по теме “Halloween”.

Ожидаемые результаты: у учащихся сформируется устойчивое представление об истории, символике, традициях праздника Halloween, пополнится словарный запас, повысится познавательный интерес к предмету, будут заложены основы самостоятельной работы с Интернет-ресурсами (поиск информации), проявятся артистические способности учащихся, мероприятие будет способствовать воспитанию уважительного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

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План-конспект внеклассного предметного мероприятия,

посвященного празднику Halloween, “Trick or Treat!”

(«Шутка или угощение!»)

6 класс

Слайд №1 (презентация Halloween)

The pupils are reading poems devoted to Halloween. (Ученики декламируют стихи о празднике Хэллоуин)

Звучит музыка Harry Porter

Pupil 1

On October`s last night,

It`s very dark and scary.

As you know at midnight,

There is a ball of devilry.

Pupil 2

With no sun and no lights

And only Jack-o-lanterns,

One can watch some creatures` flights:

Devils, witches, goblins.

Pupil 3

A lady ghost, wearing white,

expects Dracula`s dance.

A little goblin takes delight

In giving her a glance.

Pupil 4

They all look happy, very brave,

The smiles are clearly seen.

Such parties aren`t every day –

Only on Halloween.

The teacher

Good afternoon, my dear colleagues, pupils and all the guests! Today is the 31st of October and we are here to celebrate a special holiday! I think you guess which one. Dear boys and girls! Let’s call it all together “Welcome, Halloween!”

Presenter 1

People in Great Britain and the USA have a lot of holidays. But the most mysterious and interesting one is Halloween. Halloween customs and traditions date back to a time when people believed in ghosts, witches and other evil spirits.

Люди в Великобритании и США много праздников, но самый мистический и интересный – это Хэллоуин. Традиции и обычаи Хэллоуина уходят корнями во времена, когда люди верили в приведений, ведьм и других злых духов.

Presenter 2

It is celebrated on the 31st of October. This is the night when witches and ghosts come out. They ride on brooms in the midnight air to meet the Devil. Black cats usually accompany them. Skeletons, demons, goblins and other supernatural creatures also come from their hiding places.

Его отмечают 31 октября. Это ночь, когда выходят привидения и ведьмы. Они разъезжают на метле в полночном небе, чтобы встретиться с Дьяволом. Обычно их сопровождают черные кошки. Скелеты, демоны, гоблины и другие сверхъестественные существа также появляются из потайных мест.

Presenter 1

Children in the USA, Great Britain and Ireland like Halloween very much. They decorate their houses and schools with pictures of witches, black cats and bats. They make lanterns out of pumpkins. They are called jack-o’-lanterns. Black and orange are traditional Halloween colours.

Дети в США, Британии и Ирландии очень любят Хэллоуин. Они украшают свои дома и школы рисунками ведьмами, черными кошками и летучими мышами. Они делают из тыкв фонари, которые называются jack-o’-lanterns. Черный и оранжевыйтрадиционные цвета Хэллоуина.

Presenter 2

On October, the 31st children dress up as ghosts, skeletons, Draculas and have parties. They go the people’s houses, shouting ‘Treat or treat!” The person who opens the door must give the children a treat some sweets. If not, the children can play a trick on them. Halloween parties are great fun.

31 октября дети одеваются в костюмы приведений, скелетов, Дракулы и устраивают вечеринки. Они ходят от дома к дому и кричат: «Проделка или угощение!» Человек, открывший дверь, должен дать детям сладости. Если нет, то дети могут подшутить.

The teacher

Thank you for our presenters for their information about the holiday.

And now, my dear pupils have a look at our tree. (В центре класса установлено “Halloween Tree”) It’s not a usual tree, it’s a magic tree. I think that you know all the guests that can visit us on Halloween. Lets make a Halloween tree.

Who flies on Halloween?

(Учащиеся выходят к доске, берут картинки с изображениями разных героев праздника Хэллоуин, называют их и прикрепляют к «дереву» вокруг надписи “Halloween”)

The teacher

So, it’s up the time to start our Halloween competition! Welcome our teams! “Funny pumpkins” and “Little witches”.

The teamFunny pumpkins” (Приветствие команды «Веселые тыквы»)

(слайд №2)

Five Little Pumpkin Sitting On A Gate

(распределить строки стихотворения по количеству участников команды)

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate,

The first one said,

"Oh my, it's getting late."

The second one said,

"But we don't care."

The third one said,

"I see witches in the air."

The fourth one said,

"Let's run, and run, and run."

The fifth one said,

"Get ready for some fun."

Then “Woooh”, went the wind,

and out went the lights,

And five little pumpkins

Rolled out of sight!

(слайд №3)

But on the 31st of October we become magic lanterns or “Jack – O’ – Lanterns”.

Jack – O’ – Lantern” got its name from a boy named Jack. According to an old Irish legend he was a miser (скряга), so he could not enter the heaven. But poor Jack played tricks on the devil, so he could not enter the hell either. Jack has to walk with his lantern, waiting for Judgment Day.

All together

Halloween, Halloween, magic night.

Funny pumpkins are glad and bright.

We all dance and sing and recite,

Welcome! Welcome, Halloween night!”

The teacher

Thank you, “Funny pumpkins”. Welcome our 2nd team Little witches”.

(слайд №4)

The teamLittle witches” (Приветствие команды «Маленькие ведьмочки»)

The little witch

(распределить строки стихотворения по количеству участников команды)

Once long ago

In the fairyland

Lived a witch, her cat,

And a mouse.

They stayed together

And didn’t fight,

Though they lived

In a very small house.

The cat was little,

The mouse was small.

But the teeny-tiny witch.

Was the smallest of all.

(слайд №5)

Witches are magic women. Some witches are young but most of them are old and ugly. It was believed they held big meetings every season. One meeting came on October 31st. Halloween became the witches night. They had a wonderful time there. They flew to their meetings on broomsticks. They danced in a ring, two together, back to back and wished people bad luck, storm and sickness.

All together

It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The moon is full and bright.
The witches see what can’t be seen
On any other night!

The teacher

Thank you,Little witches”. You may go to your place.

The next contest is “Halloween puzzle” (слайд №6)

You should find Halloween words in the puzzle. Raise your hand if you see any.

(Учитель предлагает ученикам найти зашифрованные слова, которые относятся к празднику Хэллоуин. Ребятам выдаются листы с зашифрованными словами: pumpkin, skeleton, monster, mask, treat, goblin, ghost, trick, pumpkin, Halloween, witch, Jack-o-Lantern.)

Для проверки необходимо выделить соответствующие слова на слайде №6.

The teacher

Well done! You are very attentive and smart pupils!

By the way, on Halloween children get together and sing Halloween songs. What about you? Do you know Halloween songs?

The contest “Halloween songs”

Funny pumpkins”

We would like to sing our favourite Halloween song “The Pumpkin in the Patch”.

(Дети поют песню о ведьме и приведении “The pumpkin in the patch”)

The teacher

(минусовка The pumpkin in the patch)

The pumpkin in the patch

The pumpkin in the patch,
the pumpkin in the patch,
Hi Ho on Halloween, 
the pumpkin in the patch.

The pumpkin 
calls a witch,
the pumpkin calls a witch, 
Hi Ho on Halloween,
the pumpkin calls a witch. 

The witch calls a bat,
the witch calls a bat,
Hi Ho on Halloween,
the witch calls a bat.

The bat calls a ghost,
the bat calls a ghost,
Hi Ho on Halloween,
the bat calls a ghost.

The ghost scares us all.
The ghost scares us all,
Hi Ho on Halloween,
The ghost scares us all.

We all scare the ghost.
We all scare the ghost,
Hi Ho on Halloween,
we all scare the ghost.

Little witches”.

Our team would like to sing “The ghost’s song”.

(Исполняют песню о приведении “ The ghosts song”)

(минус/плюс The ghost’s song)

The ghost’s song

I live in the castle,

My scary old castle,

Sooooo! Here I am!

Stay away from my towers,

My scary old towers,

Oooooh! Here I am!

Here’s my garden,

My scary old garden,

Booooo! Here I am!

Downstairs in my cellar,

In my scary old cellar,

Wooooo! Here I am!

Don’t come near my attic,

My scary old attic,

Aooooo! Here I am!

These are beautiful songs! I like them very much.

The next contest “Halloween riddles” (Приложение) you had to prepare at home. As far as I know you’ve got a lot of funny and interesting Halloween riddles!

The teacher

Let’s listen to “Funny pumpkins” riddles.


- I flight at night because I don't like light

(Bat) Слайд №7

- I'm scary and white. I come out at night. Who am I? (Ghost)

Слайд №8

- I've got soft black fur. When you hold me I purr. Who am I?

(Black cat) Слайд №9

- I'm round on all sides. I've got a light inside. Who am I?

(Jack-o-lantern) Слайд №10

- I've got a black cat and a big pointed hat. Who am I?

(Witch) Слайд №11

- I’m yellow or white. I smile on Halloween night. Who am I?

(Moon) Слайд №12

The teacher

And now it is the turn of “Little witches”.

She always flies on her magic broom,
She always flies around the moon
With a black hat on her head 
And what do you think, who is that?
(a witch) Слайд №13

It means bad luck, don’t look at it
If it crosses your path
And what do you think we call it?
(a black cat) Слайд №14

In masks and gowns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat
Tonight we are the king and queen
For all tonight is ………..
(Halloween) Слайд №15

Sometimes big and sometimes small
But always round and yellow
When the children make my famous grin
Then I’m a scary fellow
(Jack – O’ – Lantern) Слайд №16

I am a big and round
Once upon a time I grew on the ground
Now I have a mouth, 2 eyes and a nose
Who am I do you suppose?
(pumpkin) Слайд №17

I see a friendly shining moon
As big and round as a balloon
Soon I will go out on the street
With my friend for our ………….
(trick–or–treat) Слайд №18

The teacher

Nice work! Your riddles are really great fun!

Extra-contestA scary story
(Ведущие рассказывают ученикам мистическую историю).

Ведущие открывают дверь и говорят:

Dear pupils, what a holiday without a spooky story! Do you like spooky stories? We do.

Do you want a scary story?

(Презентация In the dark, dark wood)

Presenters tell the story:

In the dark, dark forest, there is a dark, dark house.

In the dark, dark house there is a dark, dark room.

In the dark, dark room there is a dark, dark cupboard.

In the dark, dark cupboard there is a dark, dark box.

In the dark, dark box there is a dark, dark ghost!!!

The teacher

Are you scared?

Thank you for your story!

I’d like to offer you “The witch’s spell” contest. Слайд №19

You should pronounce all together:

Слайд №20

Whether the weather is cold,

Or whether the weather is hot,

We’ll be together whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.

Let’s try at first with me.

Well, “Funny pumpkins”, your attempt is.

Little witches”, you are welcome!

(Заклинание ведьмы).

(Необходимо произнести скороговорку на английском языке. Побеждает тот, кто сделает это быстрее и без запинок.)

The teacher

Thank you, teams!

The last contest isHalloween Quiz”. You should choose the right answer.

Слайд №21

1. When is Halloween celebrated?

a) December 25-th

b) February 14-th

c) October 31-st

Слайд №22

2. What colors are associated with Halloween?

a) Red and green

b) Orange and black

c) Yellow and blue

Слайд №23

3. Who can walk through the walls?

a) Witches

b) Goblins

c) Ghosts

Слайд №24

4. What is worn around the neck to keep vampires away?

a) Garlic

b) Onion

c) Pepper

Слайд №25

5. How many bones are there in the human skeleton?

a) About 50

b) Over 200

c) Over 1000

Слайд №26

6. What does a witch use for transport?

a) A hat

b) A broomstick

c) A motorbike

The teacher

It’s a pity but our competition is coming to the end. There is a tradition in England to give funny cards on Halloween. That’s why I would like to give you little Halloween cards. I think they will remember you the happy moments of this day.

And there’s one more Halloween tradition. Children are usually given a lot of sweets, cakes or chocolates.

Слайд №27

Trick or treat, trick or treat. (Pupils)

Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.
Give us candy, give us cake,
Give us something sweet to take.
Give us cookies, fruit and gum,
Hurry up and give us some.
You had better do it quick
Or we'll surely play a trick.
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.

This sweet Halloween present is for you, dear boys and girls. Thank you very much for taking part in the party. Enjoy your meal.

(Ну, вот наш праздник подходит к концу. В Англии на Хэллоуин принято дарить веселые открытки. И я сегодня хочу подарить вам открытки на память о нашем празднике. А еще на Хэллоуин принято есть много сладкого и вкусного, поэтому предлагаю сесть и отведать угощения. Спасибо вам. Всего хорошего.)

Используемые материалы:









http://ppt4web.ru/anglijjskijj-jazyk/alloeen0.html (презентация “In the dark, dark wood”)



Аудиоприложение к учебнику английского языка Millie для 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / С.И. Азарова, Э.Н. Дружинина и др., - Обнинск: Титул, 2010.

Просмотр содержимого презентации

In the dark, dark … In a dark, dark wood there is a dark, dark ... house .

In the dark, dark …

In a dark, dark wood

there is a dark, dark ...

house .

And in the dark, dark house there is a dark, dark ... room .

And in the dark, dark house

there is a dark, dark ...

room .

And in the dark, dark room there is a dark, dark ... cupboard .

And in the dark, dark room

there is a dark, dark ...

cupboard .

And in the dark, dark cupboard there is a dark, dark … box .

And in the dark, dark cupboard there is a dark, dark …

box .

And in the dark, dark box there is a ... ghost

And in the dark, dark box

there is a ... ghost

Просмотр содержимого презентации

Funny Pumpkins

Funny Pumpkins

On the 31st of October we become magic lanterns or “Jack – O’ – Lanterns”. “ Jack – O’ – Lantern” got its name from a boy named Jack. According to an old Irish legend he was a miser, so he could not enter the heaven. But poor Jack played tricks on the devil, so he could not enter the hell either. Jack has to walk with his lantern, waiting for Judgment Day.

On the 31st of October we become magic lanterns or “Jack – O’ – Lanterns”.

“ Jack – O’ – Lantern” got its name from a boy named Jack. According to an old Irish legend he was a miser, so he could not enter the heaven. But poor Jack played tricks on the devil, so he could not enter the hell either. Jack has to walk with his lantern, waiting for Judgment Day.

Little witches



Witches are magic women. Some witches are young but most of them are old and ugly. It was believed they held big meetings every season. One meeting came on October 31st. Halloween became the witches night. They had a wonderful time there. They flew to their meetings on broomsticks. They danced in a ring, two together, back to back and wished people bad luck, storm and sickness.

Witches are magic women. Some witches are young but most of them are old and ugly. It was believed they held big meetings every season. One meeting came on October 31st. Halloween became the witches night. They had a wonderful time there. They flew to their meetings on broomsticks. They danced in a ring, two together, back to back and wished people bad luck, storm and sickness.

J O E E S K L T N S M O N E A T A R S H W O R C C B A A J K D S K X M A T L A E R Y T O W I N I O G L B L L A E O F B Z T V L A I M C T N W O A S T O G K T H H E E L M T B E E U H K O T R N I C I R P P M K I L A N  U













































































































HALLOWEEN RIDDLES  I flight at night because  I don't like light .


I flight at night because

I don't like light .

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES  I'm scary and white.  I come out at night.  Who am I?


I'm scary and white.

I come out at night.

Who am I?

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES  I've got soft black fur. When you hold me I purr.  Who am I?


I've got soft black fur.

When you hold me I purr.

Who am I?

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES  I'm round on all sides.  I've got a light inside.  Who am I?


I'm round on all sides.

I've got a light inside.

Who am I?

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES I've got a black cat and  a big pointed hat. Who am I?


I've got a black cat and

a big pointed hat.

Who am I?

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES I’m yellow or white. I smile on Halloween night. Who am I?


I’m yellow or white.

I smile on Halloween night.

Who am I?

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES  She always flies on her magic broom,  She always flies around the moon  With a black hat on her head   And what do you think, who is that?


She always flies on her magic broom, She always flies around the moon With a black hat on her head  And what do you think, who is that?

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES It means bad luck, don’t look at it,  If it crosses your path.  And what do you think we call it?


It means bad luck, don’t look at it, If it crosses your path. And what do you think we call it?

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES In masks and gowns we haunt the street  And knock on doors for trick or treat  Tonight we are the king and queen  For all tonight is ………..


In masks and gowns we haunt the street And knock on doors for trick or treat Tonight we are the king and queen For all tonight is ………..

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES Sometimes big and sometimes small  But always round and yellow.  When the children make my famous grin  Then I’m a scary fellow.


Sometimes big and sometimes small But always round and yellow. When the children make my famous grin Then I’m a scary fellow.

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES I am a big and round  Once upon a time I grew on the ground  Now I have a mouth, 2 eyes and a nose  Who am I do you suppose?


I am a big and round Once upon a time I grew on the ground Now I have a mouth, 2 eyes and a nose Who am I do you suppose?

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES I see a friendly shining moon  As big and round as a balloon  Soon I will go out on the street  With my friend for our ………….


I see a friendly shining moon As big and round as a balloon Soon I will go out on the street With my friend for our ………….

The witch’s spell

The witch’s spell

Whether the weather is cold, Or whether the weather is hot, We’ll be together whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not.

Whether the weather is cold,

Or whether the weather is hot,

We’ll be together whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.

Halloween QUIZ When is Halloween celebrated? a) December, 25-th b) February, 14-th c) October, 31-st October, 31-st

Halloween QUIZ

When is Halloween celebrated?

a) December, 25-th

b) February, 14-th

c) October, 31-st

October, 31-st

Halloween QUIZ What colors are associated with Halloween? a) Red and green b) Orange and black c) Yellow and blue Orange and black

Halloween QUIZ

What colors are associated with Halloween?

a) Red and green

b) Orange and black

c) Yellow and blue

Orange and black

Halloween QUIZ Who can walk through  the walls? a) Witches b) Goblins c) Ghosts Ghosts

Halloween QUIZ

Who can walk through

the walls?

a) Witches

b) Goblins

c) Ghosts


Halloween QUIZ What is worn around the neck to keep vampires away? a) Garlic b) Onion c) Pepper Garlic

Halloween QUIZ

What is worn around the neck to keep vampires away?

a) Garlic

b) Onion

c) Pepper


Halloween QUIZ How many bones are there in the human skeleton? a) About 50 b) Over 200 c) Over 1000 Over 200

Halloween QUIZ

How many bones are there in the human skeleton?

a) About 50

b) Over 200

c) Over 1000

Over 200

Halloween QUIZ What does a witch use for transport? a) A hat b) A broomstick c) A motorbike A broomstick

Halloween QUIZ

What does a witch use for transport?

a) A hat

b) A broomstick

c) A motorbike

A broomstick



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Trick or Treat", посвященного празднику Halloween

Автор: Коробова Анна Андреевна

Дата: 07.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 198408

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